Why does healthy food taste like shit?

Why does healthy food taste like shit?

Sex is healthy, feels great.
Exercising is healthy, feels great.

What biological incentive is there to eat healthy? Zero. Why would our taste buds evolve in an detrimental way like this?

You need to dismantle your preconceived notions of what it means for a food to be "healthy." Our bodies evolved to enjoy certain foods more than others because that was what was "healthy" for us in the environment at the time. Now that there is an abundance of food and people can eat whatever and whenever they want, other foods have become "healthier," because they prevent what the biological impulse was intended for.

Raw apples taste like shit. They should taste like sex.

What is "health"? If McDonald's food is intrinsically excluded from your view of health, it may be time to analyze/revise your assumptions. Framing health as a personal moral obligation and certain "choices" as "unhealthy" is a key facet of the neoliberal agenda.
Under any reasonable, cross-cultural, intersectional definition of "health" McDonald's food is healthy. Most people ostensibly define health as a state (lack of illness, possession of a certain body image, ability of the body to do work etc.). But when confronted with someone who meets those criteria and eats McDonald's, they amend their definition to include "eats healthy food". They cannot accept "eating McDonald's" as something a healthy person could engage in, as they have a priori deemed it unhealthy act. It becomes clear that "health" is not a state one can occupy, but an ongoing series of sociocultural performances. This exclusionary view of health ensures that "health" proper cannot be achieved by certain types of people (minorities, lower class, etc). Therefore if you are not an insensitive, sheltered bigot, you must accept that McDonald's food is healthy.


you think they taste bad because you are addicted to sugar and there is not enough natural sugar there to satisfy you anymore. try to fix that

No. Sugar, objectively, tastes better than apples. This is scientifically proven. Also why can humans become addicted to unhealthy shit? Our bodies are trying to kill us.

No you're just an idiot.

because our body assumes we are in some shithole barely able to get by, so if we have access to such sugary fatty foods, it tells you that you should eat as much as possible since such foods are rare in the wild

Civilization has effectively eliminated selective pressures on humans so there is not really a way evolution can occur to change our biology like that anymore

i think healthy foods taste just as delicious as unhealthy ones. unhealthy ones actually get too strong/ick me out if i eat too much of them. you've created a tolerance for sugar/salt and now can't taste the subtleties in veggies like a pussy bitch

one of my fav dishes is just piles of roasted brussels sprouts and onions in balsamic vinegar over rice. could wolf that down for days

Yeah OP, it sucks. If burgers and pizza was as healthy as munching on raw veggies I would be so fit right now

Yeah. When it comes to healt and food, the by far most important thing is to get enough calories. So we like things with lots of calories. Today this is so easy to achieve, that the problem is rather the other way around.

because you have programmed yourself to prefer unhealthy food.

stop eating all that garbage and then you'll find that most healthy food tastes amazing.

100% this!

Besides, your tastebuds will just explode once you got off all those shitty spices and waste products, everything will taste much more intense.
I had a really good mature coconut earlier and the water was just so damn full of taste, it's incredible to really taste all those minerals.

You also have to get the best fruit because only the best will give you the most. You have to scavenge because 90% of fruit is shit, depending on where you are living.
You say apples taste like shit but that's just because you probably never had a really good fresh and tree ripened apple.

Because mankind has literally outmoded many of our instincts and evolutionary traits, but we've done it so quickly that genetics hasn't had nearly enough time to catch up.

Give it a few thousand years and, assuming no other factors change, you'd probably have a society of people who enjoyed sugary and fatty foods a lot less because enjoying sugar and fat has a tendency to dead-end due to unhealthy people breeding less on average than fit and healthy people.

>Sex is healthy
You serious? Sex is probably the dirtiest, easiest way to get a disease, second only to needle sharing.

Are you a whore? Sex is also good for your mental health.

*eat healthily

what? raw apples taste amazing, try staying away from your typical amerifat food for a while so your taste buds can get some rest and rewire themselves

>Exercising is healthy, feels great.
Exercising feels great? What? Since when?

Back when I used to run in high school cross country, I would get a "runner's high", where you get endorphins from exercising. Now I'm a lazy sack of shit. But I still remember how it was exhilarating, even if somewhat painful to run.