Can someone explain this meme to me? Looks like two rare extremes... Black twitter is praising the left turkey...

Can someone explain this meme to me? Looks like two rare extremes... Black twitter is praising the left turkey, but it honestly looks completely ruined to me. There's such thing as too much seasoning people.

Other urls found in this thread:

Niggers have no sense of taste.
Why do you think rap and welfare exists?


>Looks like two rare extremes
Congratulations on getting the joke, that black people season everything to shit and white people are blander than butter on rice.

That's not the joke though, the joke is that white people don't use seasoning and the left turkey is supposed to be much better

White people learned to eat and appreciate unseasoned meats because we had sense to not eat foods that had gone bad and cover the rotten flavor up with herbs. Those blacks will also praise one of their own for eating well done steaks while most whites prefer medium rare for the same reasons.

Captcha: swallow center

Basically niggers dump half a tub of pre-made season salt on everything they eat and act like they can cook.

>Basically white trash dump half a tub of pre-made season salt on everything they eat and act like they can cook.

Fixed your post, white trash.

Congratulations on sounding like a complete tool on a cooking board.

The whole point of this board is to share experiences on different cooking methods and how we use seasonings. You can just shun an entire method of cooking a turkey just because niggers enjoy it. It's counterproductive, counterintuitive, and frankly a bit autistic.

And for the record, I enjoy medium rare steaks myself, but I've seasoned the meat as well. Believe it or not, you can have it both ways.

BLM please, we all know your heifers don't know how to cook.
If you want to insult white people for cooking, you just bitch about a bad batch of meth we sold your kid.

>Bland unseasoned turkey vs a turkey so over seasoned to the point it will probably taste of nothing but pure salt

Both are shit tier.

Kool-Aid was served at your thanksgiving dinner, everyone ate off paper plates and everything was served in those disposable metal trays that are only supposed to be used for cooking. Isn't that right?

That's not what it says though, and just about every response here is about how black season too much while they say whites season too little...

Oh, and at least 1 fight broke out. But that is considered normal at a black thanksgiving dinner.

Why are y'all so negative its just two chickens ffs

>everyone ate off paper plates and everything was served in those disposable metal trays that are only supposed to be used for cooking.

You can do better....I know you can.

Take that ellipsis and shove it up your ass. Don't come back until you can form a complete opinion on your own.

you should know by now that anything blacks praise is shit.

Make me

Alot of them did vote for Trump...



8 yeas of Obama dividing the nation... every fucking thing is about race.

Even fucking Turkeys are now about Niggers vs. everybody else.

Might as well just segregate the nigger and whites again.

Well latinos and asians season their food...

Yes, little Tyrone. Whites do cook.

Fun Fact for you little Nig...

90% of the Michelin rated and Zagat rated chefs are all white. Only 4% are Niggers.

The more you learn, little Tyrone... the more you know.

yeah, a whole 1%?

>Might as well just segregate the nigger and whites again.
Aren't the college students wanting this already?

ask them if they're rather be with whites or blacks.

I'm sure both turkeys came out good.

That's like saying there are Blacks who vote.
They're just shitty at it.

Maybe white people should learn how to season their food from those chefs.

Oy vey! They need more diversity!

Easy. Their own.
For turkey they'd go with the blacks because they know what seasoning is.

>blacks and Hispanics
>getting along
Does role playing as a nigger get your cuck socks off?

kek stay delusional, retard. everyone hates niggers. even better looking negresses pursue men outside their own race.

Fucking this. Lived with some blacks for a while and the cupboard was full of Mrs Dash premade seasonings. They would grab two or three at a time and cover whatever they were cooking in it and act like they were amazing cooks.

We use 100 year old china and true silver for utensils, trailer trash. Don't you have a wife and her kid to be beating on about now, white trash?

One omitted a serial comma, which is hardly acceptable. The other said "in route" which just makes them look dumb.

The turkeys are fine.

Did you sip your kool aid and lean from crystal champagne flutes?

^^^ this

Only if you call ne 'Daddy'

you an always add more, you can't take too much off

10% is not a lot.

>And for the record, I enjoy medium rare steaks myself

opinion disregarded

We don't need to be taught by welfare cooks how to cook.

Not true

I can put salt/gravy etc on a bland turkey after, can't fix black people salt bomb with nothin

Christ you guys are so aggressive.

I am not fucker, I will fucking cut you!

>mfw I'm white and love butter and rice

taste the meat not the heat

It's weird, nips like butter on rice too. Small amount of butter + soy sauce is fucking tasty.

That's why I use Texas Pete

>buy the most bland bird you can
>frozen solid
>needs to be thawed out for 2 days straight
>shove bread up its ass
>bicker about how much spice is too much

Why is almost every single thread on every board in Veeky Forums a racial fight?

Overrun with children

>Basically humans just dump half a tub of pre-made season salt on everything they eat and act like they can cook.
FTFY racist

Actually there's more Europoor/Canacuck/Amerifat shit

All niggers

Those seasonings will burn. But the white guy as nothing on his not even pepper it seems. He also isn't bragging, just stating.

name three famous black chefs

Aunt Jemima
Mrs Butterworth
Cream of Wheat guy

>not naming uncle Ben

Do you even rice?

I concede user. But he did only say three

>Cream of wheat guy
Spat my coffee on my keyboard


wow, this retard actually thinks white people don't season shit.

Chief chef reporting in

because it makes peoples soulless powerless lives better to imagine themselves as better than whity or darky. same with this shit right here.
humans love systems of gratification, and everyone but a select random few on Veeky Forums are exactly the kind of shitty people (read: normies) that would unironically fling their shit over politics during thanksgiving.

>Why is almost every single thread on every board in Veeky Forums a racial fight?

I blame obama.

seriously, race relations are 10x worse after his 8 years.


Obama has been non stop "us vs. them"... supporting looters, basically advocating shooting of cops.

It sucks because he had so much potential to be a healer, instead of a divider.

>White person butt blasted that anything other than salt is "spicy"

its ok u tried

Obama basically set american race relations back 40 years.

>sense to not eat food that had gone bad and cover the rotten flavor up with herbs
You may be referring to a different time period, but Europeans did this all the time in the medieval period.

The people put him in office. Just like Trump. Blame yourselves.


>in route
Embarassing. The image on the right looks sterile and bland. The image on the left looks colourful and flavourful. It might be over seasoned, but it's an image, so that doesn't matter.

cooking food without seasonings is a product of bourgeoisie snobbery, not any kind of objective superiority.
Basically when spices became widely available they had to think of something else to separate themselves from the lower classes, and shifting flavor profiles from seasoning mixes to "quality ingredients" was the result.

Nice, where'd you steal it from?

Right turkey can be saved, maybe there's a decent stuffing with a whole garlic up there. Maybe you give it a good brushing with it's juices mid way. this fucker could crisp up nicely golden brown with the inner flavors radiating through the meat. The one o the right is ruined, wash it off in the sink and pray for forgiveness for what you've done.

>can only afford poor quality turkeys
>don't know how to cook it properly, heavily season their foods to cover the dry, overcooked meat.

>can afford top-quality birds
>know how to cook it properly, so they don't need heavy seasoning. get to enjoy the moist, juicy flesh unburdened.
There, everything's explained.

If you knew anything about turkey, you'd know it requires a lot of fiddling around with to get moist, juicy flesh.

Your opinion was noted, and discarded.

>white trash
>trailer trash
>white trash
Enjoy your stolen kitchenware.

But also African American had to learn to season/ flavor/ slowcook lesser cuts/meat scrap in order to eat what was either discarded by thier masters, dirt cheap due to thier socio-economic status in early america. Also africa, like india is known for thier use of spices in food its just heritage vs. Heritage

Because racism is funny lol

>in route

This is America, speak proper English or get out.

American blacks know nothing of Africa aside from childish notions about Egypt. This is especially retarded as American slaves were west African.

the seasoning was inside us all along

Left looks way better than the right but they both look horrid

w-with what?

The saddest thing is when you realize there were salt and pepper shakers at the table next to the bird on the left and 2/3rds of the people automatically Loaded the meat on their plate up with both. That's the part of black food culture I really don't get. Pile on the spices, herbs, condiments, whatever, but doing that, over seasoning, and STILL automatically adding salt and pepper before tasting?
Makes sense in white people homes. I ate at one of my friend's house when I was a kid, and they didn't have salt at the table. I asked if I could have some salt, and friend's mom said they didn't have any. I said I could use the container, I didn't need a shaker, and she said "No, we don't use salt. It is unhealthy." Under-steamed frozen vegetables, microwave potato flakes, and packaged baked fish fillet never tasted so bleh. I ate before staying over there from then on.

Butter and a house with a father in it.

your're mom knows a thing or two about being injected you should ask her

Those sound like health nuts.
They are not actual people.

ITT: whites who have never actually met and talked to a black, commenting about how blacks do something as personal as cook.

So many damn redditors on this site now

If I want to eat some good food from the heart made with love I will go to a Mexican house.

it's god emperor donald trump's divine right to be president of the greatest nation on earth.

>Also africa, like india is known for thier use of spices in food its just heritage vs. Heritage

Wait, if she's smoking that bird, it would be preferable it were heavily seasoned.