Can somebody make a brainlet wojak but his head is the shape of that bubble meme chart that is always posted here?

Can somebody make a brainlet wojak but his head is the shape of that bubble meme chart that is always posted here?

Attached: brainlet2.png (645x729, 75K)

This one

Attached: bubblememegraph.gif (800x518, 33K)

this has potential...

You could do it yourself in 2 minutes.

I'll do it...for money

also one where the head is a one of those bubble blowing rings, with a trail of bubbles floating up out of frame. or one of those bubble making toys that run on battery


Attached: brainlet grap.png (1038x729, 66K)

lmao horrible

I really couldn't



my try

Attached: bubbly wojak.jpg (261x236, 15K)

Attached: 1515873779942.png (653x566, 23K)

I gotchu senpai

s m h

Attached: return_to_normal.png (794x729, 67K)

it's a rush

Attached: brainler2.png (800x600, 100K)

this is it boys

i like that one :D


Attached: IMG_9270.png (702x486, 94K)

Pretty good shit anons lmao

oops I accidentally bubblified his eyebrow

yeah, and also a pretty rare wojak now

someone should put the head under the bear trap
perfect form

another 1

Attached: the bubbly wojak.jpg (261x236, 13K)

Alright, here.


Attached: newparadigm.png (645x729, 121K)

now we need to assemble this into masterwojak

good stuff, now with a tulip behind the ear

Attached: bubblememewojack.jpg (645x729, 106K)

Good shit.

Attached: 1502825867320.png (378x357, 81K)

Some background added

Attached: bubblememewojack2.jpg (645x729, 168K)

We’re entering bizzario humour levels that shouldn’t be possible. Wtf do I tell my GF when she asks me what I’m giggling at. It would take a ten minute explanation and I would only achieve her thinking I’m insane

as such?

Attached: brainlet3.png (800x600, 119K)

Bunch of great ones in here, thanks anons