Is frugal eating a meme?

I did the math and assuming the average human male needs to have 2000 kcal a day for a healthy diet and not go hungry:
>home cooked sandwich: $1.38 for ingredients per sandwich for 249 kcal, scaled upto 2000 kcal that comes to ~$4054 a year on homecooked sandwiches

>instant noodles: $1 for 433 kcal, scaled upto 2000 kcal that comes to ~$1686 a year

Obviously instant noodles is the most cost efficient food to get 2000 kcal/day for a poorfag, but it is also the most unhealthy way to do it.

So how the fuck do people on "frugal" diets manage to spend only $1000 a year on food and still reach 2000 kcal/day? It seems mathematically and economically impossible unless they're getting free food from somewhere.

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Black beans and Brown rice

Rice? Buying it in bulk?
But I know what you are saying even buying generic brands at Walmart any kind of protein besides peanut butter is going to cost you a lot over a year. Maybe they eat peanut butter and rice.

> he doesn't know how to harvest energy directly from sunlight yet.

Tone down the autism and just think about it reasonably. It is objectively healthier and more cost effective to do all your cooking on your own, assuming you know how to, and that takes practice and experience to understand.
For example, start buying raw ingredients in bulk, such as rice, dried beans, whole chicken, etc. Then cook ahead in large quantities. Chilis, curry, chicken and rice, and throw in cheap vegetables like carrots and spinach etc., and always buy it unpackaged and unwashed. Do the prep yourself. It's easy.

pic related

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I do it pretty healthy but I'm vegan anyway so its easy . Im 6'4' and 85kgs aim to eat around 2500 kcal a day. Things like rice and bread are cheap ways to get calories. Also protein powder is good and more cost effective than other sources of protein (not incomplete proteins). Get some beans, chicpeas, kidney beans back beans etc whatever doesn't matter. get some vegetables or attest some supplements. Eat cereal and maybe 500 cals of junk to get the energy in. If you really want to go extremely cheap you gonna most likely fuck up your health tho

how the fuck do people eat the same shit for 365 days a year for years and not puke

You add soy sauce.
It's the soyboy way to make it.

I don’t have the sense of taste. Food is just fuel for me.

kcals are not the whole story. You also need fiber and nutrients in the right proportions (which nobody really knows). Pictured here is supposed to be an OK approximation of meal that is very cheap (by eastern European standards) and healthy.

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Good one.
>Im 6'4' and 85kgs
thank mr skeltal

If you can own chickens where you live that's a good investment they just two or three can provide enough eggs for you and another person the only hard part is protecting them because any kind of wildlife will target them

>no taste
Pleb tier

agreed, chickens are fucking awesome and super low maintenance

>all that butter and egg fat
No wonder eastern euros age like shit

pick 2

The 2000 daily cal diet is actually a meme, the human body has evolved over millions of years to run efficiently on fat reserves. Hunger is generally felt because you are around that same time the day before, and the day before, etc.

Look into intermittent fasting and eating one healthy satisfying meal a day at dinner, you can work your way there by simply skipping breakfast for awhile and you'll soon realize "hey I'm not hungry at all right now".

*because you ate around

>the average human male needs to have 2000 kcal a day
>the average human male
>2000 kcal

Do the same budgetary math for sweet potateos, dried black beans and brown rice. You can even make homemade tortillas from scratch with a press. Very inexpensive long term diet.

You need to have a plan faggot not just calculate a single meal x 365 days.

One example is to buy stuff you like in general in bulk, lets say frozen chicken breast, frozen veggies, rice, cheese, etc. Then you can compose several meals out of those - chicken with rice, chicken with veggies, different spice chicken, fried cheese with veggies... Buying in bulk allows you to get it cheaper and preparing for a whole week saves on energies when cooking. There are other plans make something that fits you.

To be able to do this you need to understand not only calories but also what you eat, and please don't learn this from american sites or you might hurt yourself.

Steelcut oatmeal
6 ooeggrganic freerange egg
Green veggi faggot smoothie
350 grams of fish non of that fish farm shit
Is the biz gains diet

every fucking meta analysis i looked up either says that vegans are healthier or around the same level of well adjusted meat eater so stop sperging about it mate

no its not since time is money and cooking needs energy, planning, equipment, driving to the supermarket buying ingredients and storing (freezer) on top of that. and you also have to clean your ktichen and the dishes which again takes time and energy.

alot of work for very little in return and if you eat the same stuff on nearly every day youre just begging for vitamin and other nutritional deficiencies.

>$1.38 for ingredients per sandwich
That seems high

selection bias.

That looks amazing. My dream someday.

you're supposed to buy eggs, rice and beans

yea this is just a blatant lie

How many meta analyses have you read, user?

all the vegans i know are hippdter type office/desk workers who dont need any body strength or endurance and are obsessed with staying healthy.

so if you do a study about vegans youre inevitably ending up studying these guys and they are not comparable to your average meat eater or gof firbid people like construction workers who do hard physcal work every day and need strong sturdy sinews and muscle diameter.

you got a point to make or are you just gonna keep quoting?

after a few days of no food the hunger feeling goes away, hunger is a side effect of having something in your belly. and starvation even though it eats you alive, you don't feel hungry after a certain point.
and small portions of any food can sustain you for a day or two. then you can see the delicate balance vitamins and fluids and proteins have on the body and effects, like real life skyrim buffs or something.
then from there, figure out your bodies optimal balance, and seek and sustain those food cycles that make you feel your best..

this shit is some zen buddhism poverty fag knowledge.

>chicken, tuna, chickpeas, beans for protein
>brown rice, wholegrain for carbohydrates
>olive oil, coconut oil for fats
>whatever veggies and fruits you like for vitamins and other shit

it doesn't cost much, it's more or less healthy and you can make hundreds of different dishes with that shit

A very vise man you are, I came to the same conclusion after a long research.

I'm experimented with cooking meals at home and it gave me depression and caused a big fucking mess in the kitchen area. Now I reached the level when I do not use any kitchen appliances including a fridge and only consume McDonalds and take away. I also came to the conclusion that these foods are very nutritious and healthy and all the gov. and media are lying to us.

Home cooking is a meme, it's only suitable for families and require at least one female to maintain the kitchen area.

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Shits solid

But consider the time and detours you also take to purchase your Macdonalds. You're killing yourself and wasting the same if not more time, stupid brainlets.

Most people just don't eat 2000kcal. I swear everyone I work with are a bunch of birds. Even the dudes bring one little sandwich or a salad to eat over an 8 hour period.

I just sip Huel throughout the day (see attached)

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Dont be a fucking retard. By beans, rice, noodles, milk, eggs, beef on sale.. shit like that.

>only consume McDonalds
Sergey is among us

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You will die if you eat instant noodles everyday

Just grow this shit
>good food is too expense
You can literally make it out of water, seeds, and dirt.

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>tried to cook, got depressed.
The absolute state of burgers

you want to know how I know you don't grow your own vegetables? it's not easy at all

>too hot
shit bolts
tomatoes don't bloom
shit dies
>doesn't rain
shit dies
shit dies
shit gits eaten
>too sunny
shit dies

there's a reason grocery stores are a thing. homegrown veggies are great, but not cost effective if your labor is worht more than $2.50 an hour

Also mcdonalds is expensive as fuck now

>not having a hothouse and/or hydroponic setup

Some of the largest studies are done with adventists who are vegans or restrict their meat intake because of religion. They are also all focused on health. And you see the same results there, vegans have less heart diseases and are generally at least or as healthy as the ones who eat meat. Even when factors like exercise are controlled for, vegans still come out being at least or more healthy.

Okinawans up until around 1950 was some of the longest living people in the world, with the least amount of heart disease and diabetes 2. Their diet consisted of fucking 67% sweet potatoes. 3% meat, poultry, fish. The rest of their diet was stuff like grains, legumes.

Meanwhile some of the most common causes of illness in the first world are caused by diet. Sure you can live healthy eating meat, but I do find it kinda stupid to accuse vegans of not being healthy seeing how at least a quarter of people who get sick after their 40s have diet induced health problems or die because of it. And they eat meat.

>2000 kcal a day

LOL @ $1.38 for a shitty 249kcal sandwich. I'd like to see that calculation.

Obviously your overpriced instant noodles are not the most cost efficient food.

One bowl oatmeal with milk is 24 cents and provides 522 kcal. It's also very healthy.

That makes ~335€ a year. And that's euro prices, you burgerfags buy everything in 20lbs xxxl walmart packs so it's probably 10 cents for you.

top cuck enjoy those soy tits

being a nigger must make life hard

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You’re spot on correct, don’t listen to the other people in this thread who tell you otherwise because they’re probably far from poor. If you really did have to live with a low food budget then chances are you’re going to probably have to eat a ton of unhealthy food so you’ll be miserable no matter what you do.


gross wouldn't recommend

Compelling argument heres your (you)

If you honestly think that a healthy diet is only determined by kilocalorie amount, you're going to die of malnutrition.

Proper nutrition should trump cost.
You only have one body, fuel it correctly.

enjoy your metals

Kys nigger

>So how the fuck do people on "frugal" diets manage to spend only $1000 a year on food and still reach 2000 kcal/day?
By lying on the Internet.

Dude, from someone who literally ate noodles every day for almost a year. It's not worth it.

You're going get deficiencies and your health will go to shit.

Chicken, rice, broccoli it up.

This. Plus eggs and add some greens (spinach, wtv).

ITT: fatfucks

where the fuck are veggies and fruit? Do you guys want to die at like 65 from a coronary?

and before some neet fag calls me a nigger I tried the backyard garden shit. Half the time the birds, squirrels, and other critters eat your shit before it even becomes ready for consumption
>hurr durr build a green house fag
sure let me just invest more time and money into this shit

just do frozen minced beef and sweet potatoes fucking faggot. cheap, full of antioxidants and proteins. got sick gains (with a good workout regime ofc)

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