Tfw thanksgiving ruined because my Grandfather completely refused to close his mouth when he ate and not smack his lips...

>tfw thanksgiving ruined because my Grandfather completely refused to close his mouth when he ate and not smack his lips every bite

inb4 a bunch of suck-ups defending the grandfather because apparently being old excuses you from everything.



Whats the deal with this cat and food pictures?

that sucks OP
one of my roommates is a lipsmacker and i want to kill her


>tfw thanksgiving ruined because I got a DWI, possession of controlled substance and totaled my vehicle

>thanksgiving ruined because we went to some friend's place far away and now have no leftovers at our own house

>tfw thanksgiving ruined because my 7 year old nephew has ADHD and can't shut the fuck up or stop touching stuff for 1 minute

Why can't they just sedate kids like this? They ruin everything.

>thanksgiving ruined because now a back molar has a huge fucking hole in it

>whenever my father eats or even drinks anything, he spends the next 10-45 minutes sucking the shit out of his teeth
>I don't get shit stuck in my teeth when I eat fucking fibrous horse meat, and he keeps doing that mothergodfucking SCHWIIIK SCHTZZZZ for ONE FUCKING HOUR after eating ONE FUCKING GRAPE

What happened, friend? Story?

>tfw thanksgiving ruined because you whities slaughtered my ancestors like the monsters you are

>tfw thanksgiving ruined because no wait thanksgiving was a month ago and went just fine thank you

old filling cracked and fell out or something

and i have to wait till march for my dental through work, or search for a school and have students fix it for cheap

right now i've got some temporary stuff in it but fuck is it painful if anything touches it

>tfw your people were slaughtered because you refused to unify into a cohesive force from the outset and kept to petty inter-tribal squabbles letting guys like Jim Crook play you against yourselves

If you're waiting for insurance or something like a government program to kick in; go ahead and get it done and they'll reimburse you later. It'll be worth a few bucks of debt.

Wtf, my grandad does the same thing. Why does he refuse to close his mouth? He's just so stubborn.
I've learnt to ignore it. You should too.

As a white person (and also not an American), I have no experience with this faucet of fairly recent history, but I'm interested. Any tip as to where I can learn / read about this? Thanks senpai.

You seem upset

Who knows how many Thanksgivings you have left with your grandfather? You should try to enjoy them instead of being a pissy little bitch. I hope you die alone.

Yeah, well I hope someone tells you how much of a rude person you are.

>tfw thanksgiving ruined because my Grandfather completely refused to live another day

>thanksgiving ruined because my sister turned my old room into a closet and the house i grew up in no longer feels like home

wow, sounds like you party pretty hard.


nah, it was peaceful this year because my grandpa went to florida. Every holiday there is a fight and he's always at the center of it, and it's always directed at me because he doesn't approve of the way I do anything and starts making unwarranted comments

learn how to drive drunk ya dingus

thanks lawyer guy.

the deal is that they're awesome.


>the way I do things
Easy to assume a few things on that

what do you do that he doesn't like?

Post cats

>implying unification would make a difference
The U.S. army would always be better funded with better technology. Even when tribes did work together to resist they were constantly on the run.

Fucking degenerate asshole I hope you die

This is magnificent. So much care and attention to detail for optimum cat health.

The creatine bothers me, though.

The one consolation, even with severely inferior technology and fighting against overwhelming numbers, they often beat the shit out of them. Until they were simply worn down by lack of food sources, disease and attrition. Witness the run of the Nez Perce to try and escape to Canada.

>this post


Oh boohoo

>thanksgiving ruined because I lost my phone and found my dad fapping to my nudes that were on it
>ruined because mom found us with my mouth latched onto his dick about five minutes later

This Christmas is going to be super awkward.

is your mom hot?

Should have you said you tripped and fell on his dick like in my hentais.

Did you ever make it to Taco Bell/Waffle House?

Nah man, I'm not saying it in a boohoo im so sad sort of way, i'm just saying I don't like staying there cause it feels weird.

So you don't like being in the closet?

thats cuz your dad is high as fuck and you are a debbie

Buy him some tooth picks

On thanksgiving my father told me in a serious manner I looked sick and need to eat more(6'1 160 lbs), he's an inch shorter than me and he's over 250 lbs so idk if he's projecting his bullshit on to me or not. I'm scrawny but I didn't realize it was that bad.


Tell him he needs to eat less and poke his belly.

Are you an islander?
Tongans at my work would do that with anything as well.

>optimum cat health.

It was just Veeky Forums related autism.

>tfw my Viet girlfriend smacked her lips at Thanksgiving, but no one gave a shit, and I taught her how to shoot later in the day

>Viet girlfriend
fukken gross

>tfw my friday night ruined when i learned you survived

cute ladyboy

Her right hand should rest on her left. You suck as a teacher.

Viet girlfriend
you say that like you think it's impressive


I don't know anything about guns or shooting so forgive me if this is irrelevant, but wouldn't that just have to do with whether you're left or right handed?


>my mom and i cooked everything
>it's fucking delicious
>we kept everything because no one wanted any leftovers after gorging
>have been eating comfy thanksgiving mini-plates for the last 3 meals

feels absolutely fantastic

>going to someone's house for thanksgiving that isn't a part of your immediate family or a cousin

for what purpose

desu I'm getting close to my 30 so I'm thinking of heading to the jungle and picking me up a wife. Any tips?


>tfw thanksgiving ruined because mom wasn't feeling up to cooking dinner this year and when I offered to cook instead she waited until thanksgiving day to get back to me

Not mad, just irritated.

>Eating dinner
>Dad does a huge, loud as fuck guttural pig snort like he's inhaling mucus into the back of his throat
>He does this not once, not twice, but three fucking times over the course of the 30 minute dinner
>Cringed and become utterly disgusted each time
Get up, walk away from the table, and blow your fucking nose.

tfw dad slurps all his fucking food and smacks so much god damn

Maybe we have the same dad. He motherfueling slumps eveerything.

Also spaghetti is ruined forever for me because my family all refused to use a spoon to swirl it around their forks like civilized humans. They'd just dangle it over their heads and slurp. Sauce all over their mouths. Spaghetti makes me nauseous

>worked on thanksgiving
>incredibly slow, sit there doing nothing, don't even have a book or internet
>only one person tipped
>made shit all
>but got to eat the thanksgiving dinner they gave employees, that was sort of cold
>which was my only food
>all I have at home is cabbage and a few apples

My brother brought his Vietnamese gf over for Thanksgiving dinner at our parent's house.
We are pretty sure that she is a former child prostitute that just wants US citizenship.
Anyway the entire meal she made these disgusting slurping noises and could not chew with her mouth closed - our Grandfather looked like he was about to puke he was so disgusted.
Luckily the two of them went outside to shoot his gun while the rest of us enjoyed what was left of our meal in peace and quiet.

>not american
>married an american
>add several parties and events to the calendar
>family was big and diverse already

So many parties all the time. So tired

>Thanksgiving ruined because my refrigerator broke down as I was storing leftovers on Thursday night. My apartment office is closed until Monday and the emergency contact number is not working

Slurping in Vietnam is a sign of gratitude, it signifies you are greatly enjoying your meal. She probably just didn't understand US customs, man.

she needs to assimilate or fuck off

Like I said, she probably just didn't know, you faggot.

>implying his brother / her boyfriend hasn't already told her a hundred fucking times.

She can get the fuck out.

hes probably a cat

Why do you care so much?

>t. Someone who fantasizes about asian women while masturbating in his mom's basement, but too fat, ugly and braindead to ever have a date with one, and too poor and scared to even get a mail order one.

>tfw I'm the only person in the world who eats spaghetti with knife & fork.
just do a scissor motion with the knife and fork, then shove the cut spaghetti on your fork with your knife.
It's as big as you want it to be, you won't accidentally wind your whole plate on your fork or have anything dangling from it.
Seriously, how has anyone not figured this out?

Blini Kot really packin on the pounds