Tfw cant fucking tear myself away from the internet

>tfw cant fucking tear myself away from the internet
>"happenings" and weird shit occurring all day everyday
>the slightest hint of a pattern sets my conspiracy detector off the charts

How do I take the long view? If history repeats itself then why care about the past? Why do we bother having art when the real world is weird enough?

And why bother putting effort in to life when I am a devout Spook fearing Stirnerite? I could sit back and watch stuff happen

Stop browsing /pol/, retard


Oy fucking vey. Shut this down go-i mean guy

This. It's such a bad board for so many reasons.

>.... it really seems as though old Hegel, in the guise of the World Spirit, were directing history from the grave and, with the greatest conscientiousness, causing everything to be re-enacted twice over, once as grand tragedy and the second time as rotten farce, Caussidière for Danton, L. Blanc for Robespierre, Barthélemy for Saint-Just, Flocon for Carnot, and the moon-calf together with the first available dozen debt-encumbered lieutenants for the little corporal and his band of marshals. Thus the 18th Brumaire would already be upon us.

I dunno it seems like Trump is attempting to revive a neo-Bonapartism by forming a coalition of the lumpenproletariat, petty-bourgeoisie and rouge elements within the military industrial complex to end the American republic

We can only hope he succeeds

Read Gravity's Rainbow, you'll definitely enjoy it.

Join a fucking community. In real life. You make me sad.


>going on /pol
Mistake one

Do you like hanging out with 16 year old racists?

If we weren't so afraid of communism we wouldn't have such difficulty with weapons. Can't say I see it happening in a lifetime living in the states.

>not wanting to break the chains of the archons and allowing your undying God-given breath to soar


Read Don delillo, mao 2, libra, White noise

[loud obnoxious kek]
[lite trailing kek]
>he was serious

I've read the latter two

kek i got into conspiracy theoires ironically a few years ago and accidentally went too far down the rabbit hole to where i see them everywhere now and i actually believe most of themi've also been ruined politically. i read as much marxism as fascism and anarchism and basically fear everyone's agendas and feel like i see through to their real corrupt intentions. worst of all i feel as if i am seeing these things unfold in person more and more often. nobody trailing me or anything but sometimes i see people really suspiciously trailing or watching others and i can see conspiracy being set up as i follow disparate events on the various news stations


It's called being woke as a motherfucker. I just wanna find a girl to make babies with, move into the woods, and forget about it all.

The horrifying thing about pol isn't that their theories are post hoc perfectly fitting stories that are proven right every time. That would obviously mean they talk utter shit. The horrifying this is that their theories are simple, crude, and right most of the time.

>I just wanna find a girl to make babies with, move into the woods, and forget about it all.
Yep, this sounds like my thinking too ... i think i have too much self awareness to really fully buy into it it's like i'm two different people, one buying into all this, getting worked up and afraid and depressed and a second i guess my superego who is skeptical of it all.. i often wonder if this isn't some manifestation of something like schizophrenia but . i just want out.

conspiracies do exist, but I also believe a lot of corruption, subversion, and deception is organic. shit is all fucked up in the world, and its a grand time for taking advantage of that fact.

Looks like the social theorists of the 20th century win. Welcome to the new Dark Age. It's like "Drop Out, Tune In" became "Bug Out, Tune In," kek!

congrits you are a fage