I'm going to a lecture tomorrow, with one of the chief scientists from the Louisiana LIGO observatory...

I'm going to a lecture tomorrow, with one of the chief scientists from the Louisiana LIGO observatory. What questions should I ask?

Also, gravitational waves general.

Other urls found in this thread:


Ask about future candidates for wave sources. Also ask if any advances in sensitivity are planned. Kind of the same question.

ask if NASA will restore co-operation with ESA on eLISA

Could multiple LIGOs, assuming perfect accuracy, triangulate the origin of any sound even if multiple sounds were occurring at the same time?


Why? It's literally an email away. And so many scientists around the world contributes to it. It's not really an exclusive club.

"Is the LHC going to destroy the world through strange matter conversion?"

This is why there are no alien empires. Every civilisation kills itself somehow.

>What questions should I ask?
Remind him that astronomy is not a real science and ask him if he regrets not having a mathematics major (since he doesn't really understand any of the mathematics behind the projects).

Yell out "PEPE" at the top of your voice

ask him how we can monetize gravitational waves for profit

as a follow up ask if gravitational waves affect algo trading software or the underlying fiber infrastructure and if so how can we take advantage of it to beat the market?

>Yell out "PEPE"
How do you pronounce that? With 1 syllable, as in peep, or with 2, as in meme?

Hahaha you need to behave, user

First post remains best post.

Also ask if we can expect correlations with other types of observations (neutrinos etc.) and if there is any plans for coordinating. That is, if a finding is made, will others be alerted to try to catch an observation of something.

Pic., uh, somewhat related.

How do they know that the 'waves' weren't caused by a small earthquake/tremor?

Like this:

Ask about observation of spinning neutron stars, and if they expect to start seeing those signals anytime soon.

The stations act together to locate the origin of the signal. Both stations saw the same signal, and found that it originated out in space.
Plus, earthquakes don't make waves profiles like the ones black holes do.

Extensive analysis and proofing, link and pic. related.

The web comic artists is working at LIGO.

this is a good one, also for dark matter detectors.

peh-peh. like this:



Ask him how the detector can actually detect anything when the gravity compression wave also compresses and alters the speed at which light travels.

There's a LIGO observatory in lousiana?

yep. Livingstone, Louisiana and Hanford, Washington. These are the two North American detectors that discovered gravitational waves.

I think that's the point though, and why LIGO detectors have 2 perpendicular arms. The laser in one arm gets compressed, the other doesnt/to a lesser degree.

This is a tip for you.

Spherical Coordinates of the Present Cosmos on the webpage brahmanedu.org/english/materials/summary/22_1.html.

Maitreya Buddha and Messiah explained all the truth. The below is for scientists.

: Births of Jupiter, Earth, Moon and Mars
: What happened just after Big Bang occurred?
: Kinds of the universes have been born and kinds of the future universes.
: Universe History in the past, in the present, and in the future.

Maitreya Buddha explained even processes before quarks were born in his lectures about (original version) Prajna Paramita Heart Sutra.

Ask whether people with IQs less than 120 should be euthanized

holy shit my state has something worth mentioning.

Right, but time would slow down by the same amount to offset any compression, rendering a null result.