Math problem

How do you calculate your age in kilometers?

I'll tell you how if you all fail to answer it.

Distance earth has moves around the sun in one year x myage

>How do you calculate your age in kilometers?
You cant you retard. You measure time in seconds while distance in meters.

What about all the kilometers you move around on the Earth?


I dont get older by walking, i exist while the earth constantly moves

theoretically, you get younger by walking

I'm 22 years old and light travels 2.081 x 10^14 km in 22 years.

So I'm 2.081 x 10^14 kilometers old.

Do you mean to represent time as a 4th dimension, perpendicular to our 3 spatial dimensions, and thus calculate a distance?

If so how do you figure out the length of a second?

Well 1 year can be equated to the length of one revolution the earth makes. So multiply how old you are by the length of one earth revolution.

Your age in kilometers :)

which one is it?

>earth kilometers vs light kilometers

obviously different units senpai :^)

No you don't , you mongoloid

>>Veeky Forums

This question is fucking retarded, but I'm guessing you mean something like:
>Let [math] A [/math] be your age in years
>Circumference of earths orbit [math] \approx 940 \times 10^6 ~~ \text { km year} ^{-1} [/math]
>"Age in km" [math] \approx 940 \times 10^6 A~~ \text { km} [/math]

Completely negligible.

Just calculate the distance the first light ever reflected of your body would have travelled into space assuming its time being reflected in earths atmosphere is negligible compared to the total amount of time you have existed since then. Basically just converting your age times c from lightyears into km and there you are. Considering the amount of photons you were exposed to the first second of your life, atleast one of them should have made its way out of earths atmosphere with minimal interaction.

How is the fact that you're going in a bunch of loops instead of a simple circle negligible?

By defining an arbitrary conversion

The circumference of the earth is probably on the order of [math] 10^4 ~ \text { km } [/math], so you travel about 10,000 km per day, so over a year you'll travel:
[eqn] 365 \times 10^4 \approx 4 \times 10^6 \\ \frac { 4 \times 10^6 } { 940 \times 10^6 } \approx 10^{-3} [/eqn] So the series of loops is still much smaller than the one giant circle.

>Earth Speed
1600 km/h ==> 0,44 km/s
>My age is 21
21x365x24*3600 = 662256000 seconds old

So My age is :

3 x 10^8 Km

Heeey that's almost speed of light/ sec

Oh forgot didn't put earth movement around sun and sun movement around galaxy.

But it's just bullshit and you get the idea

You would have to calculate the cycloid of the elliptic orbit of earth around sun and the rotation of earth at the latitudes you spent your time. The cycloid would also not really be a cycloid, because of gravitational interferences from other plants, and especially the moon. Also changes in the spinning axis of the earth during that time have to be calculated. Good luck.

My thoughts exactly!

How do you calculate your age in burritos.


Using the Purloin system for other food equivalence


But you have to take into account the expansion rate of the universe.

Could you include the movement of the sun through the milky way galaxy, or is it too minute in a human lifetime?

That's not an age.

Why use the sun as my origin? My experience with the world usually works off using me as the reference system, why not keep using that.

Have you not heard of local inertial coordinates you stupid retard?