Just made some homemade clam chowder. Thoughts?

Just made some homemade clam chowder. Thoughts?


your bowl is chipped

i like your non-uniform potato size

>your bowl is chipped
This, that's the shittiest bowl I've ever seen in my entire life

What inspired the choice of Manhattan style instead of New England? And what kind of clams did you use?

>what kind of clams did you use?
ur mums

I think your bowl is really chipped


slice the carrots thin like coins.

Looks good. I'd devour it.

Is that a soup can in the background?
Homemade my ass


needs more clams


coins aren't thin.

>not using the superior oblique cut.

>no clams

this is illegal

Thin and watery.
Thicken your chowder, otherwise it is clam soup.

What is Manhattan style normally thickened with? Is it served with crackers or something, because I've noticed it is often served very watery

Your dads cum

>Manhattan style


>productive question
>retarded answer
this fucking board

>guido chowder