What the fuck is slope b?

I'm not asking you to do this for me, I just want to know what the fuck "slope b" is. I had to plug this data into minitab and make a suitable graph, fit a regression line and then state the value of slope b but I have no idea what the fuck that is?

Other urls found in this thread:


the slope the number in front of 'test 2' in the regression fit box at the bottom of the plot (1.203)

rate of change formula

Looks like 1.203 but that software is garbage

You're an idiot if you think that it's not already given to him right there.

So then whats the 30.04 for?

thats the intercept (what test 1 equals when test 2 is zero), also its -30.04

Is this using EViews? I hate that goddamn program.

Oh OK thanks. So that's what the y axis is equal to at zero. So then if I had to work out what someone would get on test 2 when they got 63 on test 1 how would I use that to work it out?
No it's minitab but it's not very helpful


why are you using that piece of shit.

Also -30.04 is your b slope from my memory of minitab

1.203 is the y intercept.

But someone said that the 1.3 value is the slope b

The slope is increasing, it is clearly a postive value.

Line equation is y =mx + b

In this case, b is the intercept and m is the slope. Just plug in numbers.

you're fucking retarded, read my post here minitab has done the calculations for him the value is right fucking there he doesnt need to plug in shit.

Please stop being such an aggressive dick. I appreciate the help but is that really necessary?

its not though you stupid american

fuck off read this post y= mx+b

1.203 IS the slope b value you stupid europoor, you can't prove me wrong either because it's literally right there.

Proof Europoors can't into maths.

Whether 1.203 is the y intercept I don't know though as I'm not familiar with minitab

I'm from Brasil idiot

First and foremost, what the fuck is a slope b.

I have NEVER heard that term before, is it exclusive to minitab? I know that the slope in a normal y equation is the last variable, is that what it means this time?

slope b is actually the b part of y = mx + b?

Or am I missing something here? What does OP need to plug in if that's not it because seriously, as far as I'm aware and from what I've learnt, 1.203 IS the slope, and it also happens to be the b value of the equation y = mx + b

Did this monkey get ahold of one of the Internet devices brought by the 1st world Olympians?

microcefalia confirmed

slope is m

b = f(0)

>slope clearly has a positive gradient
>it's actually -30.04

Brazilians are not smarter than americans.

>>it's actually -30.04

yup, b = f(0)

Thats fucking wrong,

Go to the bottom of this page and read the last 2 lines


Tell me that 1.203 isn't the slope now you shitty hue

at least fucking spell it right

f(x) = 1.203x - 30.04

slope = 1.203
slope b = -30.04

sorry, haven't been myself after zika

Are you fucking stupid or something??

Read this.

it states that the first value b0 in this case is the intercept

it states b1(x) is the SLOPE

the equation op posted is -30.04 + 1.203

Hue is proven wrong once again.

So does minitab show the equation as y = b + MX?

How can both values be slopes? What about the intercept

What is going on?

Use matlab or excel while solving linear regression

I can't I need to use minitab

>what the fuck is slope
it's the slant of your forehead
fgt pls

Are Brazilians and Americans this retarded?

Just look at it.
1.203 sounds good.

Rise over run is about 50/40 which is 1.25. That's with rough rounding.

You're retarded, its -30.04

how can the intercept be 1.203 when at 60 the y axis is at 42/43?

OK I'm going to assume is a troll.

So would that mean if someone got a score of 63 on test 1 they would have a score of 64 on test 2?

>what is the commutative property of addition?

I think you meant 74.
I don't know what these tests are, I was just talking about the slope.

Take any Test2 value, multiply by 1.203, subtract 30.04 and you have Test1

The reverse would be Test 1 value, add 30.04, divide by 1.203 to get test2

I haven't read the thread so someone might have said this pls no bully

To me, the value of a slope would mean its "slope" (rise over run)

I learned maths in a different language though, so it could be something else

Both of those posts are mine. Can provide pic if you haven't fucked off in embarassment

Software line excel and their knockoffs use b as the slope.

The variables don't matter, the relations do.

You could say y = x + ¿ if you wanted to.


No, the slope is how much x changes when y changes.

y = x is a line from the origin going up and left at a 45 degree angle.
y = -x is a through the origin going down and to the right.

Since the line is clearly up and to the left in op pic, it's positive, meaning it can't be -30. Therefore, the equation must be
y = 1.203x - 30

This is literally middle school math.

I meant to quote as my post you faggot.

Read this post its straight from minitabs website and says clearly that b0 IS THE Y INTERCEPT and b1 IS THE SLOPE

Since fucking when was the slope connected with x?

y = mx + b
mx = intercept
b = slope

Why else is it asking for the "slope b" ??

fuck off

So you're telling me that 1,203 is "slope b" when I've just said above that it can't be 1.203 because mx is the intercept

if that's the way you're typing it the slope b is -30

because y - mx + b

the way it is in OPs picture shows him that its y = b + mx because according to you "mx" = "1.203x" and "b" is "-30.04"

Are you seriously telling me that's correct?

So 1.203 is the value of slope b?

whoever wrote the question was a slop.

the slope is the rate of climb
the intercept is where the line hits the y-axis

the general way to write the formula is
y = ax+b

So, 'slope b' is a criminally sloppy and retarded
name for the intercept.
Whoever wrote the question should be fired and whipped in public.

This thread is hilarious

I'm with you, this is gold
What meant to say is that -30.04 is you're slope b

Yes, trust me. Otherwise you'd get negative test scores, which isn't possible

>Implying the slope = test scores
Are you retarded?

This is fucking wrong too
Op your better off going to reddit this thread is filled with idiots

ask yourself why the fuck you can't use R

Where does r come from ops question

He's trolling

Why are you putting words in my mouth?
If the equation was Y = -30x + 1.203, a test score on test 2 of 60 would be - 180 on test 1

thats exactly the format it is in though.

y = mx + b where the slope b is 1.203 and m aka the intercept is -30

Does it look to you like a test score of 1.203 on test 1 is 0 on test 2?


b is the intercept

test 2 = x
test 1 = y

1.203*(test 2 score) - 30 = test 1 score

a score of 1.203 on test 1 would be a score of 30 on test 2

So I've been reading it wron all along? then whats the fucking slope?

also OP disregard my posts I suck cock apprently

the confusion here is that the question asks for slope b.

the general form for the line equation is
y = mx + b
where m is the slope, and b is the y intercept
(what y is when x = 0)

when you said the slope b is 1.203 and the intercept is -30, that is correct, but in this case,
"slope b" is m
and b intercept.

you were right for the wrong reasons

Seriously surprised this thread is still going on.

I wrote down that "slope b" as the write sloppily put it is 1.203

And to work out a test 2 score when test 1 score is 63 would be (63+30.04)/1.203

Am I correct?

No and No.

You are correct.
Idk why you're being trolled so hard.
See my previous post

Thanks for not being a troll like the other guy, I understand it now.