Say I have 50 dollars. What's stopping me from just going on bitmex and turning that into way more...

Say I have 50 dollars. What's stopping me from just going on bitmex and turning that into way more? Why does it seem like no one does this with small amounts of money like this?

Attached: 1519281240866.gif (202x360, 1.84M)

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Because you'll make more working for a day than staring at the prices for days just to find out you lost $2

Because people are greedy Dick's with an overinflated sense of their own intelligence

>What's stopping me from just going on bitmex and turning that into way more?

What's to stop you walking into a casino, betting on black, doubling your money each time until you hit $1 million?

Statistics brainlet. The odds of actually succeeding in it is VERY low.

I've never traded on Bitmex, but when using leverage, don't you *need* to play with relatively large amounts to avoid getting liquidated immediately?

It seems that with $50 and any amount of leverage, as soon as it goes a cent in the opposite direction of what you've bet on, you'd lose everything.

This man put $12 into something that starts with an X...forgot what it was.

I'll try to find the link

Attached: 123qweasd.jpg (1870x801, 135K)

XBY, it's too late for that one. Also, isn't this a fantasy account? There are thousands of them with any number of coins, one was bound to win the lottery.

Liquidation price has nothing to do with position size.

I bought $145 worth of bitcoin during a dip the other day. My current value hovers around $170. I'm watching dips, and going to buy either more btc, or some ethereum during the next dip. I intend to funnel $50-$100 biweekly into this while watching dips, before trading eth for other coins. Eventually, once I've funnelled a decent amount in I will begin to play the shitcoin day trading game. I have literally nothing else to do with my time, so even making small profit at a time will be beneficial to me.

Rate my plan anons

Nothing. In fact you probably should teach yourself with a small amount. Just understand you will probably turn it into $0 not "way more."


So you're all saying I should out my life savings on black?

Ah, ok then, as I said I've never been interested in doing this, so I hadn't verified. So if you're playing with 100x leverage, you'd have the same margin before liquidation no matter if you're playing with $2 or $200k? In that case, people might as well play with smaller amounts.

Whats stopping you from opening a business and making a million dollars user?

Get this retard shit off my board

Gee I wonder why everyone isn't doing this. Show me how OP.

0/10 you gone get wrecked

Yes, the liq price depends on leverage, not size of position. x100 leverage = it goes down 1%, you loose 100% and youre liquidated, wether you put 1$ or 1M$

Makes sense, I figure its worth a try. With something as insignificant as 50 dollars every week or two especially during times when its really obvious its about to dump.

if you just have 50$ to invest get a job. wagecucking is ok if its for a higher purpose.

I'll take that, thanks user!
How so? None of it is an amount of money I can't stand to lose. For all I care it could be all in btc and ill just pull it out when it offers some benefit. If it gets lost no biggie.

user the only thing stopping you is yourself and your limited abilities

Because you turn an absolute shit profIt even on 100x and most likely get liquidated in one candle

Uh.. No

So... what how is it then?

Uh.. Yes

Nothing is user but I will try to stop you. Use this link for 10% off fees though if after my argument, you are not convinced not to.
YOU WILL LOSE ALL YOUR MONEY. Hardly anyone makes money. The big guys are the only ones that do. You may get lucky but you more than likely will be tempted by high leverage and lose it all. DO NOT DO THIS. Honesty is the best policy and I'm being honest anons, you will lose all your money because 99% of Veeky Forums is complete brainlets. Feel free to prove me wrong though and I'll see if I you're still generating me BTC turnover in a month(You won't be)

Attached: IMG_7500.jpg (495x495, 45K)

>t. retard
Also it's half of a percent for 100x. They aren't going to wait for your bankruptcy price because then they would lose money if the price moved too quickly.

Listen to this guy. Do not do this

why don't you show us what's stopping you, faggot