but honestly, really makes you think.... :/

>trying to reduce things to their most basic


There are people who actually believe tht.

We get it critics: you don't like everything.

We get it physicists, things are attracted to other things

Is this asshole seriously saying poetry is all simile and metaphor? What about rhyme or more importantly metre? Imagery? Fuck

Why do plebeians have a special sort of humor? They love puns too especially, just look at Reddit.

We get it, sentient lifeforms: some things are true and some things are false.

>some things are true
>some things are false

sure buddy

Sorry, did you just imply that what I said was false?

>implying not everything in this world is relative and there are things like moral or logical objectivity and the such
EINSTEIN came up with the relativity theory. Maybe you should listen to him because he was far smarter than any of you.

>getting triggered over a literal philistine


>theory of relativity has to do with objective and subjective values

kys famalam

Damn dude. That really made me think.

I don't see the hate with puns, they're a sort of unspoken humour though. It ruins the fun if some dumb cunt bursts out laughing shouting 'HAHA I GET IT!!!!!!' as if he's clever for picking it up

Intricate and esoteric jokes are just that. The masses flock into a thick impenetrable darkness and lose their subjectivity!

To be fair, 99% of contemporary poetry doesn't even pretend to bother with meter or rhyme schemes. That being said, this is one retard commenting on a bunch of other retards and then being patted on the back by a third group of even more sheepish retards for it.

Yeah, he's called Einstein for a reason.

He's called Einstein because he's number one.

Another is saying anything in ebonics (look up Blackpeopletwitter). Apparently just saying "senpai" after anything makes it hilarious.

it's forbidden words, mostly by white people. You'd sound like a tit if you walked into your local cafe and said 'ay yo hit me up wid summa dat flat white senpai lmao', so it feels like a release when you can vent out online

We tend to fall for the same thing around here, David Foster Wallace.

>tfw its painfully obvious when when its white kids trying to speak 'ebonics'
>they dont even do it right

It depends on where you live. I've met whites who unironically talk and act like that 24/7, even around black people.

Sorry, I suppose I should say 'middle class suburban people'

>>they dont even do it right
Why the fuck do you care?

Also I had no idea f a m got autoedited to senpai. Nice one, asian moot.

Because I'm Black, I can say these things..

Its like this: if you're going to be a posing faggot at least be convincing.

>tfw white friend tries to 'talk hood' when more of my black friends, obviously trying to fit in
>its pretty cringe but we just walk around it.

It's called 'mirroring', same way you wouldn't go full ghettospeak around a group of old white people

>help a bunch of black homeless people for years

>they call me brotha nigger or nigga in a friendly manner as they've gotten to know me,

>can't say nigga back

ya just another sensitive black boy who likes throwing around his trash talk but doesn't like others using it.

>I can say these things
Doesn't mean you or anyone else should. Act and speak like an adult.

It's only 'mirroring' in the friends case. For your old white people: its pretty obvious they wont understand a word I'm saying, so I'll talk in a way they can understand.

The white friend dosent need to do that. Infact its better that he speak normally, to spare our ears.

tell him then

>I don't have to be your homie, Sean, I can be your bro too

>brings up 'why cant i say nigga" as if thats even what I was talking about.

Please stop being stupid.

Where have I not?

This place likes irony. They like puns.

It all leaves me mostly nonplussed.

The danger with irony is that eventually everyone convinces themselves to become dogshit retarded.

Confusing irony with intelligence, as if they were interchangeable.

>really makes you think
It's never going to be a meme outside of /pol/ lad

I don't even go to /hell/, it's a thing on /int/. (And all of Veeky Forums.)

no it acually started on /mu/

Subtle and smart puns are great, fuck off.

Haha you, sir, are right. Here have this gold my awesome friend :D

>some things are true

This is what the sheeple actually believe