How do I stop being a pseudo-intellectual faggot? How do I read books and get interesting and original ideas from them...

How do I stop being a pseudo-intellectual faggot? How do I read books and get interesting and original ideas from them? Is that even possible?

Just read them and relax, dont be in a race to feel like you "get them" better than the other guy. Besides, everyone has their own unique impressions when they read a thing.

Just remember that you don't actually know anything.

Read the bible.

All ideas are ultimately composites of others. Reading broader gives you a better pool from which to come up with stuff.

Stop resisting what you are, pseudo-intellectual faggot.

>OP hasn't gotten to Socrates yet

This. Read more, watch more films, experience life more, learn more skills. Just get off of Veeky Forums first

Ideas aren't the at the top of the highest levels of existence.

This completely. Read books that you want to read, and take from them what you do. Don't see what other people tell you about the book. Research the author, the time he lived in, the ideals he followed. Then apply those to your own ideas about the piece. Then, compare your take with those from actual academic critics, but never be discouraged if you disagree. If you cut yourself off from shitty armchair literature critics on the internet, you'll really be surprised at what you can come up with on your own.

You are always much smarter than you think you are.

>You are always much smarter than you think you are.
Right on, man

>these inspirational dubs

Utilize the other part of your brain used for listening. Audiobooks and audio lectures are great, listen or watch collegiate level lectures on authors books or genres

What's infinite jest about again ?


The American condition.



>All ideas are ultimately composites of others
But if this were true, no new ideas would be formed. No ideas would even exist, because there would have had to been the first idea.

The first and only idea is God, user.

Draw your circle. Venture out. See the barrier and begin the process of life. See the structure of fear.

read westerns

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