How do straight A's in college Veeky Forums

How do straight A's in college Veeky Forums
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Know the meta of learning and studying.

Put in the time.

Bang a few sluts for emotional stability.

study a fuckload and have next to no life. if you don't work along with school, you can have a bit of a life.

or be a super genius that doesn't need to study to get straight A's (.5% of college students)

or go to a shitty college

What's the meta of learning?

I did well in high school by taking a shitton of notes, outlining them when I got home, and asking a ton of questions like a retard.

that's a good start, just take that attitude to college and keep in mind that it's a faster pace

some people thrive better in a college environment than high school

Constant and active exposure to material and concepts over a long period of time.

Even if you learn a concept in one day, when you wake up your brain dumped so much information that you couldn't perform or explain what you've learned.


If you go back and reread the material and relearn the concept, it is like 50x easier than it was yesterday and it'll be long-term knowledge.

Is it something you really learn when you get there?

Like one of those unexplainable truths?


What I do personally is constantly expose myself to the concept. I read and listen to videos and through that I recognize patterns. The same terminology is defined the same way, the same process explained differently but with similarities as well. It's sort of like scrapping the ice off your windshield: Every time you remove the snow/ice, you see more of the windshield until it's clean.

>bang sluts for emotional stability

Worst advice ever. Stay away from girls for emotional stability.

it's perfectly explainable. most high schools spoon feed you everything and dumb the material down

personally my grades went up in university because i was too dead bored in highschool to be bothered with doing the work. coasted with an ~85 average, then got motivated to work hard once i started university

now i regret not getting scholarships

I suggested that with tongue-in-cheek.

You should have some sort of outlet. You can't ignore your sexual drive forever and you do need to socialize. Don't put girls in the "no-no" zone but don't force it.

Actually you can. Yes you should socialize, but to build a network you can increase your chances to get paid to do what you want to do later on.

Do you review the material the day of or the day after.

I mostly do the day of.

You should study the subject you like the most. If you study something you don't like you probably won't get as good at it and also not enjoy doing it.

This. You need to expose yourself to the same concepts in different contexts over an extended period of time. You're not going to get anything embedded in your long term memory by just having one long memorization session. Your brain doesn't work like that.

Basically, don't force it. Don't do anything that feels unnatural. Flashcards, for instance, are usually a bad way of learning things, unless you really have absolutely no basis to build a particular concept upon.

Change your degree?

depends the kind of class. if it's a simple one with tests then you just have to study. if it's a more advanced one or some GE where you have to write a lot, then you need to make the professor think you're a good student.

I just do it constantly.

It isn't rigid, but it isn't lenient either. You just do it and do it until your mind tells you no, then when your mind is back-in-action you do it.

That makes sense, personally I like to outline on the weekdays and review on the weekends. Then after two weeks I review everything of the last two weeks, and so on and so forth.

I had a string of 14 As in a row for mostly engineering and math, fucking A- in bio ruined it.

Yes, repetition is the key. And start introducing concepts really early. The brain needs to "munch" on the input to grasp the more advanced concepts.

Thanks guy!