Its a brainlet doesn't do cardio for cognitive benefits but claims he's smart and enlightened episode

>its a brainlet doesn't do cardio for cognitive benefits but claims he's smart and enlightened episode

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In my experience, it doesn't help

It's better to spend that time studying

Brainlet detected. Do you spend every hour studying? No.

>I can't spend 20 minutes a day relaxing because im such a brainlet that I can't study piece by piece daily
>yets somehow I have time to browse Veeky Forums

I am taking 7 courses

Average student takes 2

So yeah

Veeky Forums = my breaks

I could go walking but that's boring

>frontloading all your classes like that and bragging about it
>not a brainlet
>walking = carido

I bet you are proud of being 28 and still trying to get your degree, huh?

I will be a PhD. by 23 at this rate

>frontloading all your classes like that and bragging about it


>its a brainlet who is too dumb to do cardio thinks he's not a brainlet because he decides to frontload his courses like a dumbass

I am doing it pretty evenly

7 courses per semester

There's no great load at the beginning

>it's a brainlets have to jog 45 minutes a day for a minor boost in cognitive faculties because they're so lacking in abilities otherwise and have to do everything they can for a minor increase in performance episode

if you honestly cant understand what you're frontloading you really need to reconsider your life choices

I am not frontloading anything, dumb brainlet

Maybe it feels like frontloading to ants like you

>Maybe it feels like frontloading to ants like you
yet you cant even spare time to do 20 minutes of cardio
>I am not frontloading anything, dumb brainlet
>I will be a PhD. by 23 at this rate
seriously you're not as smart as you think you are.
you can also just do 20minutes a day

I do calisthenics. Anything that gets some endorphins going helps; depression is mitigated when high on dem opioids.

>ants like you

actually I startea exercising recently and I feel much better and more motivated

can confirm its actually benefitial for mental health

>implying exercise actually does anything

There's a reason most geniuses are skinny faggots and most brainlets are Veeky Forums.

Being both fit and intelligent enough to maintain a 3.8 gpa is bretty gr8. Just an hour a day, lift one day, bicycle the next. That's all it takes. Hell, even calisthenics works if you're waiting on the bus or sitting still.

Just spend less time on Veeky Forums.

>Just spend less time on Veeky Forums


>Average student takes 2

>cardio will get you Veeky Forums

>implying exercise actually does anything

>there's a reason most geniuses are skinny faggots
Prove it
Also, if you did cardio, you'd become a skinny faggot so....

>Also, if you did cardio, you'd become a skinny faggot so....
No. There is a difference between someone who exercises in any capacity and has a healthy, well-toned body and someone who sits on his ass all day reading books and has shitty posture, low muscle tone, etc.

They're both skinny, but one's a skinnyfag.

Just walk, sci

What does it mean ?

I actually started hitting the gym recently. Cardio is high priority. I'm just not doing enough of it yet.

>what is wikipedia

>he fell for the cross-fit meme

As a newfag to Veeky Forums this thread represents a bad precedent for the overall population of Veeky Forums browsers when pertaining to intelligence.

No, I fell for the buying a bench, stand, Olympic bar and 380 lbs of weights meme.


this is a board for science, not fake shit meant to get the fat kids exercising

>implying we care if you're transgender or not

Cerebral androgenization isn't real my dude.

Is there any good cardio excersize I can do inside? I can't be under the sun for long periods of time because of a skin condition and I work at night for the same reason. I only have time to job during winter because of the longer nights.

>i will be a PhD by 23 at this rate

I got news for you buddy

Say that to muh natty bagina.

Anyway, only an hour a day, work hard and push yourself to the limit each time you can and you'll see fantastic results within three months. Go for some long ass hikes every once in a while (there is bound to be a club that plans this kind of shit at your college) and you'll get to socialize while you work out. You can even make study buddies in the campus gym if you offer to spot someone or ask for a spot.

There is absolutely no reason for physical health and intelligence to be considered mutually exclusive.

I'm also taking 7 and I work out every weekday lol

Indoor bikes. Rowing machines are even better.

>average student takes two

What the fuck no. There's no way that is possible.

>just began my graduate program
>plan to start lifting again next Monday
I'm going to turn my body into a wall and it will be HUGE.

>Not using the campus gym
>Not just going to a regular gym

>it's a brainlet needs voodoo tricks to enhance his intelligence because he's a genetically inferior subhuman episode

>calling others subhuman
>posting anime

>I hate you if you do what I don't do!
Spoken like a true SJW.

You dazzled me with your flamboyant inferiority complex there, little buddy.
Now now, don't be sad, you can still be a biologist.

Paid for itself two years ago, only a year into owning it.

I still use the campus gym, but the squat racks and cages are almost always filled with 18 year olds in snapbacks doing stupid shit. I'll mostly use the rowing machine and do accessory exercises bur sometimes I'll do Deadlifts and squats when there is a bar available.

My legs are like a German speed cyclists.

>thinking I have time to learn about gym etiquette bullshit

>""""""study buddies"""""""
>aka "huurrrrrrrr..... hey, user, me no understand this. can you explain absolutely everything to me while you fall behind with your work? actually, can you just do all of my work for me? i'm just too stupid for this lel! :D"

Keep fapping to imaginary 14 year old girls you useless virgins

What's your squat like?
Also what do you weigh?

4000 pounds ;)

3 pl8 for 3 reps

I've been doing this for 4 years

damn nigga, thats impressive

you must be like 5'4 tho :(

You know it. That's normal height for my gender tho.

Noice get

>for my gender
>for my gender

You realize that the WR for women in your weight class is 407 for 1 right? That makes you some sort of professional

>first time getting quints


What? Cool. I do have a loose ligament genetic disorder that gives me 13 to 33 percent more muscle mass than the average population though.

But on topic, lifting or rowing in the morning helps me focus all day. If I don't do it I might as well have ADD. I'm constantly lifting cases of beer and kegs at my job as well, and that pays for my education.

Lifting and cardio have many, many benefits.

>all these normalfags on my board

I actually fap to 12. Your arithmetic is off
, thankfully summer is ending soon.

You can be aspie as fug and still lift. It can bring joy and endorphins into your otherwise meager existence.

I'm stupid and weak but I still lurk both

There's maybe 10 guys at my gym that squat 3pl8+ ATG and I know one girl who can squat 275 but she has 40lbs on me

he said average student, not average /sci poster

Does the average Sci poster really do that much more than the average college student? I can't believe that.

3pl8 isn't that much if there are 10 guys sharing the load

>Veeky Forums

Veeky Forums is /r9k/ with muscles


Also what exercise regimes do you Veeky Forumsentists prefer. Personally I work towards powerlifting strength goals with some utilisation of Olympic lifting.

Doing cardio for its supposed cognitive benefits is CLASSIC brainlet, my friend.

i like swimming, diving and when im home, surfing ;_;

try to ride my pushbike to uni as much as i can

surfing is a physics students wet dream tho user

main lifts with a 5/3/1 program, I throw a day in for wacky/supportive lifts (like abs/arms) but focus on month-to-month progression on DL/Bench/Squat.

Phyics grad btw. I typically run a couple times a week on off days, throw in some yoga to help out with posture/stretching/evening out flexibility.

I do bouldering at my uni, once or twice a week, and aikodo 3-4 times, it all depends on how much time do I have. Also I commute by bicycle

not a single professor I've is body-wise healthy

I do about 45-60 min of walking with my 30pound back pack on a day, 15min at a time.

Am I fucked?

Are you working to help fund your education at least part time like most students do? If not stfu and get off your lazy ass.

>working while doing college
how to fail 101
>b...but the majority
the majority is mediocre

Non-normies who start lifting normally skip bodybuilding altogether and go for the powerlifting lifestyle

It's an evolutionary trait. When the body is doing physical work it somewhat thinks it's in danger so it boosts up brain power for some reason. I don't know why it works but before studying I do about 50-100 push-ups and my brain feels powerful, I can focus on the material with ease, and I can think logically better. This was first seen in rats when experimenters learned that when under stress they think more logically so they can escape the situation vs those who weren't failed the test. Also while on this subject. If I take the memory rna from someone who knows a lot about a certain subject will I know that subject now too or does that only work with basic things like where to go in a maze?

The majority also doesn't have a choice because they don't have parents who coddle them to death. Spoiled elitist thinking he's hot shit because he was born with a silver spoon in his mouth and never had to work a day in his life.

>trying to get your degree
>get your degree

Haha, think that flimsy paper's gonna help when your cucked up the wazoo?

>ants like you
gettin big in those baby bloomers

>avg student takes 5

A lot of these effects, to their own degree, can be spurred by intake of flavanols in cacao. Unfortunately theobromine's ultimate effect on cAMP, vasodilation, and chronic phenylethylamine intake, can cause crippling anxiety and a general poor physical feeling that negates many of the neurogenesis, angiogenesis, increased blood flow, etc, aspects.

But yes. Exercise and being active is important. Mentally and physically.

>Just spend less time on Veeky Forums.
Do you have any idea how much of a God I could be if I quit this fucking site?
It's worse than a drug because at least people can write music about drug addictions.


That's it?
I work 80 hour work weeks and study. I still work out everyday, Heavy lifting 2 hours a day 4 times a week. Cardio 35 minutes a day 3 times a week.

I don't do stupid shit like 'browse Veeky Forums' on the weekdays. If I'm on a bus, sure, why the fuck not browse sci. Walking to the gym? Sure. Why not.

Actually sitting down at home and burning hours browsing the internet? Fuck no. If you wanted to find exercise time and or exercise activities you like, You would have fucking found the time and activities to do. Stop making lame no time excuses. I guaran-damn-tee it's possible in your schedule. Question is whether or not you WANT to. It's ok if you don't want to. It really fucking is. Don't make the excuse, just say you don't want to. Are there benefits? Sure. Are there downsides? Yeah. But there's also benefits and downsides to what you're doing right now.

Weekends are when I do nothing for the sake of nothing. Lifting heavy things and putting them down is still part of that nothing.

Also, the "Frontloading" everyone keeps laughing at you for is your schooling and obtaining of a PHD. You're picking up a PHD at a pace that isn't allowing you any experience. In just about any of the sciences, there are ample opportunities to work in your field and go to school. The experience gained is invaluable accompaniment to your study. Both in application of concept, better room to 'think', time to actually ask and answer questions, future employer viewpoints, future business partner viewpoints.......

Could go on all day. Your PHD isn't worth shit. A company doesn't want a piece of paper, they want a PERSON. The piece of paper is just nice because it says that person might not be a piece of shit and should know x list of shit. That piece of paper could bar your entry, but you still need to be a person capable of social interaction.
Kind of up to you to determine if you can fulfill the other requirements other than what the piece of paper is saying you know.

Sure, sure. You work 16 hour workdays, get home, eat, study, sleep for 5-3 hours per night, and still somehow work out 2 hours on 4 of those days.

Etc. Just stop, and shut up. I didn't read the rest of your post, but if you have a point to make just do it strictly in the abstract so you don;t make a fool of yourself with what are at best blatant exaggerations and half truths.


>take up cardio
>strain calf muscles
>can't run anymore
>been 3 weeks and it cramps when I try to run again

>Start doing more cardio
>Become less focused because I am so fucking tired from exercising

I'm at my mental peak when I'm living like a lazy fat slob


You're, really, really put of shape. Start off slower. Maybe walking is more your speed.

Have you ever heard of stretching? Yoga? It'll help with that. Try DDT yoga.

DDP yoga. Whoops. Diamond Dallas Page yoga.

Helps my posture and shit after smashing my collarbone to bits. I also fucked up my entire leg, foot to hip and all the muscles in between after getting hit by pick up truck. My ligaments were misaligned which lead to all sorts of strange sensations, cramps, and a loss of strength in my limbs.

Yoga will help with your silly leg cramp.