Do you like to smoke weed before reading? Or do you find it makes it too difficult?

Do you like to smoke weed before reading? Or do you find it makes it too difficult?

Other urls found in this thread:

Intellectualism is my drug.

weed is for pleb musicians

caffeine, alcohol, nicotine, amphetamines, cocaine and opiates are literary drugs








LSD sure seems to have done wonders for your "Ego Death".


u bet i smoke a few reefers if i'm reading the ol' pynchmeister . . .

Smoking and reading don't really mix (with Pynchon being the obvious exception, Gravity's Rainbow begs to be re-read stoned off your ass), I usually prefer it as a way to unwind after a hard day of study.

My current schedule

>Wake up
>largest breakfast I can stomach
>quad shot of espresso
>morning walk and a cigarette to refresh the sleeping body
>autodidact study until I get a migraine
>pop half a dozen T3s, smoke a trio of nice big bong tokes and chug down a cup of Kava Kava brew
>go for an evening walk listening to Trap music
>get home, brew some chamomile valerian tea and take a mixture of various OTC herbal sleep supplements
>pass out at some point and regain consciousness in the morning
>rinse and repeat

I'm comfortably in a downward spiral leading to a life of empty intellectualism and homelessness AKA the only patrician lifestyle still available. Now if I could only build up the courage to jack off at the grocery store, I could start to live like a true Diogenes.

>implying you could do anything "unnatural" to yourself

Are you so vain as to think that you aren't a part of nature?

From across the gulf of time and space.

You my nigga.

Good luck earning that media degree, pal. I'm sure your dad is very proud.

>as to think

How is basic English grammar going user?

Finally getting those tenses down?

You misunderstand, I'm calling you a try hard.

My mistake, how is being an anti-intellectual pleb going?

Would "Suh dude, everything we do is nature man, we are the veins of the trees my nigga" work better for you?

>for you


bad post, L

That's actually a pretty interesting proposition. I held that belief for a while but ended up abandoning it. The distinction lies in how you define 'nature'. How do you define nature?

>ton of drugs to wake up
>ton of drugs to go to sleep
You'd probably save a lot of time and money if you toned it down a bit

I've only done it a few times. It's useful in order to pick up on a book's atmosphere, especially when the book hasn't clicked with you yet, but otherwise it's awful. Any sort of complexity or ambiguity turns into a sort of hopeless problem and you just have to move on, and I find myself constantly failing to remember what happened 3 pages ago and being lost.

But I don't really enjoy anything while high so that might have something to do with it.

Classifying drugs for specific purposes/people is for plebs.

I honestly just smoke weed constantly

made me kek and feel bad for it

It just depends on the book. I enjoy reading sci-fi stoned, as well as other light novels like The Big Sleep or any Wodehouse because being high actually increases my focus on the story. But if I'm reading a denser novel like Gaddis or something and I'm high, I'll usually do more rereading than usual. As for non-fiction, I usually prefer reading sober with unmitigated retention rates.

drugfags don't have the discipline to live like diogenes

Well, superficially if you keep any Junkie in supply they'll happily live in a barrel, wander about being argumentative and wear nothing but a bedsheet.

If it was some casual entertainment I didn't plan to get anything out of it isn't a problem.

Any books actually worth thinking about, no.

Then again I hardly smoke anymore anyway.

Exactly, the trick is to do it sober. Being a Cynic is about living with the bare necessities, the simple bare necessities, not about being a decadent who just happens to sleep outside.

When all Diogenes is to you is "degenerate that lives in a barrel" you'd probably make a poor Diogenes.

But go for it anyway I guess.

>jack off at the grocery store

>Do you like to smoke weed before reading?

>Or do you find it makes it too difficult?
No. About the same difficulty.

Alcohol makes reading more difficult. I have trouble concentrating.

>Dude weed lmao xdd

Grow up.

I will get high before reading Ulysses sometimes, but it doesn't necessarily add or take away much due to the nature of the book.


I literally cannot read stoned. It's very frustrating.

Strunk would murder you just for saying that

Hence "Superficially".

Such a creature would greatly resemble Diogenes in lifestyle and appearance if not actual cranial contents.

>Such a creature would greatly resemble Diogenes in lifestyle
I don't think such a creature would spend his days trying to teach citizens about virtue and risking his life doing so.

who else /weedmakesyoupanic/ here?

nigs, you are all obviously retarded

best of luck!

Is this the low I.Q. thread?

Not full on panic but a bit. It happened as the stress of my program got to me and now I can't smoke at all without being uncomfortable, which sort of defeats the purpose. Booze though, booze works fine.

I came home once after smoking weed and i was pretty cooked and I started reading Storybro's Magically Lewd Road Trip. Shit was cash. Listened to "Nothing Feels Good" by the Promise Ring which complimented it perfectly it was like I was lying on my couch but I was so warm I was floating away on a road trip in California. Shit was tight, man.


No and not out of difficulty, assigned material is another story though.


Yes. No.

yes. more specifically, it's the thread for chronic psychoactive drug consumers

>psychoactive drugs
i'll be even more specific; weed


ha ha ha

>he read Gravity's rainbow and still gets anxiety from cannabis


personally I like to huff paint and take 3 or 4 percs before sitting down with an audiobook

creates a really comfy vibe

>thinking they can do drugs everyday whilst living a life without any needs or dependencies

>he read
>he still feels when exposed to what physiologically causes it
>this is evidence of him not having read deeply enough

good catch
what should I read to solve my haemorrhoid problems, my literary critic friend?

dan brown

>he's going to think i'm joking

Pynchons my fav writer for sure because my fav thing in books is goofs, gags, jokes and rambunctious behavior, and his books are full to the brim of it. Every novel is like one of those novelty snake cans, you open the book & POP you get a face fulla snakes and you fall back cackling. The mad mind, the crack genius, to do it! and then you think hmmm whats he gonna do next, this trickster, and you pick the book back up and BZZZZZZZZZZ you get a shock and Hahahahahah you've been pranked again by the old pynchmeister, that card. "Did that Pynch?" he says, laughing yukyukyukyuk. Watch him as he shoves a pair of plastic buck teeth right up into his mouth and displays em for you- left, right, center- "you like dese? Do i look handsome???" Pulls out a mirror. "Ah!" Hand to naughty mouth. And you're on your ass again laughing as he snaps his suspenders, exits stage right, and appears again hauling a huge golden gong.

made it too difficult. Now i trip off my mental illness and read

why would I poison myself?

Some Hesse is pretty good while stoned.

It's pretty good when you do it in moderation. I feel like it makes me more focused and makes me feel things really intensely on an emotional level. Obviously if you use it too much you're just going to be a lazy stoned idiot.

No it isn't, you just think it is because it gets you off.

It's just what I've noticed as far as it's effect on me goes.

>It's just what I've noticed as far as it's effect on me goes.
>it's effect

why would I poison myself?

So what, you don't drink or something?

only Alex Jones' juice

what does drink have to do with dan brown?

were you trying to defend weed somehow and quoted the wrong post?

i've been using brain force for 6 months now
i've gotten into shape, controlled my eating, began growing food in my own backyard, lost my virginity to a girl with whom i am now going steady, finished the entirety of henry james' and charles dickens' oeuvres, and completed the first draft of my anti-globalist literary detective novel

thank you alex jones, i'm breaking the conditioning

you are the resistance

I fucking hate this copypaste.

This, the skress is too much. I stick with booze.

that reaction is dependent on the strain, heavy indica won't make you nearly as unsettled as sativa. I've smoked for 5 years and I still sometimes get a panic rise out of pure sativa, it's like drinking way too much caffeine.


This. I read the ending of Steppenwolf while stoned, was fantastic

Pynchons my fav writer for sure because my fav thing in books is goofs, gags, jokes and rambunctious behavior, and his books are full to the brim of it. Every novel is like one of those novelty snake cans, you open the book & POP you get a face fulla snakes and you fall back cackling. The mad mind, the crack genius, to do it! and then you think hmmm whats he gonna do next, this trickster, and you pick the book back up and BZZZZZZZZZZ you get a shock and Hahahahahah you've been pranked again by the old pynchmeister, that card. "Did that Pynch?" he says, laughing yukyukyukyuk. Watch him as he shoves a pair of plastic buck teeth right up into his mouth and displays em for you- left, right, center- "you like dese? Do i look handsome???" Pulls out a mirror. "Ah!" Hand to naughty mouth. And you're on your ass again laughing as he snaps his suspenders, exits stage right, and appears again hauling a huge golden gong.

Are there any good books to read while stone?

I feel like reading Mark Z Danielewski's stuff would be fun to read high.

I like the Great Gatsby

>I honestly just smoke weed constantly

me too mate, it is getting a little old though.

in response to OP, yes, I do enjoy smoking while reading. it brings the experience to a fuller and often times euphoric degree. i smoke enough that it isn't difficult for me to concentrate and understand what's going on.

also, bonus points for poetry. recently been enjoying some Robert Creeley after a long hard day and some nice bong rips.

I've only smoked while reading recently and I've greatly enjoyed my time spent doing so thus far.

>when you're reading hard sci-fi while high and the author begins explaining how inertial dampeners work

I've found Paul Auster to be great while high, especially the New York Trilogy

I am also constantly high. Right on brother.

Don't talk to me.

why does most of Veeky Forums have a hate boner for weed?
as soon as it's mentioned it opens the floodgates to trite copy and paste memeing
if it's meant to be a dig at stoner teenagers who see smoking weed as their identity, then I think the memes have gone past the point and turned itself on its head

why is it given more significance and attention than just drinking coffee or having a beer?
it's just weed

>trap music


>jack off at the grocery store

I've done that. It's unfulfilling, user.

Trap music lol

>tfw trying to stop solo-smoking
>been doing good for about a month
>friend leaves some weed at your house
>end up spending ten minutes staring at a joint you've rolled trying to convince yourself if you smoke it, you'd start working on your short story straight after, and not try and invade people as Guts in DSIII
>manage to do about a 100 words and just go to sleep

Is this the sign of an addictive personality? I'm trying to find more discipline in my life. Both my mother and the Dutch were disappointed in my need to push things. I'm Irish too, and the taste of lager from a cold glass or whiskey without ice makes my throat dance.

Caffeine, nicotine, and amphetamines are drugs that actually work for reading. I would imagine cocaine would be good too but I've never tried it so I can't be sure.

When I smoke weed I just end up watching Spongebob or Sailor Moon and still barely understand what's going on, it's a fun time though.

I tried reading GR after smoking some weed and, as expected, I didn't get anything out of it. I laughed and had fun but I needed to go back and reread all that.


>>been doing good for about a month

You might be more prone to addiction or something, but if you can go without weed for a month then I think it's safe to say you're not addicted. There's nothing wrong with doing things you like. If you find yourself doing it every week then there might be a problem on route.
If my friend left some weed at my house I'd probably smoke it too; I'm hardly an addict and have only smoked like 10 times in my entire life. If you were actually addicted you would be seeking it out and would not rely on chance to get your fix.

"Junk is the ideal product . . . the ultimate merchandise. No sales talk necessary. The client will crawl through a sewer and beg to buy. . . . The junk merchant does not sell his product to the consumer, he sells the consumer to his product."
- Burroughs

Also if you ever find yourself saying or thinking "I could quit any time I want, I just don't want to," then you really have a problem and should seek help.

do you have a Veeky Forums addiction currently?

I always read when I'm stoned. When I was younger it was impossible, but now that my tolerance is higher and my mind is a little sharper I can read effortlessly. I am a complete failure when I try to read nonfiction or study or pay attention to a lecture stoned. Going to High School stoned is fine for me, it didn't affect my grades at all, but don't try that shit in a college class you will definitely fail. There's just too many different variables and responsibilities you have to juggle at that time in order to be stoned 24/7 like I was in High School.

I wouldn't say just Veeky Forums but an internet addiction in general. Yes.


I used to smoke quite a bit a few months ago. I think I spend like 250 dollars on two weeks worth of bud but I ended up smoking it in less than three days.
At first I thought it helped me work things out in my mind but now I've realized it's just another distraction like caffeine or nicotine.
I think it's kind of funny that Bob Marley is so commonly merchandised these days. I think he betrayed his roots for trying to commercialize the Rastafarian image. Now anyone can say they practice Rastafarianism but they don't have a single clue what that means. They just see a picture of Marley and think that shit is sacred but then will be huge consumerists the next moment.
Rastafarian is almost a brand name now

No. I can't read while i'm stoned. My mind will wander a lot until i discover that i read the same settence 20 times.
Listening to music is the only thing i like to do when i'm stoned.

And you're not addicted to the internet?

no, i'm on the internet

was nice for the ice castle or whatever that story is named about the dumb loli who explores the ice. very comfy