Not dense enough, not crazy enough

not dense enough, not crazy enough

give me something in similar vein to GR or Illuminatus! from further down the rabbit hole

Have you already read Ulysses and Finnegans Wake?

you're way off track - but yes i've read both. undoubtedly dense but not what i'm looking for

i'm looking for fringe politics, historical revisionism, and mysticism/spirituality IE something to open my third eye

there's a guy on this board who wrote a book that is supposed to be pretty good
I think it's on Amazon for free, he only sold 2 so far

It makes my head hurt thinking about a book more dense and crazy than gravity's rainbow.

Which guy? There's at least 2-5 of them running around.

Zettels Traum

Philip K. Dick seems pretty good

god had sex with a dinosaur guy

>i'm looking for fringe politics, historical revisionism, and mysticism/spirituality

well, is it actually any good

looks marginally funny maybe


Bagheera Stopped Dreaming by Paul Butfield. Caused me a lot of bad trips.


give me the ultimate redpill lit

Doesn't quite fit your description, but I'd suggest certain stuff by Stanislaw Lem.

This, VALIS sounds like what op wants.

Further writings by ra Wilson are good bets

Crowley might be up your alley

Foucault's pendulum, by Umberto Eco.


Have you read Blood Meridian?

i've read all this except more work by RAW, any suggestions?
fuck off (yes i have)

Maybe its time for you to write something.


wow, how pedestrian. . .


Nog wouldn't be a bad place to start


I'm not just gonna pretend that I think that book is easy to read. If you'd really rather that I pretend that, then you're either stuck in an elitist secret club mentality, or you've been programmed by the American education system with their pass or fail dichotomy, which has brainwashed all American children.

or both

Gaddis you cunt


Los Sorias de Alberto Laiseca.

sometimes i just stop taking my medication and all of the fiction starts reading like non-fiction and the subtext will be vivid like they're telling me something, the story was tailored for me specifically, a hidden message only I can see, etc. reading the bible gives me a wicked buzz when im in the right mood.

actually, yeah. old testament.

-fringe politics (eh)
-historical revisionism (potent)
-mysticism (potent)
-third eye (you bethchum)

go for it brother. read the word of god and see how far it takes you. it's funny I'm not religious or anything just crazy. don't take it too seriously.

walter benjamin, derrida, foucault . . . . moyan is good too . . . .the academics compel you to feel more conviction about the sort of ideas and forms presented in the literature you mentioned . . .

good luck . . .

actually if you need this quickly, if you have to be processed by the complexity you're looking for--

yellow back radio broke down
by ishmael reed,
is a good choice. it is sort of chopped
apart enough that the reader
and writer both) fail to manage
the plot. interesting . . . .

beelzebub's tales to his grandson by gurdjieff

Read Neuromancer OP. It's GITS but more descriptive and more occultish.

The bible isn't even the best sci-fi novel of it's time.