I have 24 years and the next semester will start studying a BS in physics Can my age affect my career to be accepted in...

I have 24 years and the next semester will start studying a BS in physics Can my age affect my career to be accepted in Masters, PhD or future work?

Not that much, no.

yes but not that detrimentally and there's nothing to do about it anyway.

fuck man why so late?

There are people that start with 30 and later. Not everyone knows straight away what they want to do. I know this is hard to comprehend on Veeky Forums where everyone is a high achieving genius.

It has nothing to do with age and all to do with how much you engage in the opportunities. Always be looking to make contacts in the industry/university, put out hundreds of applications to volunteer at places that do work in your field, go to every careers day and 'guest lecture' and talk to the people there who are in industry/research.

Success at uni has little to do with who you are and mostly to do with who you know

Family and economic problems, but they are already solved. I want to dedicate 100% physical estudiat. Some advices?

I have a similar problem, I started my BS when I was 18 and left half at 21 because I was diagnosed with depression. Now I have 25 and I want to resume my studies. Could it affect my medical record or my abandonment in my academic records?

My BS is in biochemistry.

Age is arbitrary. Try to think up specific reasons why age will matter and really think about it. None of those reasons will be legitimate.

>hurr durr age doesn't matter
of course it does, it's just not a big problem when you're 24. It is a big problem if you're 40 or 50, but not at 24.

The same general advice that applies to anything really. Focus on the present with a tangible goal in mind. Use the goal to make yourself work harder. For specific advice with regards to school, find what works for you. You'll figure it out in first year. Physics won't be what you think it is so be ready for that.

Well, once you're 40 or 50, you'll probably want to be in a different environment. Besides that, give me a reason why it even matters then.

What if I'm 100?

Well, what would stop you if you are 100?

The admissions committee would probably be like "shit, this guy is really old. What if he dies before finishing his degree?!"

My colleague just quit his job to start a PhD at the age of 42.

He could find a shit enough school that accepts anyone. It's also not that uncommon either. When I was in first year, there was some old lady in my chemistry lab.


>give me a reason why it even matters then.
Let me guess, you're under 25 right?
Age really does fucking matter, especially when you're 50. You don't learn as fast, as much or for long. Humans go through a phase optimized for learning and a phase optimized for applying what was learned. 50 is certainly in the latter region.

That doesn't mean someone who is 50 couldn't do it. If you consider the methods some people go through when trying to learn material who get through fairly decently (cramming the night before, drinking nonstop etc), those aren't exactly optimized methods for getting through either. I'd argue that someone is older will be less caught up with stupid things like partying and procrastinating that 20 year old will be doing and thus it will balance that way.

One more point I would like to add is, how much of a difference does that really make at an individual level anyway? There a multitude of obstacles to learning and most of them are personal (paying attention, giving a shit, natural talent etc). Someone who struggles in their 20's in school will surely have a harder time later on life. What about someone who doesn't? I just don't see how that person will suddenly begin to struggle with school once they get old enough. At best, they'd still get by if maybe they don't excel anymore.

If you live in the US age based discrimination is banned by title 9. If your work is good enough the sky's the limit :) happy hunting!

Thanks for you answers.