Female Studies?

Seriously, what the fuck the study is all about?


Face it, women are simply inferior to men, see western civilization and who built and invented everything.

This thread is now a woman hate thread.

Take the fucking redpill

hating a creature that doesn't have any self-awareness is redundant.

Let's hate them rationally by explaining what is female studies actually is.

Would you explain anything to a dog or a rock, cuck?

They need to be disciplined by a strong authority figure (preferably someone redpilled)

A subgenre of identity science, a lump of scientifically-looking propaganda meant to separate women's interests from men's, thus making any kind of unitary society impossible. The goal is either to save humanity from the global wars or to make humanity easily controlled by the jews. You decide.

>t. Commie swine

Nice b8, but I'll reply anyways. It really depends on who you ask and where you're studying.

It should be an interdisciplinary field of academic study that examines gender as a social and cultural construct [source: wikipedia/common sense]. But many liberal universities have a mixture of biased and ignorant staff/students which makes the discipline run rampant with nonsense.

I don't personally care for this "discipline", but hey isn't 90% of academia complete bullshit anyways?

Make it fascist swine, at least. Commies are well known for their relentless quest to find and free oppressed groups.

what kind of nonsense that plague the studies itself, then?

These classes are usually just a feminism confirmation therapy session geared towards making women part with their money

commies hate the gender divide in workers moar tho. it's why russia is so fanatically gender divided between macho/femme now because for decades all they had was worker uniform #237.

Commies invented class warfare, of which indentity politics is just a generalisation. And modern leftist academia is an, although far, descendant of the same commies.

yeah but in that case you might as well be calling the fascists communists because they went for national identity. most people don't divide the groupings that way, and intersectional politics aren't based in class warfare but designed in reaction to it by groups which would ordinarily be smashed by it (i.e. the bourgeoisie) and so want other markers of class other than capital to be utilised.
>modern leftist academia
oh you are lumping in the nazis with the commies. carry on.

I've never understood the antisemitic sentiment among so-called "red pill-ers;" it uses the same logic that black people use when disparaging whites, and is just as nonsensical.

>intersectional politics aren't based in class warfare but designed in reaction to it by groups which would ordinarily be smashed by it
True, but I'm talking about the evolution of the intellectual tradition. Fascists (usually) imply somewhat traditional and natural dividing criteria based on nations; commies tend to invent stuff. Hence identity politics sprouted from the latter. Although both fascists (as in nazi) and commies have their root in Hegel.
>you are lumping in the nazis with the commies
Where? "Leftist" is just a buzzword here - everyone knows what I mean, but nobody can define it. Or, on that matter, I haven't seen a single good definition of the left/right dichotomy.

meant for

Class is based in material relations of production

Race, sex, and gender are not

You study not only because you need to find a job and earn money, but also because the more your knowledge is, the better are your view of life and the way you interact with people.

It's partly for counter-cultural reasons, just like atheism (in rare cases, satanism) is a reaction against biblical environment for many american teenagers; and partly due to jews having their own identification as jews (as opposed to the "white people" in general, since national identities are weak nowadays). Thus jews would, on average, give less fucks about the well-being of the white people (of any given white country or in general) then said white people themselves.

But first of all, jews being behind everything is just a meme.

OP here, I know the importance of knowledge. But i think its just plain funny that there are women who came for women studies yet expect that they are valued equal with much more functional courses.

>yet expect that they are valued equal with much more functional courses

>tfw user doesn't (You) you
>Fascists (usually) imply somewhat traditional and natural dividing criteria based on nations
Yes, which is the same thing "patriarchy" and other identity politics rely on: feminist rhetoric often resorts to "we were originally gynocentric goddess worshippers" and other inventions like the Teutonic masterrace of yesteryear.
>commies tend to invent stuff
Unlike the Welthauptstadt Germania plans or the works of Leni Reifenstahl? Nazis sprouted from socialism too, but it doesn't make them communists. At least, it didn't in the eyes of communist Russia.

Identity politics doesn't necessarily stem from socialism, and you could trace its roots to much earlier than Hegel, since Schopenhauer is complaining about it contemporaneously to spazzing out on Hegel, and the idea of "feminism" (as opposed to "patriarchy") is an earlier idea from Fourier. Socialism is older than Hegel as is the inclusion of gender based identity politics.
>Where? "Leftist" is just a buzzword here - everyone knows what I mean, but nobody can define it. Or, on that matter, I haven't seen a single good definition of the left/right dichotomy.
Try reading about the French Revolution. What you describe as "modern leftist academia" has much more in common with the ideology of national socialists than Stalinism, Leninism, Trotskyism or other forms of socialism from the same century. Leftist, when those in the "modern leftist academia" try to define themselves by it, usually involves none of the liberal values that it usually entails and speaks more to the idea of a return to "natural social ordering" as better than the current "degeneration" propagated by a group of the unclean, like the Nazis. Feminazi is a very apt title for that kind of thing, and that's why things like gender separatists should be viewed like race separatists even if they disagree with race separatism because ideologically they are following the same format.
I have to go out so take your time responding and bump if you want to keep this up

you French, OP?


nope, why?

>it uses the same logic that black people use when disparaging whites, and is just as nonsensical.

Can you give an example?

It's not a meme, it's proven fact. They will even brag and admit themselves that they control Hollywood and other media.

esl vibes

what's esl?

English as a second language

>Men control everything
>It's obviously because men are superior. If women were equal, they'd have as much power and influence as. Men. If they were superior, they'd have more.
>Jews control everything

He's just baiting

This site hosts a lot of autistic users, yes. Let them be.

>Commies invented class warfare
You should just read the manifesto sometime, it's free on the internet and you can do it in a couple hours.
Best of all it would help you know what you're talking about before you say some dumb ass shit like this

Go back to Tumblr

What did she mean by this?

Oh wow, just reading this made me very angry.

It's ridiculous how easy it is in america for a female to falsely accuse a guy with serious allegations.

It's bait

I unironically like women.

ITT: people who have never taken gender/feminist studies courses.

i know and it's not funny

ironic shitposting is still shitposting