Would you assume I'm a pleb if this is my favorite book?

Would you assume I'm a pleb if this is my favorite book?

My favorite book too, desu

I'd assume that anyone who has a 'favorite book' is a pleb.

Has nothing to do with TGG


Only if that is one of the only books you've read, which is generally the case for people who cite TGG as their fave.

imblyign a good collection of his short stories isn't superior

This guy has a point. Typically it means someone has read less than ten books since leaving hs, like people who listen to info wars and talk about 1984 as if it were Shakespeare.


Babylon Revisted is the shit

I wouldnt assume it, but I'd be very suspicious of someone with that being their favorite their favorite book as its something usually read very early

I would assume that it's probably one of the few books that you've ever read.
That's not to say that Gatsby is necessarily a "bad" book. It's just that people who cite it as their favorite are typically not very well versed in literature.


People can consider a book their favourite for any imaginable reason, it says nothing whatsoever about their knowledge or understanding of literature as a whole.

Of course not.

No, on the contrary I'd think you're patrician and unpretentious (even though it may be a pretentious reverse psychology scheme)

Stephen Fry says it comes a close second behind Ulysses in literary merit.

Stephen Fry also refuses anal sex so I automatically disregard his opinion.

Absolutely, TGG is his one of his poorer novels and it's honestly only popular to the extent that it is because it was distributed to soldiers during WWII. Fitzgerald's prose is beautiful but I think the book is dull and devoid of any great value.

No. Favorites tend to have sentimental value, or special significance. They aren't always what you would consider the best, so it's not a strong reflection on your taste. It might be more of a reflection of where you're at in your reading-life. In this case I'd guess you're young and haven't read all that much. But that could be wrong too. Sometimes a book just sticks. One of my all time favs is Tom Sawyer.

I recently saw a video of one of those famous literary commentators/critics saying that TGG was perfectly written, page by page, word by word. I read it a few years ago and thought it was just ok.

Depends on the "why" more than which book.

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No, it's a decent book that shows, very well, a slice of life and the consequence of action. Are there better books? Certainly. But I won't look down on you for getting more raw enjoyment out of one over the other.

The Crack-Up is better. Read that.

Maybe, if it's the "the one book I like because I was forced to read in highschool" sort of thing. The Great Gatsby is one of my all-time favourites too.


But I also think Gatsby is very good and doesn't deserve the hate it gets.