Where do you guys usually study? Currently, i'm studying at my dorm, lately i've been fucking distracted...

Where do you guys usually study? Currently, i'm studying at my dorm, lately i've been fucking distracted, i would check my phone every minute, make tea, walk around, sleep, daydream or even browse Veeky Forums and youtube with my laptop, i'm starting to decide to go to the library.

The campus library, I have 1 and 2 hour gaps between classes most days, which is too short to justify driving home, so I just get my studying done during the day

I can't focus as well at home since I'm bad at mentally keeping apart work/recreation space, so when I study I usually do it at my university.

Op here, should i study in library?

Clearly, you chose the wrong subject to study. When you study in a field that you genuinely feel interest in you will find it impossible to get out the subject rather than playing with toys and phones. Tip: Find something fun and play around before you study.

Explain why med students still get unmotivated during their course of study?

because he's memeing.

studying oftentimes involves shit you don't find interesting, or shit which is not as interesting as the stuff which is built up on it. And the only way to learn it is to just get through it

Library is probably a good idea. I study partly at home and at campus. At home it's quiet and at campus there are all kinds of retards strolling around. In general I study in group at campus and alone at home. Best thing to do is to attend some study circle or study with friends (wout shit-chat), ie sitting down, reading and doing exercises and open your mouth only when in desperate need.

In my bed on my phone or reading a book.
I learn by myself, school is gay.

I get depressed when studying at home, especially in the late night, it gets very lonely


>he needs to study

Brainlet pls go.

Yea sure, as if anyone would hire you when you graduate, no one wants a smug lazy "genius" who's too full of himself, not to mention med school applicants wants hard workers who actually take their job seriously and not get people killed.

I read books in bed late in the evening. Occasionallly uni library

I'll switch it up but you'll have distractions every generally.

This is nice, you can get in the zone easier, but I find it hard not to get distracted by the book collections. I'll be doing complex analysis but then I'll see a book on Classical and Quantum Computing ( theoretical side ) and peruse that. Then I'll see a book on Operator Algebras and peruse that. Induct on this and I took an hour and a half of my time.

Nice, I have all my music collection at my disposal, I have food and drink accessible, but I also have the internet on my gaming PC, so that is a distraction.

>Outside at a park
This is nice but unreliable and I don't have access to all my reference books unless I pack them all with me which is impractical. Also if parents take their kids to the park they can get loud but as long as they are consistently making noise it eventually drowns out. Also no reliable internet to look up further references.

There is no perfect place, so I think the moral of the story is you just gotta ignore distractions as best you can. Some places are better than others depending on what distracts you.

Yes but if you can't find a study partner then you have no choice but do it on your own. Just push through it

user have you ever heard of a strip club? I'm pretty sure you're at least 18.

I once thought to go to a coffee shop but no good since there's a lot of distraction

Only place to really study is either home or Library

Computer / home. If I can't focus, am distracted, or too stressed, I take in drugs until that's no longer the case.

Tunnel vision is acceptable if it can otherwise be directed. The other alternative is apathy of your environment and context.

In my room I do so while blasting anime music. You get really in the mood to do math.

Just finished doing some integrals practicing for calc II and it was very nice.

To study properly you need to feel like you don't have anything else you should be doing. What I do is I check the front page of Veeky Forums, check kiss.anime to see if something has aired, I check youtube to see if some new video has been published. I call my skype group to be sure that no one is up to play videogames. Then I masturbate to be sure that I don't get horny while doing math.

After all that, what is left to do? Fucking studying... so I do. I study. Do some homework too maybe.

You have to do this. Do everything you need to do and then study, you will feel great.

I go through the motions of accepting that I don't want to study, I whine like a spoit brat in my own head but then I remind myself why I am doing all of this and how its a necessary step towards long term goals.

Then i do my work

Home, bed, floor, on the sink, on the table, etc.

Do you need a blanket?

In my room, with no music on. But I don't work the same amount every day. Some days I'll be very motivated or I'll have seen an interesting problem/book and I'll get right to it but at other times I'll just spend the day thinking about stuff, watching cartoons or sleeping.

In all fairness, many med students aren't that interested in medicine, even among the good ones.

I ain't paying good money for that

Explain 95% graduation rate for med students, surely they can't all be ultra smart savants, i mean i'm in grad school, but i don't have autism

library with people that are studying the same as me.