I seriously asked CERN if I could come and see their LHC

I seriously asked CERN if I could come and see their LHC.
Today I got a reply: my request was denied. Apparently the LHC is off-limits for the public, even though in 2013 some parts of the accelerator were open for civilians.

I'm depressed as fuck. Why can't I just visit the LHC? My life barely has any meaning now.

They have work to do, and time is money.
Can't babysit you now.

Apparently Morgan Freeman can just waltz in there and chill in front of the LHC like he owns the place.

PR = money

>cares about physics

Modern physics has barely anything interesting to offer to us humans. We already have our computers, cars, airplanes and satellites. If you want answers to questions like "how did the world came to be", you already have philosophy and religion on your side.

We should concentrate on more relevant things like AI and medical breakthroughs that will actually help humanity. They can keep colliding particles, but that doesn't improve our quality of life. This is also the reason why they're lowering CERN funding.

apparently they are opening a gateway to hell, no normies allowed

Wow what a load of tumblr tier bullshit.

Knowledge itself is one of the most valuable things humanity can ever achieve, and these answers are found through the methods of physics. Philosophy has not given us answers to anything, ever.
You talk about computers, cars and iPhones like this consumer bullshit is the ultimate goal of science and human endeavour. I could easily live without Facebook and the Internet. These things barely help humanity, they're just a biproduct of our need to boast our egos at lightspeed.

>They can keep colliding particles, but that doesn't improve our quality of life.

You do realize that your precious Internet was created in CERN?

>cares about physics
Modern physics has barely anything interesting to offer to us humans. We already have our steam engines, cars, electricity and telegraphy. If you want answers to questions like "how did the world came to be", you already have philosophy and religion on your side.

We should concentrate on more relevant things like fucking women and medical breakthroughs (like banning masturbation )that will actually help humanity. They can keep do math, but that doesn't improve our quality of life. This is also the reason why they're lowering education funding.

Science has barely anything interesting to offer to us humans. We already have our candleholders, writing pens, houses and horse carriages. If you want answers to questions like "how did the world came to be", you already have the Bible.

We should concentrate on more relevant things like burning witches and inbreeding that will actually help humanity. Newton can just keep writing his little Principia, but that doesn't improve our quality of life. This is also the reason why they're lowering church funding.

>www is not the internet

Agriculture has barely anything interesting to offer to us humans. We already have our cave paintings, hunting, tents and miscarriages. If you want answers to questions like "how did the world came to be", you already have chin chin.

We should concentrate on more relevant things like burning witches and inbreeding that will actually help humanity. Newton can just keep writing his little Principia, but that doesn't improve our quality of life. This is also the reason why they're lowering church funding.

how is knowledge valuable? can you eat knowledge?

>didn't rewrite the second paragraph
come on man, apply yourself

We should concentrate on more relevant things like sacrificing to the sun god that will actually help the tribe. Dook Dook can just keep carving his little "wheel" but that doesn't improve our quality of life. This is also the reason why funding for science had gone down, because money hasn't been invented yet.

Yes you can consume knowledge.

>how is knowledge valuable?

Come on man, try harder. With knowledge you can, for example, cure cancer.

Is this the birthening of a dank new may-may?


>Modern physics has barely anything interesting to offer to us humans.
This is true

Then your idea of interesting is wrong.

I highly doubt your words. Colliding particles isn't waste of resources, don't you realise how these help us understand the working of the atoms and eventually may lead to huge differences in the world. Trust me if time travel is possible it will come out of such areas!

>not definition
lol, of course Americans like the most retarded "science"......

>being this autist

>cares about physics
Modern physics has barely anything interesting to offer to us humans. We already have our windmills, horses, candles and messenger pigeons. If you want answers to questions like "how did the world came to be", you already have the bible on your side.

We should concentrate on more relevant things like conquering Palestine and medical breakthroughs (like horehound juice and flayed cats) that will actually help humanity. They can keep do math, but that doesn't improve our quality of life. This is also the reason why they're increasing fealty, military aid and church taxes.

>Equating computers with Facebook


>Internet was created in CERN


yeah... he can...

> ywn be morgan freeman

>knowledge has no value unless it can be commercialised and sold for shekels

Fuck off, greedy kike.

>My life barely has any meaning now.
Why did you expect visiting the LHC would somehow rectify this

You can watch people in the control room at the surface and go to a museum they have


watch Planetes, it works if you get to touch it

>scientist man

>science man

Because it's currently running. The tunnels are flooded with deadly radiation. If you went there you'd die, and someone would have to go down there to clean up your mummified corpse after they turn it off a few years from now. Nobody wants to do that.