In lots of media I always see somebody with a can of beans, opened like this, eating out of it with a spoon

In lots of media I always see somebody with a can of beans, opened like this, eating out of it with a spoon

Anybody here do this? I assume it's not heated since cans are metal, how is it? I've never had cold beans

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most of the time I've seen people eat a can of beans like this, it's after they've put the can on a campfire or something like that

I imagine that cold beans from a can are disgusting

nice, nicer even
especially if the are actually cold warm isn't that good

If it was just on the fire than how do you handle it without burns?


Most of the time it's soldiers, frontiersmen or hobos I see doing that in movies/shows. It's a meal you eat while you are uncomfortable and desperate

The beans are already cooked so you only need to heat them to eating temperature, not cook them in the can. Also, lots of cans have a lining that leeches into the food content and shouldn't be used as a cooking instrument at all.

I eat and canned food straight from the can when I'm too drunk to cook something

I did this when I only had a wood stove for cooking

Tongs or sticks
hotpads or rags
Or pic related

not even joking.
some times when I am bored to hell (you know the kind where you just get depressed from having nothing to do) so go into our basement, wear a military helmet and sit on an upsidown metal bucket and eat cold beans out of the can
I usually put on a radio and have it one one of those stations that play shit like The Glenn Miller Band or i would just play it on the record player we have down there,I could spend between half an hour to an hour and a half sitting there eating beans.
Its comfy as fuck to be honest.

Best or worst way to deal with any emotional problems if you ask me.
though, I haven't done it for a few months

how does the lining have stuff that leeches into the food when the beans are cooked and pasteurized in the can? Part of the canning process is heating the can well above 200F

Don't remove the lid fully - leave it like in the OP pic or even more firmly attached. It won't heat up nearly as much as the can and you can use it as a handle.

It's a bit troublesome because the food tends to burn on the bottom, stay cool towards the top, and is so thick and the can so full it's really hard to stir. But it's doable, just not very comfortable and easy to spill some.

Pic: me heating a tin of risotto on a railroad switch, using grill lighter cubes.

The inner lining in many canned products contains bisphenol. Oxicidation causes it to leech into the cans content, which is why it is never recommended to store canned food in the can after opening. This is the stuff in plastic bottles that causes cancer and hormonal disturbances btw.


Interesting character

>Citing mercola

Holy shit

>Anybody here do this?

Not since I hopped freight trains and dumpster dived. Cold straight out of the can chef boyardee ravioli still has a special place though.

I just picked a random article from google. What is mercola?

The URL of the site you linked to.

i really like room temp canned beans

i like canned refried beans better though

It does leech during the canning process.

The biggest source of exposure to bisphenol is through packaged foods like canned goods.

Thank you for elaborating, user. Without your supreme knowledge this site would be an empty shell of pointless shitposting. Thank god some people still contribute with wise and well chosen words to educate the masses. I hope you carry yourself with pride and that you lay yourself to rest with a clean conscience tonight. We would be lost without you.

Ask a stupid question
Get a stupid answer.

Did you mean to ask "what's wrong with Mercola"?

No, I meant to ask "please explain the reasoning behind your statement" but prefered to keep it simple since the average 4channers IQ is below triple digits.

That statement wasn't mine, user.

I didn't imply it either. Your reading comprehention is atrocious.

You just used the word "your" in a reply to me user. I don't see how I could misinterpret that.

I repeat, your reading comprehension is atrocious. Did your mother drop you on your head as a child? Fed you lead based paint perhaps?

>pic related
Nothing extraordinary, it's just better hot.

My friend at trade school used to do it all the time.

This is an iconic image in America, generally used to evoke the Depression Era and single men going hobo in particular. Think about it: pork and beans was the poor man's staple food for so long in America that many families stopped eating it entirely once they reached a certain level of affluence. Another food equally associated with hobo camps of the Depression would be a hot dog on a stick cooked over a campfire. Hot dogs are another food that became so associated with poverty during the depression to the degree that affluent people stopped eating them after.

But of course beans out of a can are good, just like a hot dog on a stick is good. So is a pie stolen from a windowsill. But all three have strong whiffs of hobo associations which some find romantic and others demeaning.

There is a plastic coating to prevent the food from touching the metal...

If you put this over a campfire, the plastic will melt...


No there isn't, dipshit.

There LITERALLY is stupid faggot fucker.

Yes there is

OFC there's a coating inside the can. That's why the food within doesn't make the can rust while it sits there on the shelf. Google it.

It's unlikely that the coating will melt unless you leave it in the fire long enough to boil the contents dry. The water in the food will keep the liner below its melting point.

Not him but you two are either thick as fuck or live in a third world shithole.
>or both if you're Americans

>I've never opened a can before in my life but I'm still gonna tell people what they are


i can my own beans and eat them out of the jar

hot or cold

no plastic leaching coating to tell of either

When I'm /out/ I take a can of Heinz soup and heat it by the fire at dusk. Just peel back the lid and use it like a handle.
It's good and I don't mind the extra weight.