Can humans re-evolve back into apes? How long would it take? What conditions would even make this a possibility...

Can humans re-evolve back into apes? How long would it take? What conditions would even make this a possibility? Do you think along the way somebody would say "hey this is no good we're fucking up start selecting your partners for intelligence and neoteny again like our hominid ancestors did" or would we just go quietly into the night?

Fuck I wish holodecks from star trek were real id run fucked up simulations like this all the time.

No, evolution pretty much never remove entire traits, people could grow more hair and get stronger hands and foots but the would not lose superior intelligence the other things that differenciate is from monkeys

What's your reasoning? I can't see why we couldn't evolve to become less intelligent, it'd be unlikely but not impossible

Just browse iFunny

it removes them all the time. Whales once had legs.

Humans once had fur

Well if a more apelike human descendent did ever exist, it wouldn't be an ape, classification doesn't work that way.

If there was an isolated population of humans (perhaps like the people on the island of sentinel) then maybe we could see speciation into something with lesser intelligence. But the problem is that being intelligent is such a useful trait that unless someone is intentionally breeding for stupidity it would be extremely hard to get rid of being clever.

Among humans, less intelligent people have more offspring. So in purely evolutionary terms, being less intelligent is useful.

I can't wait for gynoids.
Mine will a nice, tight pussy like that.

Into apelike creatures, certainly. Into whatever our ancestor was, I don't think so. Evolution does not "undo" traits. It rewrites them. The difference is not entirely immaterial -- future man-apes would have more junk DNA than past man-apes, and would probably be more subject to some freak genetic diseases. At the same time, less subject to other things we've developed protection against over the years.

Depends on your definition really, I would argue that better educated people have less kids


No such thing

There is only one definition of offspring and all scientific definitions of intelligence.are closely correlated, so you can waste air arguing if you like.

>Mine will a nice, tight pussy like that
I hope you mean in addition to her thick cock, otherwise what's even the point.

I'm not homosexual so most of the time she wouldn't have her dog cock equipped because i actually like the female form.

Fucking her while stroking her is definitively going to be part of the routine, though.

The total amount of intelligence is far from being in decline. Evolution ranges from the genetic level to larger groups of organisms. It's completely incorrect to assume that the individual organism is the only relevant entity to which evolution applies.

the gene is the relevant entity you dumb fuck

Go swallow a bucket of cum, friend. Genetic changes cannot alone explain the evolution of cultures, and education is cultural.

I wish my boyfriend were home, then I would. But if you are using the term evolution for non-genetic evolution, memes, cultures, etc, then you must signpost it very clearly.

and they still have

>thinks a bone is a leg

The consensus is that less intelligent people make more babies because they're less educated, not because they're genetically more prolific, and so genetic evolution would have little to do with it.

It should be noted that despite uneducated people breeding more, education itself is not declining either.

it's the same fucking thing.
instead of removing a unused part, it got adsorbed. by another part of the body. it's always like this, in every animal, and that is the reason animals do not evolve back into a ancestor of theirs. they keep all the parts and hide the useless ones, because hiding them it's less expensive than removing them

Iterated embryo selection could be used to evolve stupid humans much more rapidly than naturally. Without a proper understanding of how genetics affects intelligence, you'd still have to wait for the embryos to grow, though. And you'd still need to keep a separate smart population that can continue directing the devolution of the stupid people.

If time travel is real does it mean that we can reach the stage of being monkeys? what if a future physicist traveled back in time and is stuck.