Projective Geometry section 2: Perspecivities and Projectivities

To continue, we need tools to examine the projective plane we work with, like circles in ancient Greek geometry. We introduce the most fundamental of those tools here, but before we define it, we need a few definitions.

The set of all points incident to a given line is the [math]\textbf{range}[/math] of that line.

The set of all lines incident to a given point is the [math]\textbf{pencil}[/math] of that line.

In a projective plane, let ranges and pencils be [math]\textbf{incidence sets}[/math].

The incidence sets of the point p and line L can be written as In(,L) and In(p,) respectively.

Before we explicitly define this tool, we demonstrate it with the proof of the following theorem:

Theorem 2.1: Any two distinct ranges from the same plane have the same cardinality.

Proof: We observe that every line has a unique range and vice versa, thus the two resultant lines, which we call A and B, are also distinct. By Axiom 5*, we have a point o not incident to either A or B. Now, consider the following function.

Pe : In(,\textup{A}) &\to In(,\textup{B})\\
\textup{a} &\mapsto \textup{B[oa]}.

The construction of the points B[o?] for points on A is shown in the pic.

If d and e are any distinct points on A, then the lines od and oe are distinct lines which meet at o. Since o does not lie on B, then by Axiom 1, the points B[od] and B[oe] are distinct. Since d and e were arbitrary, then Pe is injective.

Now take an arbitrary point x on B. Let z = A[ox]. The point z exists and lies on A, so Pe(z) exists. {z, o, x} is collinear and x lies on B, so Pe(z) = B[oz] = x, thus Pe is surjective.

Since Pe is surjective and injective, it is a bijection between In(,A) and In(,B), thus they have the same cardinality. #

The function used in the proof above is the tool we seek, which we will formally define in the next large post.

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Section 0 text:
Section 1 text:

I mis-numbered some theorems in the Section 1 text. They have been properly numbered in the 'cheat sheets' below. I also added and cleaned up some definitions.

Definitions and notations:
Axioms, Theorems, and other statements:

A [math]\textbf{perspectivity}[/math] from line L to a distinct line M with [math]\textbf{centre}[/math] c not incident to L or M is the function that, for any point x on L, returns the point M[ox].

A [math]\textbf{perspectivity}[/math] from point p to a distinct point q with [math]\textbf{axis}[/math] C not incident to p or q is the function that, for any point X on p, returns the point q[AX].

A [math]\textbf{projectivity}[/math] is a finite composition of perspectivities.

A [math]\textbf{half-perspectivity}[/math] from line L to a non-incident point p is the function that, for any point x on L, returns the line xp. The half-perspectivity from point p to a non-incident line L is the inverse of the function above.

A [math]\textbf{half-projectivity}[/math] is a composition of an odd number of half-perspectivities.

Given two ordered n-tuples of objects from a single incidence set each (X_1, ... , X_n) and (y_1, ... , y_n), we say these tuples are [math]\textbf{projectvely related}[/math] if there is some (half)-projectivity Pr such that Pr(X_k) = y_k for all k such that [math]1\leq k\leq n[/math].

Since we will use (half-) perspectivities and projectivities so often, we need a lot of new notation. We use two notations for (half-) perspectivities and projectivities. The two systems describe the perspectivity from L to M with centre p as follows:


I have no idea why the math tags aren't working here.

It doesn't work totally like LaTeX. If you want intermediary text with spacing you need to use "\"text{}" whereas in LaTeX it would just unitalisize it.

The text appears to work properly in the TeX preview, so you can copy the text from and paste it into the TeX preview to see the post.

Yeah that looks correct I take back , seems like it just fucked up.

If two tuples are (X_1, ... , X_n) and (y_1, ... , y_n) projectively related, we can note this in our two systems:

(X_1, ... , X_n) ~ (y_1, ... , y_n)

[eqn](x_{1},..., x_{n}) \doublebarwedge (Y_{1},..., Y_{n})[/eqn]

If the relating (half-)projectivity is known explicitly, we can combine the notations. Note the tuples are prefixed by the object its elements are all incident to.


I updated the notation cheat sheet with the new definitions and notations with a few corrections, so you can actually see them.

With those examples done, we can see what the more general (half-)projectivities are like. Since in general, projectivities are compositions of perspectivities, explicitly working them out could be quite messy. Instead, what we will do is show that certain incidence set tuples are projectively related, so demonstrating what certain projectivities can do.

Theorem 2.2: Given three tuples of distinct points (a, b, c) and (a', b', c') with elements taken from I(,L) and I(,M) respectively, then (a, b, c)~(a', b', c').

Proof: If a = a' = LM, then by Axiom 1 b, c, b', and c' are all distinct, and thus [bb'][cc'] = o exists, o does not lie on L or M, and L(a, b, c)>oa'a

>(A, B, C, D) ~ (B, A, C, D).
This should be (A, B, C, D) ~ (B, A, D, C)

From the definitions of projectivity and perspectivity, it is apparent that perspectivities are a subcategory of projectivities. It would seem that to determine whether a projectivity is a perspectivity, one would just look at the construction of it. However, by convention (half-)projectivities are considered extensional. That means two (half-)projectivities are equal if two have the same domain and co-domain, and if for each element in the common domain, its image for each function is the same.

The upshot of that is you can't just look at a projectivity's construction and tell whether it's a perspectivity, as even if its known construction is very long, there might be a much shorter one, even up to only a single perspectivity.

Still, from looking at certain properties of a projectivity, we can often immediately rule it out as a perspectivity. First of all, it is impossible for the domain and co-domain of a perspectivity to be equal. Theorem 2.3 demonstrated that this is not the case for general projectivities.

Given that condition, the domain and co-domain have just one common element. Another condition for a perspectivity is that this common point be its own image. This is not true for projectivities in general. Consider the points a, b, c, and d which fulfil Axiom 4+. Then, by Theorem 2.3, (a, [ab][cd], b) ~ (c, d, [ab][cd]).

Now down to projectivities between distinct objects with self-corresponding meet/join, we cannot narrow our candidates any further. We know that at least some perspectivities are there, so the simplest possibility is that they are all perspectivities.

Conjecture 2.1(Perspectivity Conjecture): Every projectivity with distinct domain and co-domain such that the common element of the domain and co-domain is its own image is a perspectivity.

This conjecture will be our focus(if indirectly) for most of the next few threads. For now, the next large post will focus on some specific consequences/conditions.

For this whole post we assume that L>rpqqprrrpprpqqprrqprqpr

The Theorem and Definition cheat sheets have been fully updated with minor corrections to the newest entries.

The next thread will be a bit of an interlude, as we introduce a generalization to projective planes and a new axiom.

P.S. The next thread will start in about a week, but it might be delayed a bit. After that I plan to swap to a two-week thread schedule.

Hey man, I am taking a projective geometry undergrad course, and the professor is mostly following this book:
While your texts here facinate me, I must say that my professor is taking a much more abstract aproach to projective geometry.
Do you think the Beutelspacher is a good book to learn it?
My previous geometry experience was a 1-year course on Modern Geometry, an introductory course to linear algebra and I am taking actual linear algebra this semester. this Projective Geometry course would be 6-months.

bretty gud OP
always love intuition stuff

What's projective geometry? Is it useful for chemistry? If not then idc about it

Can this help me learn how to use python?

this sucks

Coming back to this, all I can see are the typos.

>Then, by Theorem 2.3, (a, [ab][cd], b) ~ (c, d, [ab][cd])
That should be Theorem 2.2

>By Theorem 2.5, {p, r, LM} is collinear,
That should be {p, r, LN}

That book happens to be one of my sources, and in fact the next thread will partly based on it. If you could only use one book it's pretty good, but personally I'm not fond of the style. Also, I'm not exactly "Modern Geometry" entails.

Sorry, probably not.

Posted is a diagram of the projective plane generated by the PDS {0, 1, 3, 9} mod 13. You can use this to explore projectivities and perspectivities. If you don't like the colour, try the diagram at

An interesting fact is that in this particular projective plane, the Perspectivity Conjecture is true.

Forgot to post the diagram.

Modern Geometry is a course that goes through most of the geometry developed from the euclidian axioms.
I think that the most projective-geometry relevant thing would be Desarge's Theorem seen with euclidean geometry, and the ratio between line segments (we saw harmony from pencils too), but other than that, I saw Menelaus, Ceva, The 9 point circunference and Simpson lines, Circunference theorems, and a bit of an intro into hyperbolic geometry based on Poison's disk.

Desargues' Theorem is next, and I plan to eventually get to harmonic conjugates and the cross-ratio eventually. Because of the way I'm building up the series, the cross-ratio and the explicit use of algebra will be very much delayed.

I'll wait warmly then.