Why Do I See Fractals While Tripping

I just had a 4g mushroom trip. I saw fractals and geometric patterns as I usually do when tripping and wondered, why do I see them? I find Im most likely to see them if the trip is particularly intense. Also, when breaking through on DMT the fractals I saw were far more detailed than the ones I saw on LSD or shrooms by far, so I ask Veeky Forums why is my brain showing me mathematical porn when Im consuming psychedelics?

Also, are fractals the basis of most of the structures in our universe? Zoom in close enough onto a tooth or far out enough on a mountain range on google earth and youll see shapes that resemble fractals. Im not trying to sound like a crazy hippie that believes in metaphysical semen transfers or anything, I just like drugs and fractals

Because your brain detects objects and measures distances via edge detection which will get completely distroted (morphin, melting) but also extremly active in other parts, resulting in repetetive patterns above surfaces.

Not even close. It's because when you ingest psychoactive substances your subconscious gets astrally projected into another dimension, where fractals are normal.

pfft, shut up not knower

whats really happening is the mushrooms take you out of the simulated reality. the lizard overlords detect this and banish you to the fractal dimension until the effects wear off

t. knower

true senpai

Sorry for doubting you, McKenna.
Off eating some shroomes and smoke DMT on the peak.

had this experience with shrooms aswell OP, I saw fractals in movements

wind was blowing through trees and I could see the kinetic energy being distributed evenly through the whole tree because of it's fractal structure.

I'm convinced most of life profits from the stability of fractals because they maintain their stability (as well as their characteristics) through out all scales

what if fa_m senpai now?
senpai test

Nature is fractal.

Look at the human body.

1 body, 4 limbs, 5 digits per limb.

so are plants, russians and vegemite

> I saw the kinetic energy

No, you didn't. Your brain's chemical structure was disrupted temporarily by a hallucinogen. It isn't unusual at all that you saw anything let alone kinetic energy.

you seem too stupid to read.

I saw kinetic energy distribution.

if the wind blows and something moves, what do you see? Air? Wind?


>You can see the wind
What colors are it? I've been longing to paint with all the colors of the wind

Wind is technically invisible, but if I stare out a window and see a tree move, is that seeing the wind blow or is that tree just moving for shits

While on LSD I realized that fractality is simply the property of an object's endomorphism monoid having elements which don't exhibit a certain sort of torsion: iteration of the endomorphism never cycles (torsion) and never stabilizes (such as constant functions). We can simply describe this by saying that iteration of such an endomorphism never yields any one endomorphism more than once.

For example, take a Sirpinski triangle, scale it down and rotate it upside down, mapping it into its own center triangle. Iteration of this transformation satisfies the criterion above. A less conventional fractal would be a solid square (as a metric space). You can imagine all sorts of such endomorphisms. This is not normally considered a fractal, but Leinster's book Higher Algebra actually shows how polygons are fractals generated via a certain operad.

The utility of this definition is that we can look at fractal objects internal to any category. The endomorphism ring of a finite set is always finite, and so every element is torsion in this sense. Thus finite sets are never fractal. Obviously infinite sets are always fractal.

i made a thread on here one time asking the same question. The only answer i got was that drugs were for retards


my serious non-shitposting response to this is that drugs aren't for retards, but they can sure as hell make you retarded

the level of discretion required for safe recreational drug use is not within the level of discretion that most young people have

t. ex-drug user

Wind. Quite an interesting subject now. I am having trouble determining whether i am psychotic or evaluating climate change or patterns in the simulation.

Have been looking at the movement of dust, leaves garbage etc and seeing some anomalies in behaviour that dont fit my idea of how they should move.

As our determination of the universe increases, so there 'could' be lapses in control of the minutae of 'our program' as computer power gets used up.

The manifestation of these glitches will not be at the planck level of 'jitter' as science searches, but in day-to-day interactions. Wind being one of them.

Watching small leaves crash head on, rubbish blowing down the road against strong winds is fascinating - but dangerously psychotic.

this senpai.

You can also experience this without drugs. Stare at a ceiling with a textured surface (ideally stucco) or the night sky if you aren't cucked by light pollution. Stare at a single point and then try to focus on a wider field of view without moving your eyes - sort of like looking at something out of the corner of your eye, only in a wide radius, trying to mentally focus on everything in that field at the same time. With luck this will make your mind attempt to fill in the blanks, and you'll experience a repeated/regular pattern of stars/ceiling popcorn. Move your eyes and the illusion goes away.

That's only if you engage in extreme reductionism, ignoring the obvious differences between digits, arms, and the rest of the body.

If you make your definitions wide enough and abstract enough you can say that anything is anything.

Either way your postulate isn't just not science, it's completely useless. The only purpose is mental masturbation.

Go away tinfoil

I hate to be that guy, but fractals are just the completely expected and totally non-mysterious result of iterative processes striving for efficiency.

Be it blood vessels trying to optimize surface area per volume, trees trying to maximize exposed leaf surface area etc. Lungs, roots, rivers, electrical discharge. Everywhere there's some iterative optimization process going on.

In a similar way people like to mysticize phi, or the golden ratio, which is simply the necessary result of attractive and repulsive forces.

All this should be clear to anyone who studied maths or physics somewhat in-depth in their lives.

I have to add that fractals like in your picture are man's oversimplification of these natural phenomenae. The brain likes things simple. Perfect circles or squares dont exist but the simple idea of a circle as all points equidistant from some other point leads to very accurate results that apply to near circular shapes IRL

I have bad news for you...
You should really see a psychiatrist.

Trees have been trolling us all along

are you high or intentionally misunderstanding my sarcasm?

one more time for your retarded mind: noone can see the wind but everyone can see its kinetic energy being transfered to resting objects

This is among one of the many secrets big science has been hiding from us all along

OP here, I didnt want to hear that fractals and the golden ratio prove that we are just living in a minecraft clone or whatever. Thats why I came here and not on /x/

Either way thanks for answering my question Veeky Forums, now Im off to go inject marijuana into my retina

I dont get why people use those drugs. Theres nothing enlightening or useful in those substances. If you use lsd, mushrooms, dmt, acid or whatever youre retarded

look up timothy learys 7th circuit

i AM a psychiatrist.....

timothy learys dead

>i just like drugs and fractals

me too user, me too

how would you know?

Just staring for more than 10 seconds already does the trick for me.

yeah, I can see where you are coming from. We all were like that some time. You can use psychedelics as a tool though. It gives you insight into yourself, what consciousness is. It can help you seeing a bigger picture. It can help you deal with personal issues.

Apart from that you can have some crazy ass experiences which are impossible to explain. You'd have to try for yourself but if you say that people just believe that's trash talk to get people to use drugs.

>Veeky Forums


I was having closed eye visuals on dxm earlier today and the hallmark of my trip was a bismuth-like neon pattern that took on an increasingly more complex fractal form.

Unfortunately, dxm is pretty shit for visuals, so it disapeared the instant I got interested in it.