It has been brought to my attention that a lot of Veeky Forums has severe yellow fever

It has been brought to my attention that a lot of Veeky Forums has severe yellow fever.

Why is that? Are weak men naturally attracted to asian women?

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weak man here
can confirm I like asian bitches

we got infested with Pol faggots.
and neets who love anime

why does it surprise you?

Statistically asian women are more attractive than females from any other race , that's statistics speaking

>and neets who love anime

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>and neets who love anime
this entire imageboard is for neets who love anime you fucking retard
get out of my safe space

So /pol/ is NOT racist? Interesting.

Statistically speaking attraction is subjective.

I'm unironically a chink, what's wrong with having yellow fever

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weak bait, but why surprised that people on a weeb site digs weeb bitches? really makes you think

True but why do white guys usualy go for ugly asian women? Is it some kind of fetish?

Beta White men love Asian girls for several very beta reasons. Makes me cringe

>t. White man with proper White gf

Just trust me bro its statistics

i won the argument guys!!!
kys, asians are ugly and annoying

>he thinks white men have yellow fever
>doesn't know it's yellow women who have white fever

Dumb ass.


they are racist, but they still love asian women, and many asian women are self hating. so thats how that one works apparently.

That makes 0 sense.

Thats just called fever then

>attraction is subjective
not really, from a male perspective its deeply rooted in female fertility and younger women are more attractive, and nursing/care also has a large effect on attractiveness (or motherly behavior t. freud) and therefore feminine women are more attractive
nips = eternally young + feminine = attractive
whitey = milk-age + whore = not attractive

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they can't even take D without crying so yes, white bois with yellow fever are literally all soibois and beta af

Why would i bother finding a source you will just say it was made up, i bet you're the kind of nigger that believes iq tests are a white people conspiracy to call niggers retarded apes

you have a very juvenile understanding of racism.

you mean asian women have white fever right? men just fuck

>attraction in subjective
Everything is subjective you cant really have a debate if you keep saying this or that is subjective because you'll always win

I'm a bi bottom

love me some Asian women for some reason

all the yellow fever neets get their pick from the 4-6/10 asian bitches, fucking lol. They don't even know how materialistic they are. they will go with the money every time, and the attractive ones never with a white guy even with money

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oh, sweetie...

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>and neets who love anime
feel free to go back to r*ddit, nigger

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I used to think I liked Asian women - years later I've discovered that what I like are women that dress sharp and are petite.

I actually can't standard actual Asian girls after dating a couple.

Wh*te woman btfo

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I was asking this before. Literally every WMAF couple, the girl is average / ugly. I mean even rock stars go for below average asian girls. Doesn't make any sense.

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Sadly all women are the same everywhere.
Your average silky haired porcelain skin beijing girl has choked on at least 30 BWCs by the age of 21.

explain this to a brainlet

kek im here the shitposting. fuck reddit. you guys are so easy to trigger these days s, even easier to trigger than reddit. makes you wonder doesn't it.

/pol/ don't hate blacks because blacks are a different color. They hate them because blacks are dumber than chimps.

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>/pol/ don't hate blacks because blacks are a different color. They hate them because blacks are dumber than chimps.
i also hate niggers because nigger males between the ages of 16-35 make up about 5% of the US population yet commit over half of all violent crime

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b a c k t o r e d d i t


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Because they're very direct, social and take responsibility unlike western women.

This is a huge positive for introvert men too. Beside that, they're hot.

Veeky Forums is no different than reddit nowadays.

>nigger males between the ages of 16-35 make up about 5% of the US population yet commit over half of all violent crime
no fucking way mate is that real?


>says the redditfag

Yes, do you really think blacks are hated becuaese of their skin color or how they behave?

Apart from thirst not being a great thing to let drive your life, how would one be a Chink ironically?

>Statistically asian women are more attractive than females from any other race

Says who

i am naturally attracted to submissive women because they remind me of your mom, OP.

ugly loser/nerds seem to have fetishes for asians and gingers dunno why just seems all the people i know with those preferences are ugly and ugly

>Hispanic is a race?

The term Hispanic (Spanish: hispano or hispánico) broadly refers to the people, nations, and cultures that have a historical link to Spain.

Kek nice graphs you got there

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weak and low esteem

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>Kek nice graphs you got there
how about these graphs nigger

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fucking lol, Pol fags out in full force. thanks for proving my point you dumb fucks. kinda sad how easy it is to get so man (You) on here these days.

This is clearly not true, it's in eastern culture that the girls must be modest and hard to get. But this is slowly fading because of the western influence.

just kidding, it's because that fucking gook Tojo pulled some slimy shit bout a century back, so not only did we nuke his ass and force him into submission, but now it is my DUTY as an American to go and nut in and on as many gook bitches as I possibly can. Hope you're watchin me from wherever you are, gookjo.


We're basically the last generation of men that'll get the opportunity to have a wholesome relationship with a feminine female - if you pick an Asian female that is.

No doubt in time even Asian women will be destroyed by feminism, but fuck dating white women.

I don't think this is true.
The Romans probably thought the same back when their entire world turned decadent.

Its not true. China especially are in unexplored waters now with ther economy and society policy. They are trying hard to protect traditional values while also growing economically. That's why they ban rap and shit.

its interesting to watch

China is importing niggers by the millions
See: Xiaobei

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Eastern European women are still feminine but that's fine, we don't want amerimutt here.

Betas with asian gfs is just the male equivalent of a coal burner, same justifications, same low self-esteem, same case of denial, don't want to admit they're only superficially different from the gender counterpart. They're like the yin and yang of relationships.

So they hate their own kind because it's shit? They may have a point.

>Eastern European women
are all drug addicts

It's because it is easy for a white man to attract any other race. Race mixing is easy mode.

>hispanics are just spaniards
lel, you know hispanics in south America are part negroid, part caucasoid and part mongoloid right? They're the future of a multiculti experiment, lowered IQ, mass amounts of violence, drugs and overall shit society.

>hurr racemixing whores, hate em
>i'll solve this by racemixing
yin and yang


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LOL you gotta be shitting me.
>wtf get this fucking leaf out of my soup
It's a bay leaf

Damn now that I think about it.. i really am the moron here right?

Reddit is almost insufferable with it's constant mining for upboats and pc horseshit while Veeky Forums is insufferable with its mistaking saying the dumbest, least-articulated shit ever for somehow being more honest. facebook is for normies and twitter is for normie striving for status and tumblr, while easily having the best interface, is fucking terminal with sjw nonsense. At least Veeky Forums is anonymous




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lots of Veeky Forums are betas that came here in 2017, it's only logical they'll settle in for third rate women stock

Why? Is it part of their expansion into african territory?


This is because Veeky Forums is full with beta's and hot Asian women are insanely attracted to average white guys, which makes their chances of getting laid significantly easier.

I think the most beta is a racist though. Imagine you are so beta you need a collectivist identity like 'white' to feel good about yourself, instead of your own individual actions and talents. That is exactly what SJW's do too, just the other way around (worshipping weakness instead of dominance).

No, biz has been always full of beta neets who don't wan't to wagecuck and have always had yellow fever. End of 2017 this board was filled by normie chads.

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>Mfw ads tell a 50kg girl to lose 20% of her weight

based japan

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>Best interface
What the fuck
Take a guess why. When you disqualify 33% of the female population due to morbid obesity is there any surprise guys see asian women as better.

It's like the best social parts of twitter combined with a Veeky Forums-like focus on image sharing. C'mon, if it wasn't for its fucking awful userbase and authors it would be fucking great


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hey everybody go back to pol and gossip there. this is biz, making money comes first you fags!!!!!

better addicted to weed than burgers and coke

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1) East Asian
2) Eastern European


3) Cuban, Costa Rican, Colombian, Venezuelan, Puerto Rican, Dominican-HIspanic Master Race 1
3) Middle Eastern
4) Western European
5) Indian


6) Mexican, Salvadoran, Guatemalan, Nicaraguan, and the rest of the Hispanic world
7) White American


8) White American
9) Niggers
10) Ausie Aboriginal

East Aryan
Eastern European
South American
North African
Middle Eastern
South Asian (Indian)
Western / Western European
African American

why the hell are indians #5

sadly yes

studied by the father of the former Finnish prime minister (Vanhanen) lol. The man had to basically discredit his father just to make to office.

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asian women are superior- go back to plebbit

>not wanting to breed with higher IQ race
>preferring Eastern European soon-to-be babushkas

The fuck is wrong with you fags? Did the fumes from the tiki torches fry your brain?