I just can't fucking do it. I'll eat almost any vegetable but this goddamn fruit sickens me to my core...

I just can't fucking do it. I'll eat almost any vegetable but this goddamn fruit sickens me to my core. The sickening tang, the aborted baby aesthetic, the mush texture, fuck tomatoes, and fuck you Veeky Forums.

How's school coming along, kiddo?

no pico de galo ?
no gazpacho ?
no ketchup on your tendies ?

Do you like it when it's dried? It's a nice and tangy/sweet sauce component when it's dried and ground up.

Also, it's much less watery if you get roma tomatoes, cut a little off each end, and then make one cut down the tomato cylinder you made. Once you toss the core and minimal juice, you have a rectangle of tomato meat. This also works with bell peppers for slicing them quickly. Now, use the rectangle of non-fetus-looking fruit in your sauce after chopping it up.

I highly suggest you try and get over it. Fresh tomatoes and simply prepared tomatoes are an excellent treat. One of my favorite side dishes is sliced tomato with oil, balsamic and basil.

I'll take a slice on my burger but when people throw whole tomatoes in salads I lose it



In late summer I'll lay down in my garden with a salt shaker, making sure I'm within reaching distance of the best looking ones. I could spend hours there.

Sun-warmed tomatoes on the vine. Holy shit, good.

How does it feel to have the palette of a spoilt child?

I also hate plain red tomatoes.

I very much enjoy green ones. Have you tried the green ones?

I'm exactly the opposite, I love fresh tomatoes in pretty much any form, if I slice up one for burgs or sammies I'll eat a few slices as is. But tomato sauces are gross to me, too robust, ruins the taste of a tomato that makes tomatoes taste so great in the first place!

I don't really like tomatoes, especially not raw. I have to saute my tomato slices before i put them on a sandwich or something.

I'm with OP.

FUCK tomatoes. I'll eat them if they're in sauce or really diced up but you got to be shitting me if you think anyone genuine enjoys whole tomatoes or giant chunks.

They're just trying to fit in and be cool.


Is this some sort of flyover meme or are Jersey tomatoes really one of the only tomatoes that arent complete shit?

inject it with Nacho Cheese, then top it with ground black pepper and eat it like an apple.

I used to love green ones from the garden when I was a kid, now I can't get past the skin and can only handle ripened

I like tomato carpaccio. I had some at a vegan tapas place in Madrid.


Suck my dick for some tomatoes

I'm a manchild who puts celery in things because it's in the recipe but then picks it out after it's done cooking so I don't actually have to eat it and I love tomato. when I was a kid tomato was one of the only plants my parents didn't have to force me to eat.

You should get tomatoes from glasshouses or canned tomatoes. Try to buy them as locally as possible, since then they are plucked when they are red then. Makes them less watery and more intense in taste

Hardly surprising really when you consider the tomato's true nature!

Are you twelve? That's how old I was when I stopped hating tomatoes.

It's good in a sauce, diced or sliced really tiny of roasted without the seeds
Overal lowest effort/reward vegetable/fruit/wathever around

>Tomato in burger
Please go get a vasectomy

That is some next level autism

I like tomatoes in sauce or alone in general.

I'm with you OP fuck tomatoes

Tomatoes were never food. They were used as ornamental plants. It was only when famine struck that people were forced to eat these bulbs of slimy garbage.

uhh ok dont eat them. whtaever.