Be safe when frying those turkeys. w/William Shatner

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This guy should be on tv

I thought my life was complete until I realized I don't have a dingle-dangle.

>this well known actor should be on tv.

jesus u cant be serious

never had a deep fried turkey

is it really better?

I bet you feel stupid replying the way you did?

I've never done it either but Americans seem to really go for it?

it's not bad but I think I'd prefer it prepared southern fried chicken style

It cooks more evenly. It isn't greasy or oily at all like fried chicken, probably because it's so much bigger.

doesn't all the juice get evaporated by the oil?

No. Plus they are usually injected with a type of marinade, st least all the ones I've had.


stay relevant kids

if your fried chicken is greasy or oily, you're doing it wrong

>William Shatner should be on TV.

Isn't that mark hamill?

stay underage homos

>Not posting the remix version

>when a board is so full of trolls that the trolling goes full circle until the trolls are trolling trolls and genuine comments emerge from the chaos

Shatner's a national treasure.

of Canada?

It's pretty darn good if prepared right. You either need to brine it beforehand or use a seasoning injector to get the seasoning into the flesh before you fry it. You get an incredibly juicy turkey and the skin comes out super crispy and tasty.

I don't really make it much anymore due to the prepwork needed and the cleanup is kind of a pain dealing with the hot oil and washing the fry bucket.

>prepwork needed and the cleanup is kind of a pain

Jeez, I think it's better to go get fast food than expend any effort to make tasty food. Then I have more time to hang around Veeky Forums.

It takes a seasoned channer to know that this is actually the bait.


This is Veeky Forums, there is no seasoning.

Just realized Shatner sounds a lot like Adam West.

You should see him acting in that one Big Valley episode he was in. Fucking hilarious.

idiots not understanding how frying works

I swear to god if you haven't done anything like this don't start with a big turkey with something this volatile. Everyone I know has a deep fryer in their kitchen so they understand oil, grease, steam, etc.

Somehow it's always these rocket scientists who decide to try it and burn the god damn block down

Of the world.

Actually made me chuckle