Guys, I'm freaking out. I was horrible in math in high school. Not because I didn't understand it...

Guys, I'm freaking out. I was horrible in math in high school. Not because I didn't understand it, but because I slept through class or didn't go or whatever. Basically I just never learned it.
But that didn't matter because I graduated high school and got a job that I did alright in and didn't need math at all. But now that job has ended and I'll be going to college as a first time freshman at 26 years old.

I need some resources, some websites or books or infographics or something of algebra and basic math to help me refresh.

Pic unrelated

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dayumn she thicc

This is a christian imageboard. Remove this image at once.

Ridiculous back Arch but still looks great

I'll trade you for her name

Please keep niggers off the board.

Anyway, what are you going to study? You might find the H.E.L.M books useful - they're all available online (I think legitimately even), and they will cover any mathematics you need for your first year. If you're doing engineering it'll probably cover your second year too. They're workbooks, with explanations, examples, problems and solutions. Do them in sequence. If you find H.E.L.M 1 easy, do it anyway, do the problems, build up speed and familiarity.

You only have to do it once, then you'll be fine for the rest of your life. Also, when I say they cover everything you need, I really mean it. You don't need a supplement to them, they'll even give you some basic physics.

Sorry about the niggers. Won't happen again.

And I'll be studying engineering too, which is why I'm freaking out about being so behind in math.
HELM is the Helping Engineers Learn Mathematics thing, right?

Yes, it is.

You can find them all here:

[I just noticed the above is missing a few of the last books - I'm sure they're available elsewhere online]

Plus, as they're used quite a lot, there's discussion about all of them online. Don't be intimidated by the book titles, it goes through baby steps. Most universities also use H.E.L.M., especially for foundation years, if you're going in on one of those.


>Won't happen again.
don't listen to this fag, keep the sexy black women coming bro


stop sweating mate
I relearned analysis in like 2 weeks tops
studying economics and business though but still its really easy to understand that basic stuff

>>>>>> /pol
Stay in your containment board you cuck

This isn't your personal blog/facebook.

I swear the kiddos nowadays don't know how to do a basic Google search, nor separate wheat results from chaff.

>mathematically illiterate
>wants to be an engineer
Top kek. Keep perpetuating the meme bro

Comedy fucking goal

thattutorguy and clutchprep saved my grades.

Repeat after me: Khan Academy.

You need algebra and trig skills.


Literally khan academy, watch videos on x2. got me into calc 1 after not taking math since alg 1 in highschool.

2)Then Pauls Math Notes
3)MIT Courseware

Will take more than a year to learn though haha
(depends on intelligence and starting level of course)

>>>/reddit/ is your safe space

also patrickJMT