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thanks, ust bought 0.03btc

shoo shoo slimey limey

wow epic burn by him my dude
coiners absolutely on suicide watch now lol
this man literally cannot be wrong haha

Apology broadcast in a year

literally the cuckiest face know to man

>he thinks the jew's shill is going to give him good advice. You're never gonna make it ya dumbfuck.

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H-haha, republicans btfo!!

Did you idiots even watch the video? It was unbiased, and the only negatives he had to say about crypto were about scams like BitConnect and shady ICOs. But keep crying over it because he's Current Year Man.

EOS btfo

this is bullish.
he gets always proven wrong.

>mfw this is peak media hype yet the price is tanking
goodnight sweet pricen

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>yet the price is tanking

Cause it wasn't positive media coverage.

Monday morning in US.
I'm feeling bullish

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Oh no this soy-fueled gangster is so powerful, he's gonna kill crypto just like he killed Trumps campaign

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the biggest soycuckjew of them all, don't fall for the bogs


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>segment was cautiously bullish
>lol absolute btfo xd


Ummm.....OP? I know you're a nocoiner faggot but this is embarrassing even for you.

Other than an EPIC burn on EOS it was bullish af. He said it's probably the future and that while people need to be careful and only invest what they can lose (in case they're a brainlet and buy XRP or something), it'll be fantastic "once regulated"

Given that he's a mouth piece of propoganda the message is pretty clearly that normies should wait until their overlords have made it safe for them, then go all in. Even the guy that's a troll on us coiners was shown as getting his Lambo at the end. Message is we will have our toys for being good goy and bringing them such a nice new market and technology to play with.

He even made the point that as insane as it sounds, the coiner in his office is probably right. How exactly is that bearish, admitting that the NEET freaks like us are right, and everyone else was wrong?

So yeah, nocoiners BTFO! It's not too late though - all of that means the major tsunami of cash is still figuring out strategy before entering. Just buy up what you can afford and come back in a couple of years. No doubt there's going to be a Dotcom style bubble burst at some point - but that'll be at least a few years away.

Dude it was EXTREMELY bullish. These fucking retards don't know the difference between a shill and a fud.
Be really interesting to see what EOS does. Dunno how you could be comfy holding after that.

Unbiased? user, he basically said "normies, the NEETs were right ( and will get Lambos), but you'll get chewed up since you're brainlets. Wait til (((we))) say its ok, then FOMO in hard"

I hate to admit it, but he didn't do a bad job.

EOS is literal fucking trash though, just like every other coin that promises mainnet soon tm and tries to be "blockchain 3.0"

that being said I'll still buy them to make sick gains on retarded normies so I can get more ETH/BTC

Oh fuck yeah. It really is. I didn't disagree with the EOS burn - but then I dumped my bit of EOS a while back. Bought more BTC & ETH today as soon as some money cleared. Well timed, right after I bought it started going up.

Bought the ADA bottom though, before the Tranny thing dropped. Regretting that already. Ah well, if the SJWs pump it enough I'll bail out.

>Literally bigger fool TA
Never change user

based English man

>It's not too late though
It is

What was the EOS burn?

>this might be the next google on the ground floor and you will get a Lambo but just be careful

Such FUD

be craeful guys

i remember this faggot
he was so anti Trump but he still won


unironically thinking about storing my profts in EOS instead of ETH now

liberals are ALWAYS horrible wrong

Not worth the current marketcap (this can be applied to all cryptos) and some front man (Brock) involved in pedo stuff (this can be applied to half rich west coast entrepreneurs)


This faggot can't btfo anyone my dude. If he's making fun of something in his shit-tier propaganda that's a good indicator you should do the opposite.

He was so anti-brexit but brexit still happened.

John Oliver is anti freedom in general.
I hope he dies.

>not buying 10k EOS after that shitshow

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It’s too late man, just go check prices a year ago and calculate how much money you’d be sitting on with a 1k investment. It really is too late this time.

It would of been even more bullish if BTC wasn't such a shit show

desu he was pretty reasonable compared to the shitnews media. Looks like they legitimately understood the value behind the technology and were wary of making predictions

Current year man is a meme, but I honestly think all of his pieces, as far as journalism, are really solid. He talks about relevant things, hits important points, spreads awareness of things that other media won't talk about.

I think his jokes are shit though.

is this why the price is tanking?

anyone that listens to this child predator or the colbert faggot, is fucking hopeless. You can see the hunger for children in this digustly oversized picture,motherfucker looks like asome kevin spacey tier child predator that needs a brick in their brain