So why is vegeterianism and veganism considered cool and mainstream...

so why is vegeterianism and veganism considered cool and mainstream, two diets that deprive the body of essential nutrients.
Yet paleonism is considered edgy and fringe, a diet that only deprives you of harmful carbs that lead to obesity and diabetes?

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Probably something to do with the Jews

>vegeterianism and veganism considered cool and mainstream
They're not considered mainstream, bait-post user. Nor are carbs harmful, they are the body's primary source of energy.
Quite frankly you're shit at this sort of thing and should think before you post.
Now go and enjoy a nice balanced meal instead of your fad diet bullshit. (I recommend steak, with a baked potato and some broccoli).

Guess so, Jews are great at marketing useless shit like soy milk and tofu

good reccomendation.
I'll cut the dirty potato and have some veg stir fry instead :)

>hey're not considered mainstream, bait-post user
oh reallly
so why do I hear about it every time I turn on the damn radio?
vegetarian recipe this, vegan recipe that
Do these people realise what they are doing to their bodies?


because their daddy killed a bird when they were young and they couldn't get over the 10 ml of blood?

Give me a fucking break.

>I'll cut the dirty potato and have some veg stir fry instead
Excellent, carbs are carbs and you need them however sweet potatoes are low GI so that should allay your fears.

where are the carbs in a veg stir fry?

Because soy is cheap and mass produced you can't conquer the world and offer everyone a big steak for dinner


All vegetables are carbs but some are more carbs than others

b-but not the bad kind, BAKA!!!

Have I been confusing carbs whith gluten?

A lot of people think carbs == starch and completely forget about sugars.


You're right, starch is what I meant.

English isn't my first language so I didn't know the correct word.

well if you're smart about your diet you can get all your essential nutrients, including protein from veganism (although vegetarianism is easier). A lot of people that go vegan are retarded and dont eat properly though.

It definitely is the healthier choice, but I fucking love meat

>It definitely is the healthier choice
How so?
I know vegans who eat fucking chips and vegan pizza.

Paleo forces you to eat healthy and it's delicious besides.

Im not really arguing with you, cutting carbs out will only help you, especially with how shitty a lot of carbs are (like you said chips, for example).

I was also talking about "healthier" in like a grand scheme, world view, sustainability kind of way. It would be much easier to provide food for everyone, or at least more people if everyone was vegan. And the "dont get proper nutrients" meme is just that, you can get everything you need if you eat lots of shit like quinoa, buckwheat, beans, etc. Veganism isn't just salads

For what its worth Im not a vegan at all, I eat tons of meat, but it does make sense for a variety of reasons.

Fair point, I support farmers though so the whole thing about sustainability just goes over my head. Sounds like some merchant propaganda desu.

Because they are better than you, edgelord.


>eating large amounts of meat and animal products

pick one

I'll pick both.

What is "large amounts" in your opinion?

Breakfast: An egg and some bacon.

Lunch: Salad / Veg stir fry / Tuna / Chicken breast

Dinner: Red meat + veg or salad

How is that excessive??

>what is a balanced diet?
It's not rocket appliances, people.

eating meat or eggs at every meal in your mind is not excessive?
why do you malign all carbohydrates with the same brush?
eating a diet of whole plant foods with a little bit of variety will do much more for your health and arteries/major organs
how are you going to lift weights effectively or maintain a strong erection without viagra or whatever when your major arteries ability to deliver oxygen to your muscles have been abused to the point that you look as unhealthy as loren cordain and your dick doesnt work years down the line due to your progressing heart disease?

you should check out patrik baboumian

you should check your privilege, because everything you just said is unsubstantiated twaddle

keep believing dietary cholestrol and saturated fat has no effect on serum cholestrol/heart disease/diabetes. you are being sold lies at the expense of your health, not mine.

you are being sold lies at the expense of your wallet and your taste buds, goy

my diet costs far less than it did when i regularly consumed meat.
my taste buds are pretty happy m80. im not reliant on heavily salted meats and fat to be satisfied.

>inb4 where is your protein user?

Oh I do too, most of my extended family are farmers of various sorts. And I can't remember the exact numbers, so I'll make some up, but they're sort of close or along these lines. If you have a 1 acre plot of land with cattle, you'd need like 4 acres of land to grow the feed to feed the cattle, which ends up feeding say 100 people. If you instead dedicate those 5 acres of land to growing vegetables n shit you could feed maybe 300 people.

Again those numbers aren't at all accurate but the logic or line of thinking works out no matter what the actual numbers are. Were basically dedicating extremely vast amounts of land and resources to grow food to feed our food.

Although radical and some may argue unethical (how I dont know), I think we should further develop stem cell research and grow meat like vegetables in green houses. Basically start with a mass of cells and keep grafting more on until you have a clump of meat you can call a steak or some shit. It would probably be more consistent than actual meat, and on a cellular level would be identical and therefore taste the same. Way less animals would be getting slaughtered, you wouldn't need as much space, and you wouldn't need to worry about things like having enough space, or treating them right because its just a mass of cells not a living animal. It would probably end up being cheaper for consumers too

where are your testicles user?

>why is vegeterianism and veganism considered cool
It's not.

It's ridiculed and rightly so.

what a compelling argument :^)

>The UK's new fiver has won many fans since it was launched in September.
>But one thing it turns out it's not, is fat-free.
Because it turns out the plastic polymer it's made from also contains small amounts of tallow, derived from animal waste products - and some vegetarians are not happy.
>Vegans and vegetarians faced with this revelation have taken to social media to voice their concern and over 5,000 people have signed a petition calling for the contents of the notes to be changed.

I read somewhere that a rising food trend was 'concern for the animal condition'.

I believe somebody is being a chicken by not using real words for the vegetarian and vegan trends.

You give one example of an athlete that is vegan, but pretty much all top performers (bodybuilders, olympians, etc) eat meat. Processed crap is a lot worse for your arteries than meat, and if you eat a well balanced diet with enough vegetables, you aren't likely to get those problems. So many vegetarians and vegans end up choosing processed foods just because they are certified vegan.

"deprive the body of essential nutrients"
> Did I forget to eat my Tyson Tendies™
Ecks dee though user all amino acid strings in plant protein. B12 is a meme that is supplemented across the board.
> You are victim of the juden

Nope. Dumb women and """ social media '''

You've just recommended a paleo meal.
gg cuck

You thick piece of shit. Saying no to potato but having no clue what it is you're actually eating. B-b-but i thought carbs were only grains and b-b-bread

I don't know what amount of animal fat they're using, but I think it's pretty dumb to use animal products where they certainly aren't neede

Nice loaded question faggot.

>two diets that deprive the body of essential nutrients

AFAIK, the only nutrients it really deprives you of are B12 and Creatine (though you can produce it endogenously to some extent), though B12 is produced by bacteria rather than animals as-such.

The thing about 'paleo' diet is that, evolutionary speaking (prior to humans leaving Africa), we're meant to essentially be "vegans" that also eat insect. Insect consumption exists in the earliest preserved human feces that we've found, and we know that the direct hominid and pre-hominid ancestors of humans also ate insects. Nearly every other primate eats insects too.

> only deprives you of harmful carbs that lead to obesity and diabetes?

Not all carbs are harmful - white bread, pasta, rice, etc? Sure. But berries and fruits aren't exactly novel foods for humans, grain consumption goes back roughly 100,000 years at least, and people have foraged for starchy tubers since roughly forever. In modern day humans, the scoemce shpws that whole grain consumption has an inverse relationship with the relative risk of developing diabetes (i.e., more whole grains as a proportion of diet -> less risk)

Humans are an interesting species, though, in terms of how true of omnivores they are. Humans living at very northern latitudes, for example, often live predominantly on meat since agriculture is difficult and there is less time during the year to forage (if at all).

you guys understand you are all 60-70% vegetarian, right?
so why won't you go on meat-only diet, for a year? and I mean - MEAT only. nothing the nature gives you, no oil for grilling, no condiments, wanna fry something? the animal blood goota suffice.
I wonder how many of you would even return here alive.
just a thought, just a playful thought.

>no oil for grilling, no condiments, wanna fry something? the animal blood goota suffice.

You can't be that stupid. You've never heard of lard? You're an imbecile.

no, that's really just a stupid thought since you use percentages on something that is either/or. At least make the dichotomy vegetarian/omnivore

nothing about the paleo diet is paleolithic and ketofaggots would gain more credence if they dropped the term altogether

but you won't, because you all enjoy the attention following a fad diet gives you. that's why you're following it.

Because killing animals makes liberals cry

>red and processed meat every single day

Have fun dying painfully

Is canned/bagged tuna considered "processed meat"? That, chicken, and turkey deli meat are the main kinds of meat I eat when I do eat it (which is usually only one or two meals a day that I include a portion of meat)

Other than that I usually eat a fiber/carb heavy diet with a lot of veggies/salad mix, fruit, and a thing of greek yogurt every day. My breakfast is basically vegan I guess (oatmeal with stevia sweetener and ground flaxseed/chia seed mix, blueberries, banana, and a cup of coffee), lunch and dinner are more varied.