Just saw this on my fb feed. And almost everyone in the comments got it wrong

Just saw this on my fb feed. And almost everyone in the comments got it wrong

Other urls found in this thread:




Actually its 2 you fool

Or -13 depending on what calculator you use.

It's 8 you fucking retards


the answer is "infix notation is inherently ambiguous becasue it relies on convention which is inherently indeterminate"

lisp-style prefix is god tier for all uses
RPN is okay
postfix is eh

Multiplication takes priority. PE M/D A/S
Therefore, [math]3 - 3 \cdot 6 + 2[/math] is [math]-13[/math].

i think the answer is yes but a non-genius could solve it too

Order of Operations: PEMDAS

Work from left to right and order doesn't matter when it comes to adding and subtracting

Ex: 3-2 = -2+3
Both equals 1

The answer is -13. Multiply 3 and 6 to get 18. 3-18 = -15. -15 + 2 = -13

Order of addition matters in this case.
Can't even use pemdas correctly.

At least summer is almost over.

-17 chaps

3 + (-18) + 2
-15 + 2

Nice bait, managed to get me to reply.

its negative 3*6
not 3 minus positive 3*6

Not without parenthesis it isn't.


>do the math
>get -17
>feel smart
>everyone in thread is saying -13
>double-check on wolfram

fuck all of you, I thought I was retarded for a minute

It's actually 3 - (3x6)+ 2

= - 17
If you go by pemdas.
Pemdas just tells you where to put parantheses if they aren't already there.

wtf wolfram, now I don't trust you anymore

It's either 8 or 2. I betcha it's 8 huh

Am I being memed?


Lmfao i am lost here so you are saying that

+3+(-18)+2 = +5+(-18) = 5-18 = -17?

Yes you are being memed. Ignore the fools

no, you aren't

meme b8

Decent bait, 6/10

i honestly can't tell if bait or retarded

Please write your steps

You miraculously distributed the negative to your 2 which is incorrect.

>its negative 3*6
not 3 minus positive 3*6

These are equal quantities.
3 + ((-3)*(+6)) = 3 - ((+3)*(+6))

I was showing that it doesn't make sense to get -17 since obviously 5-18 = -13

bro, you dropped this -

I thought we all agreed it was -21


Better question:
2*2÷6÷7*6÷1*1÷2÷3÷4*5*2÷3 = ??

Kek, mathfags are so retarded ther can't agree on the most foundational element of their """""""""""""""""""""discipline."""""""""""""""""""""



Follow pemdas.

3-18+2 multiplication
3 - 20 addition
-17 subtraction

This is the only correct way to follow pemdas.

Veeky Forums has /x/ level trolling

Are you stupid?

Obviously -21

this thread is comedy gold


ok you gotta use BEDMOUSE

Bextifly Expodenciation Duvisin Modicfatiction Operations Umblity Subtraction Embolso


u know the rest

No, you're stupid. Addition and subtraction have equal order of calculation, it goes from left to right in that situation.

get the fuck off of this board you literal retard

Not according to wolfram.
It's pemdas for a reason.
It's not pem/d/a/s

a + b &= a + b \\
a - b &= a + (-b) \\
a \cdot b &= a \cdot b \\
a \div b &= a \cdot \frac{1}{b}

wtf i hate math now


3 - (18+2) = 3 + (-18 + -2)

There's no contradiction with what I did and what you said.

Wait. There's contradiction with what I did and what you just said.


welcome to Veeky Forums
where (-18) + 2 = -20

So you chose to evaluate from left to right. Why?

2 -3×6 +3 = 3 - 3×6 + 2

So why doesn't your evaluation of the problem give the same answer either way?

No no,

It's 3 - 18 + 2

If you evaluate from right to left is -17.

Since order doesn't matter like everyone says, it's the same as 2+3-18 = -13
But this can't be, so what does that tell you?


So you chose to evaluate from right to left. Why?


So why doesn't your evaluation of the problem give the same answer either way?

Because I say that order matters when you have addition and subtraction.
You're the one that says order doesn't matter and that's obviously wrong.


I'm getting -13, can't you just group the 2 and 3 so you get 5-3x6?

It's the same foradditionandsubtraction. They are on the same level, so you just work from left to right.

Check it out:

20 - 3 + 5

= 17 + 5

= 22
Go from left to right!

Source: Cool Math Website (link at top)

You can but then it's not pemdas anymore.


Here's the link

simple default left to right

That's pretty misleading, and kek worthy.
I hope people actually believe this

Order of addition? What the fuck are you smoking?

The order that you add the terms matters.
Different programs add the terms in different orders.
Sometimes right to left
Sometimes left to right
Sometimes all at once

>right to left
>left to right
>all at once
nice meme

Thank you for contributing to this board, we need more shitposting like this so lurking high schoolers can contribute.


You're either shitposting or ignorant so read the special cases section if it's the later.

The answer is this is why you should use RPN.

lmao fucking brainlet, i am just making fun of you

3-18+2 = -15+2 = -13

how the fuck are so many people still arguing over this

3-3*6+2 = -(-3+3*6-2) = -(3*6 - 3 - 2) = -(13) = 13

Because infix operators are extremely retarded. Arguing over which sort of order of operations to use misses the point that you have the option to express mathematical statements without needing to appeal to any unnatural order of operations scheme. If something like this was written in RPN for example:

3 6 * 3 - 2 +

Then it would be:

3 6 * 3 - 2 +
Push 3 onto stack
6 * 3 - 2 +
Push 6 onto stack
* 3 - 2 +
* is an operator, pop the last two numbers from stack and apply the operator
18 3 - 2 +
Push 18 onto stack
3 - 2 +
Push 3 onto stack
- 2 +
- is an operator, pop the last two numbers from the stack and apply the operator
15 2 +
Push 15 onto stack
2 +
Push 2 onto stack
+ is an operator, pop the last two numbers from the stack and apply the operator

And there would be no argument because you simply push when you hit a number and pop when you hit an operator. This is why all computers secretly do math this way and then someone has to code a convoluted mess like:


To take the pure and simple beauty of RPN and turn it into the cancerous infix operator format everyone was tragically indoctrinated into from an early age.

Fkn learn to use Latex, it's ugly as fuck.


Any person here who doesn't get -13 is a moron, especially the person or people trying to argue that the answer is -17. End of story.

First post best post


Why post when you don't bother reading the thread?
Why post when you have no idea what's being discussed?

Reading right-to-left? What are you, Japanese?

using parentheses when faced with ambiguity instead of weird notation is actual mathematician tier

wtf i hate coolmath now

That's the most fucking retarded logic I've ever seen.

> 3-2 is obviously the same as 2-3 guys, this is basic high school algebreiheow

Go kill yourself, faggot.

Subtraction is defined as addition of a negative. You just learned it as a separate operation because you went to public school. It's really just another inverse operation.

The equation is:

3 + (-18) + 2, which is obviously -13.

If you still don't believe me, ask yourself why you would ever be able to distribute that negative sign to the 2, like you're doing right now.

Or if you're really just fucking stupid and not a troll, put all the positive numbers on a piece of paper in tally marks and cancel them out with the negatives.

Reverse polish is not some fucking backwards math, it's just a way to input shit.

Math is ALWAY read left to right. That's why 5-2 =/= 2-5. There's no ambiguity in this problem, except for people who don't remember how subtraction works.

When you pop 3 - 18, you should get -15, not 15. Unless you seriously think 3-18 is a positive number.

Then, push 2 +, get -13. Simple.

>Learn some real math before you start spouting big words and writing in RPN. And learn fucking Latex.

It's -13. Why is this a popular thread on a science and math forum on Veeky Forums? Oh yea, because it's on fucking Veeky Forums. Why are you idiots on a math page? Why? Why is this a thread? Dude I'm so fucking confused right now.

tfw u try to launch a rocket but it starts the ignition sequence at t+17 seconds instead of t+13 seconds because of the order of operations meme and you fail your grade 4 math exam

Holy crap you're retarded.
=-13, fuckface.

Everything you said it's literally wrong and has been explained.

Just because you got memed on in gradeschool doesn't mean everyone else is a brainlet.
Now go back to your shithole and keep posting chink face threads.

This is mathematics not cs dumbass..

Right to left or left to right does not matter.
The first 3 does not subtract everything after from itself. Imagine dollars. Got paid $3, bought 3×$6 items, got paid $2. Now you're $13 in debt.

Or imagine IQ points and you're at the level of everyone saying -17.

I love these, they work as a sort of perfect social experiment. Here you have dumb idiots who memorized order of operations but really have no idea how to actually calculate, and no experience of such tasks in the real world where everyone uses parentheses to leave no room for doubt as to how they want things done... and these idiots go all haywire with their bragging and bashing, thinking themselves so smart for counting literally 1+1 level bullshit.

Anyway, as said, the order of operations is archaic and almost entirely useless outside of school and some mathematical communities. In our western cultures, we read from left to right. All formulas can be written left to right, barring any logical entities that can be combined and clarified through the use of parentheses.

I work with numbers and formulas though data analytics. And because we want our code to be clear, naturally understood, and uniformly usable and viewable, we don't participate in this ancient BS philosophy of reading mid to mid left to right to down to full right to down to mid and then up again, bouncing randomly all over the fucking formula.

I believe that even in a simple calculation like the one in OP, the responsibility of communicating clearly is, as always, with the writer at least as much as it is with the reader.

3 plus -18 is -15. -15 plus 2 is 13.

-18 plus 2 is -16. -16 plus 3 is 13.

Did we all forget about the Associative property of addition???


>depending on what calculator you use

-17 you silly people
3*6=18, 18+2=20


ok one of you is pulling my string.

You never touched an RPN calculator, did you

3 [¬] 3 [¬] 6 [*] [-] 2 [+] --> -13