What's the science on egg yolks? Are they unhealthy?

What's the science on egg yolks? Are they unhealthy?

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>What's the science on egg yolks?
They come out of your mom's vagina.

>Are they healthy?
Only if you shove them up your ass you disgusting faggot.

This is not Veeky Forums material. Go to

Dosage makes the poison
>dietary science
>hard science

>nutrition science is not science
>p-pls stop disturbing my 0.999...=1, sun of ice and lava, IQ shitposting, undergrad / high schooler circlejerk and /pol/ bait threads

Asking for the "science behind egg yolk" is at least 10 times more retarded than the lava threads.

>s-stop t-triggering me with n-nutrition science, it's hurting my feelings ;^(

Why don't you go to the board dedicated to nutrition? Starting flame wars is not allowed.

People are eating eggs for centuries.
People keep dying for centuries.


Nutrition science is a science. Veeky Forums is for science and math. If the OP is too hard for you to answer, then please leave the thread.


no eggs aren't bad and neither is milk it's a meme spread by retards


They contain lecithin and sulfur compounds, in addition to a number of different classes of lipids.

What extacly where you looking for

Egg whites are healthier though. If you can separate them, why not?

no, they're great for you. even better fried in butter with bacon on the side

carbohydrates are evil. not fats.

fuck with this meme. Carbs are not a problem until you make it a problem!

It's like saying "hur dur, water is evil because if you drink too much of it you die."


vegan is the only healthy way to eat if you care about lessening arterial plaque and preventing heart disease

>mfw people eat animal products

If neither are bad, then why?

Thank you, Paracelsus.

Vegans get ass cancer. And heart problems and deminsia. And there babies die.

>T H E R E



There's, of course, the chance for salmonella, but otherwise they are very healthy for you.

The trick to not getting salmonella is not being an idiot. Keep your fucking eggs in the fucking refrigerator at all times. Don't fucking eat the eggs raw if they've been sitting in that fucking refrigerator for fucking weeks. Wash your fucking hands.


food """""""""science"""""" says food kills you

Carbs aren't evil 's but they possess a lot less "saitation" value per unit than meats and protein. I can overeat on cereal. It's literally impossible for me to overeat on milk, eggs, and bacon.

So that's what I've eaten for the past few months. Fantastic results. I would never go back.

t. ancedotal experience

To be fair, most "nutrition" science is a fucking nuked-out wasteland with a few smart people looking at actual metabolic processes.

Well, they didn't die somewhere else, did they?

I only recently started coming back to Veeky Forums and goddamnnit this is a terrible thread.

Can no one discuss the two sides of the coin "EGGS ARE TERRIBLE FOR YUO" and "EGGS ARE FINE" and discuss their opinion?

the correct answer is it depends on your diet


Can we have a lava thread? They sound fun.