Why isn't anime real?? Im crying wtf... I just want it to be real so bad but it's not.... why not? Why can't it be real...

Why isn't anime real?? Im crying wtf... I just want it to be real so bad but it's not.... why not? Why can't it be real???

...Because it's not?
I mean you practically take this as a self referential truth. It's not real because it isn't.

but why can't it be real

>Why aren't little ponies real?? Im crying wtf... I just want them to be real so bad but they're not.... why not? Why can't they be real???
Man up you fucking manchild. Weebs are as autistic as bronies. Also, this is not science.

What is it to be "real" in your mind?
What aspect?

The answer to most possible responses to the above is either that the machinery of the universe doesn't afford the capacity for it to be real, or that it actively disallows it (two angles of the same thing).

Everything else has to do with the human condition, and the intertwined relationships of organisms in most relevant ecosystems.

wtf im crying here... stop posting these things...

but why why didn't God make anime real when he was makin g the world it is so cruel

>it is so cruel
It's not. All things in the universe, when they ultimately, will only feed or be fed upon. there is nothing else.

Learn to accept and find beauty in this dualistic nature, and move on. Yes, it'd be kind of neat to experience some Ergo Proxy-esque shapeshifting and superhuman strength, but that's just not how it works. Not sure why this is so difficult for some people.

>when they ultimately
ultimately interact*

but what if someone wanted to make it so anime was real how would they do that

White males in 2016 everyone

Mechanical or genetic engineering for things that are feasible, simulated / virtual reality for things that aren't.

wtf i hate Veeky Forums now

OK I will do that then thank you

You're welcome. Good luck.

For what it's worth I'm working on a video game partly with the goal of reconciling my childhood and teens (heavily abstracted from the real stuff it's actually derived from). These two goals are not so different at their core.

i still remember the day it really sunk in that my life would never be as good as life is in anime
i started doing crystal math and my life just got even worse
i've been clean for almost 10 years now, but whenever i see a proj construction, the urge returns..

obviously disguesed homework, sage

How the **** would the eyeballs fit in the head?

wtf please stop


Not only is it proof of itself, it proves that it's proof of itself.

Seems like bullshit to me


you're not thinking like a physicist