Not trying to be rude, just genuinely interested. How do overweight people get that way...

Not trying to be rude, just genuinely interested. How do overweight people get that way? It's hard for me to imagine eating the amount it takes to get up to 300-400 pounds. How often do you overweight posters eat and what are you eating?

I quiet remember how I started to get fat.

Me and my gf were lazy to usually cook [as we had nightshifts] so we order food or eat in fast foods.

I started to get snacky at work at night and eat much more chips and sweet shit then usually + i dunked soda like no tomorrow

I gradually started to get 10 kg up.

Luckily my heart got fucking broken by the aformentioned gf and I lost it all cuz I could not eat anything and I lost all apetite for anything sweet/unhealthy.

Pretty easy. I use to be about 270 before dropping ~100 pounds.

>get job
>end up eating out for lunch because fast food is quick and easy
>drink soda without thinking about calories because soda can help you through the day for energy
>get home throw whatever in the microwave or just order a pizza because fuck it work day
>start going out on the weekend drinking and ordering calorie rich bar food
>Don't work out because you get out of shape and getting back in isn't something you normally want to do
>starts adding up over a year(s) before you know it you are overweight

It's not so much people trying to get fat as it is people just not realizing how many calories they are ingesting during their week. Soda is a pure killer for any weight, in college and before I was pretty thin, I just didn't realize it was adding up because I kept getting distracted by other things.

Back to around 200lbs and work out nearly daily, after seeing what I use to be I won't go back any time soon.

I've wondered this too. I got up to 210 once and felt disgusted by myself... and the thing was, it took EFFORT to get to that weight, just completely being slovenly. I feel like I'd have to eat all day and night to get to the 300 lb range.

It's pretty easy to overeat on a day-to-day basis if you consume a lot of calorically dense and nutritionally empty foods, but yeah, I think it would take pretty much persistence after the first twenty pounds. Generally it's an indication of both poor education and poor emotional and mental health for you to get past the "oh fuck I look like shit now" stage.

5'-9" and 165. i don't get it either. been as low as 113 before, never more than 190. and that was some FUCKING FAT

Depends on a lot of factors. When I would go to lunch I'd usually go to grab some Chinese food or something. Why? not because I was thinking of calories but because it was cheap as shit and was quick/filling. Do it long enough it creeps up and you don't realize exactly how much weight you've put on.

Well considering she is fucking her ex now she had before me and took him into our apartment two days after she dumped me when I wasnt even moved out yet... then id say the chances are not so high.

>Do it long enough it creeps up and you don't realize exactly how much weight you've put on.
I can't say I understand that sentiment because I'm one of those vain assholes who constantly looks at myself in the mirror, but huh, I guess a lot of people just don't pay attention to their appearance as much.

soda and/or booze are almost always involved

Depends your work/life schedule really. If you stay busy enough you just kinda let it go by without notice, also depends how once distributes weight. It took me about a year or so to get to 270 but once I was there I basically had a day where I realized "damn I am fat".

Quit adderall in 2006-2007 gained 60 pounds ate max one meal a day with only one snack still managed to keep putting on pounds. Started to lose weight in 2012 after I started eating more meals but ended up giving up eating 5 meals a day because it made me feel awful, even after losing nearly 90 pounds, and started eating once a day again and put all the weight back on.

i grew up in a family that had a lot of eating disorders and basically was taught that binge eating is normal? i don't ever really eat normal portions i just eat like 1 giant meal every day to the point where i feel sick afterwards

if i stopped binge eating i'm sure i'd lose a good chunk of weight but i don't know how. it's really emotionally exhausting to think about

Just achieved slightly overweight mode recently. I noticed it Friday past. Standing up, I look fine and trim, but now have some belly flab when I sit.

I assume it's because I've been eating like absolute crap the last two months and not exercising nearly as much. Weighing myself, I've gained 2kg/5lbs since September.

At Thanksgiving, I saw my father for the first time since Christmas last. He'd never been a thin man, but he'd ballooned to absolutely shameful proportions. He's half American, but lives outside of the US. My mother is not American and cooks only traditional food. Where she's from is among the five thinnest developed nations in the world.
Anyway, in December when I saw dad last before TG, he weighed about 110kg/240lbs. Now, he's 150kg/330lbs. How in the FUCK does anyone get to that size? In less than a year, no less?
I'm guessing he's been eating out of home a lot AND still eating at home so as to not waste.

All I can say is thank goodness I'm only 2kg into overweight status and can easily shed it after the holidays.

I'm fat because I'm an alcoholic and I've been drinking a fifth of liquor every day. The calories add up.

Are you eating like 2000+ calories in ONE sitting?

Relative physical laziness and eating too much.

Essentially eating more calories than they burn.

You binge eat some stuff that you don't realize is a caloric bomb. I got 10kg in 8 months by eating icecream every 2 days.
Nowadays I look at the same premium icecream. 3 spoonfuls = 700 calories.

It's hard to get fat eating stuff that makes you full fast, like fruit or beans. However, it's pretty easy when you do:
- soda
- peanuts
- doritos/pringles
- chocolate

There was a period in my life where I drank two Ovomaltine shakes everyday. I don't even know how I didn't end up a walking ball of lard (my max weight was 115kg).

There are many reasons.

1. People get euphoric from food, and eat for fun
2. People are unaware of calories, everyone in thread is citing soda - a great example (Also beer, regular alch. 1 cup vodka = 500 cal - how many to get drunk?)
3. Usually its not just eating, its drinking. Not filling. Arizona tea, 1 dollar 2 liters. See 2.
4. Healthy food is not always cheap, nor easy to create. Stir fries are easy, sure, but how often do people want that? See 5
5. Accustomed taste. If you live off of fast food like people who work 50 hours a week, you end up savoring fat, cheese, oils. Veg just doesnt cut it.
6. Ease of access - I worked a shit job. They had a cafe. All fried oily foods. Discount for worker. Lost weight due to health issues, but when healthy its an easy, easy way to get lunch every single day for 1.5k calories. That is horrific for a single meal - even working all the time.
7. The final and most important one. Having shit to do. Not me, but friends. They have kids - they prep healthy meals for kids, work 50 hours a week, and have tremendous responsibility. It is a thousand times easier to hit up taco bell for a triple crunchwrap (Even though one is filling, you just eat faster than it settles - and you earned it - working so hard for ten hours). Its a part of the corporate machine frankly.

yea... its awful honestly. i usually only ever eat dinner & could feed like 2 other ppl probably. and i feel nauseous constantly.

it's how i've always eaten so it really freaks me out when i try to portion normal meals. i get really intense anxiety and i dont have access to the sort of psychiatric care i'd need to stop doing it

It's easier to do than you think especially if there is a lot of bread and such added. Have 3 soda's you could be pressing upwards of 600 calories alone from just that.

For me it was a combination of medical + sitting on ass not doing anything for long periods of time.

I got diagnosed with systemic lupus which required very high dose steroid IVs and medication to keep my kidneys from basically killing themselves, but of course steroids make you hungry and crave really shitty, calorie-rich foods like no tomorrow. This was also combined with a reduced immune system (anti kidney rejection drugs) and I caught golden staph in my leg which took close to a year to heal.

So, all that and not being able to walk around much made me go from being a fairly regular hiker to titanic lardass. It's not as bad as it used to be, but it's an uphill struggle to get back down to my old weight again.

two things
-overeating + sedentary lifestyle with a normal basal metabolic rate
-lower than normal basal metabolic rate

>add 3 sodas
Drinking half a can makes me feel full and makes my throats feel slimy and weird. How do people think 3 wtf

I can relate, My family never cooked past age 11? past that point it was free for all. They rarely fed me. The rare occasions that they ordered food - pizza, I would go hard. Im talking hide a whole box in my room to eat off of - or just hound the entire pie that night.

It's actually very easy to get heavy. For me, it was a mix of depression, nothing much going on in my life and laziness.

I've since gotten back to an acceptable weight for my height, but I feel like I could slip back into my old habits if I really let go.

> How do people drink 3 wtf
Easy when you start getting fatter and want to drink more because you are eating more. It basically is snowballing excess calories and such.

Most of you are describing being a bit overweight or maybe obese but the ones that really get me are the fuckhuge people.

Like 150kg+

Surely to get to that size you have to be steadily increasing your caloric intake because otherwise your weight would plateau. How do you keep increasing the amount you eat and never think "wait, this is getting out of hand" as you go?

Mental illness or childhood trauma are probably the #1 causes

I got pretty fat during uni. I was never a skinny guy but when I left high school I wasn't even overweight. I was very barely chubby.

Then in uni I fell into that trap of developing a habit. It didn't happen in the first year especially but in the second year I had a solid year where I was there 4 days a week and every day was a long day that would require me to eat lunch. I got into the shit habit of buying a bottle of coke (this was when they were 600mL before the recent downsize) and this giant ass cookie that the cafeterias were selling. Can't remember the name but they were 50g of sugar each.

And then to top that off there was a little stand where you could buy a good sized package of little asian rice snack things and I'd take that food and go eat it all in between classes.

That went from a "yeah I'll do it once" kind of thing, to a daily kind of thing, and I put on 20kg in two years. It got worse because after a while I started snacking when I got home from uni too. I'd get home and have a can of coke on top of the bottle I'd had during lunch along with toast or something as my afternoon tea.

>Like 150kg+

Usually lack of caring or realizing it when it is too late and people give up. I know people that weight, they will find exits to not bother with it or distract themselves from it.

Dude i think you have more deeply rooted problems other than eating big meals as a kid

You mean like that 'I'm already fat, might as well have another soda' attitude?

"what's one more soda going to hurt?!"

I also know some 280 people who think they are like 210 because they stepped on a scale a while back and saw that as a weight. I've heard a coworker say "Man I know I gained a little weight but I walked around the building today I so that's good way to burn off lunch" or something equally retarded to that

ur right lol. i'm trying to deal with my primary trauma rn and thats difficult enough, i don't really stress about my ed + weight because it's honestly the last of my problems

Little do they know that if they just don't drink that extra soda every day they'll lose weight.

How stupid do you have to be to not realize that ice cream is a caloric bomb?

A modestly sized (~4oz) scoop of ice cream will usually be only ~300 calories. Easy to fit daily even to a very conservative diet, honestly.

>Wow low fat
>check back wow 300 calories!
>don't look or add up per servings
>down 1200 calories before they know it.

Seriously, the amount of people who factor in serving sizes is stupidly low

Don't forget cooking oil.

Some don't even bother to measure this shit.

Speaking of this, is there any general rule of thumb for judging how much of the oil used actually ends up in the food? I imagine it varies dramatically by the type of dish, but like a basic sautee? I count calories, and whenever I cook with oil, I count the full amount added out of paranoia, but I feel like this causes me to under-eat on those days when I cook with oil a fair amount, and I don't want that either.

I was given whatever cheap food I wanted as a kid. Nutritious food weren't particularly encouraged. As long as I didn't finish half the box, parents didn't care about portion control
Physical activity was made to be seen as a punishment

I lived a fairly sedentary lifestyle and ate too many calories well into adulthood. I'm down to 149 atm, 9 more pounds to go.

I share an office with a super fat guy. He has a double wide office chair with the biggest hemorrhoid pillow I've ever seen on it where he sits all day, and he has the biggest drawer in his desk dedicated to a neatly organized array of snacks and candies. Every couple of hours he grabs something from the desk to eat, and every day he drives out to some fast food place and brings back a jumbo combo meal to eat at his desk. I once heard him tell the other super fat guy in the office that he had to bail on their plans to go out to lunch together at noon because he just couldn't make it past 11 AM without eating something (the other fat guy nodded in complete understanding). All day, every day this guy just sits there eating junk food constantly while occasionally pausing to puff on his rescue inhaler. That's how they get that fat.

Congrats on turning it around bro.
I was in the same boat until I started using Adderall late in highschool and just lost the weight effortlessly because I was never hungry, then picked up good habits later to keep it off.

>How do overweight people get that way?
they eat a high fat, high sugar diet.

This is basically my story too. 280 at the end of 2013. The only other thing that I still can't kick is beer. I fucking love beer, but it's keeping me at or above 200 pounds because I have one or two every night; well, that and my meals could be a bit better, but still.

cute :3

ex-fatty here;
I started getting fat around 13-14 when my parents would always keep restocking the snacks in the house and I would continually eat them when watching tv/playing video games without them complaining at all. They also loved cooking deep fried foods, like nuggets, chips, dim sims. If I had healthy options I probably would have gone for them desu.
After a while it became a habit and I just lived like that up until a few years ago.
Wehn I lived in a share house I used to get a large takeaway meal from near uni almost every day which made me the most obese I ever was.

I'm fit now and still have fast food 1-2 times a week, but only a single item and never in meals. I use muesli bars for snacking or a small handful (single serve) of anything else.

I fucking love beer too but it doesn't really hold that kind of appeal for me where I want one every day. I only really get through 3-5 bottles per month. Some of that is just me being conscious of its calorie content, e.g. I won't have a beer on a day that I've already had a soda or I won't have a beer on a Saturday if I already ate out for lunch.

>he unironically blames 'one or two beers a night' is keeping him overweight

The denial of you lardass amerifats never ceases to amaze me.


>eats fast food constantly
>tons of sweets and deserts
>drinks soda like mad
>"lol if i could just lose this beer weight i'd look great!"

I got up to 315 before I was like fuck that, but I'm 6'4" and fairly muscular too, so it wasn't like land whale fat.

Anyway, it was basically like a horrible combination of stress/depression/apathy leading me to stuff myself until I could not physically eat more to distract myself from the pointlessness of my existence.

Lots of little caesar's, McDonald's, frozen burritos, etc.
Like in a single day I might eat 20 mcnuggets plus a mango pineapple smoothie for lunch, then a deep dish little caesar's pizza plus breadsticks and marinara plus a 2 liter root beer for dinner.

Or I might eat 4 xxl burritos from walmart, plus a loaf of their cheap italian bread plus a whole jar of pesto then chase that with a family size bag of almond M&Ms and one of those green fruit smoothie drinks, the giant one.

So.. Like 6000+ calories per day every day while being a sedentary shit watching netflix all day, even then it took the better part of a year though.

Eh I hit 180 but up to 200, I still drink but only on the weekends. Still in size 30 or 32 waste (I have no idea how pants can be two different sizes but fit the same).

I cut out beer though and switched to vodka and diet or low calorie mixer instead.

it's a lot easier to maintain/cut when you limit yourself to a cheat day

I've always been this way. When I was young, my parents both worked and never, ever cooked. As such, a standard meal during the week was a happy meal (soon becoming a "mighty kids meal"). I never drank water, I constantly drank either juice or soda.

This continued well into my teens, and I basically just ate whatever I wanted. Since I'd always been fat, I despised exercise of any kind. I contemplated taking control of the situation, but honestly I was so depressed from being such a massive fuckup that I just never did. I lacked willpower, to say the least.

I successfully did diet (atkins) for two years, and went from 350 to 225 in an attempt to salvage the only relationship I'd had up to that point. But she cheated on me anyway (with a dude with two kids already. Really destroys your self-esteem), so I got off the diet and have been slowly gaining all the weight back.

And here I am, back at 350. I have once again embarked on a diet, but this time I just want to eat healthy and not adhere to a fad diet. Hopefully this goes well, but I'm sure a few posters will take the time to tell me that I'm weak and will fail (they are probably right). The biggest obstacle for me right now is staying full, as my stomach is gargantuan and "normal" portions don't even begin to fill me up. I'm basically trying to kill the hunger with water.

Ultimately, food for me is a coping mechanism. Food makes me happy, eating makes me happy, and since I am unhappy most of the time, I like to eat.

Just count calories.
Chew gum occupy your jaw.

But I thought eating fat didn't make you fat? No im not trying to troll.

That's the plan, senpai. Water and chewing gum.

It doesn't necessarily, it's just that most high caloric foods are also high in fat content for flavoring.

Sounds a lot like me in college just a few years ago. I've gotten a bit better thankfully, though I still eat too much fast food. A big help is just counting calories. Even if you still go over a bit, it helps keep you in check.

I was amazed to discover how easy you can surpass 4,000 calories

See, this right here is just insane to me.

We don't exercise. That's it, really. I eat garbage but walk a lot and work out three or four times a week to maintain a healthy weight. In high school I actually ate balanced meals but didn't work out so excess calories turned into fat.

And America as a country really isn't situated to promote an active lifestyle. White collar jobs are largely sedentary and the company can't force people to do exercises. In some countries they'll do company calisthenics at set times to promote good health.

Blue collar jobs are rough with tight hours but provide their workers little time to eat. Unless you pack a meal from home your options are vending machines or the strategically placed fast food joint you'll find just outside of walking distance from factories and shit.

Americans also work stupid hours. When I was touring Italy and North Africa every shop, even in major cities, would close just after noon so people could do shit. Take a nap, take a walk, cook a big meal for the community, whatever. In America you get maybe an hour lunch break (although many employers mandate you have to make up for that fucking hour to get your full 8 hours). So most people hurriedly stuff a burger in the bathroom before returning back to work.

And don't get me started on privatized lunches in schools. Trump's pick for Education, Betsy DeVos, is THE advocate for privatized charter programs, cutting recess and gym, and ensuring Coca Cola can sponsor your classroom with a bag of Doritos in every hallway and a Dew in every hand. When I was in school in Northern VA we were actually a test site for Surge and you're going to see more of that in the future.

It's not that hard especially when you think of things like sweet tea/soda, and snacks. You'd probably be surprised if you go on some meal builders on various food places stuff adds up pretty fast.

How is that insane? I can easily eat that in one sitting. I've ate 10k calories in one sitting. I used to binge until I'm full. Now I binge until I throw up.

I used to be 210 pounds, lost weight counting calories to 115~. Year later stress got to me. I think if I become bulimic I can enjoy shit like ice cream again andd just puke it out, right? Nope. You don't throw it all up. I can't think straight anymore all I want to do is binge and purge.

So now I'm bulimic and 122 pounds. My heart hearts and my stomach is constantly burning.

Like I said, it surprised me a lot. If I would eat out more than once a day I would almost always end up around the 4,000 mark. Especially if I ended the day with an unhealthy desert. Plus almost everything I would drink was filled with calories, soda, milk, orange juice.

I have some friends who try to keep it around 1,700 calories. I just try to keep it around 2,000 and I find that helps. Basically I try to avoid going too long without eating and having something healthy to snack on like an apple. Otherwise I get insanely hungry and eat too much for dinner.

>Basically I try to avoid going too long without eating

So your solution to cutting calories is eat more frequently??? How about exercise?

I'd tell you to see a doctor but you probably don't have insurance because fuck I hate this country and how much we don't care about people's well being.

American voters are so shortsighted. They think uninsured people drive up premiums, which isn't wrong, but who benefits the most from our crappy health? If people were healthy and promoted good health, the insurance companies wouldn't get a dime. But they benefit directly from the McRib drives, they benefit directly from schools cutting physical education, they benefit directly from McDonalds in every ghetto and unpronounceable garbage in all your food.

America's fat and the 1% are profiting off it.

Eat smaller and healthier foods between meals and then have something more satisfying for dinner. Sure exercise is good too, but I think you missed my point.

Instead of eating 2 huge meals that contain thousands of calories just pace yourself throughout the day and keep from getting so hungry that you pig out.

how is this gay thread at the top for so long?

I hit 310lb once. It just completely snuck up on me. Wasn't even eating a huge amount of food, I was an alcoholic though for 2 years and just gained weight like mad. Cleaned myself up, started lifting again, and got back down to 220lb in just over a year.

I see your point, but it sounds like you're just desperately looking for a way to over eat still. How about just three meals a day and keep yourself below 2,000 calories? It's not that hard if you have some self-control.

Get used to comfort eating and the feeling of being full.
Eat quickly, like a competitive eater, so that you're able to cram a lot in your stomach before you feel full.
Eat to have lots of food in your mouth instead of chewing small bites a few times.
Eat as soon as the feeling of bursting fullness wears off (for example, eat a huge helping of pasta then an hour later when there's room eat something like a bowl of Life cereal with whole milk as desert and because that's easy to eat).

t. Guy who goes thru phases of fatness and fitness

So we both agree to keep it around 2,000 cals a day yeah? So what difference does it make how I go about doing it so long as it yields the same results?

What school in NOVA and how long ago was this? I grew up there.

This. It's pretty fucked up. If I ever have a kid I'll be sure not to over feed him and try to keep him from snacking too much. I see friends of mine who have kids telling them to eat more and finish their food and remember having to deal with that shit when I was little. How about instead of force feeding your kid just let the little shit go without the extra calories? Don't let him get so used to brimming at the seams with food all the time.

Trump's picks are all legitimately cancerous. And no im not a sjw, I just actually care about the state of our country.

That said that woman reminds me of my first year of jr high (2005). I live in California so this was before the overhaul of our school lunch system. Ever single morning kids lined up to get as much hostess snacks as they could afford. I sit back in shame remembering how FUCKING fat I was eating three or four honeybuns in first period. I sincerely hope obesity doesn't skyrocket over the next four years.

Well a pint of something heavy can easily be 200 calories, two of them is basically a small meal.

Point is that when you're lazy, eating like shit and drinking soda as well as alcohol it's kind of stupid to just call it "beer weight" As if you would drop 100 pounds just by cutting out the alcohol but continuing to eat and drink like shit elsewhere and be a lazy fuck.

Slowly. People don't set out to get fat. Once you are fat you have a much harder time getting thin again as your body is used to maintaining a certain level of fatness. It's doable if you have any will-power, of course, but it's still somewhat difficult.

If you are trying to cut and count calories you should probably not be eating deep fried foods in general.

If you are sauteeing something then 100% of the oil stays in the food unless you are draining it afterwords in which case you can just - the volume you drain off.

Has anyone done gastric sleeve or lap band or whatever? My neighbor is thinking about getting it. How severerly does it change your life/eating habits?

Oh and lack of sleep. If you don't sleep regularly (including working nightshifts like ) you end up eating a fuckton more calories. It's not just out of laziness either, there's a pretty solid set of research that shows it's linked to fucking up your body clock.

my heaviest was 255lb (i'm 5'4 so that's fucking huge)
i've been fat all my life because my mom was fat and loved to cook and always overfed me, had no idea about calories or portion sizes and let me drink coke out of my sipper cup since i was about 4 years old. my mother spoiled me and not once did she ever urge me to exercise
only in the past 2 years i've started eating things other than mac n cheese and pizza and i actually started getting active. the weight dropped off so quickly i was losing 3.3lbs a week but then it slowed to about a 1lb per week. i've got a little more to go until my goal weight and i'm excited to be a healthy weight for the first time in my life
but since i moved out of my parents house , my mom has turned to overfeeding the family dogs. i've tried to reason with her but she doesn't think she's doing anything wrong in cooking full meals for the dogs 2 times a day and she's always sneaking them treats. i'm thinking about just taking them away soon because they're starting to get really fat

That might explain why I feel so constantly hungry then. I'm lucky if I can sleep 8 hours and even then I never sleep straight through. I always toss and turn and wake up in the middle of the night. Plus snoring.

400 calories a day is something like ~50 lb.

Seriously go plug in numbers to a TDEE calculator and see what happens when you add 400 calories daily.

>That might explain why I feel so constantly hungry then. I'm lucky if I can sleep 8 hours and even then I never sleep straight through. I always toss and turn and wake up in the middle of the night. Plus snoring.
It might well be that. It also matters when you sleep, 8 hours in the middle of the day will still lead to weight gain if you aren't careful.

I'm pretty big 6'4'' 300lb and i find it incredibly hard to sleep if im hungry.

Not sure what to do about it but any time ive tried to cut calories i cant sleep. I will lay in bed just sitting there all night and only get a few hours sleep. It's probably the biggest obstacle to my weight loss and i'm not sure what to do about it.

>It's probably the biggest obstacle to my weight loss and i'm not sure what to do about it.
Fine some other way to sleep, perhaps? Drinking yourself asleep is not sustainable but perhaps sleeping pills. Alternatively find something that will make you feel full at a low 'cost' and eat that before sleeping. Oats would be a good call (personally oatcakes are what I use).

>taste for fatty foods
>taste for sweet foods
>cheap food
>substance abuse like alcoholism
>no exercise
>fat acceptance
>no medical intervention like doctor advice
>hormone imbalances from pharmaceuticals
>more is better food culture

it's not surprising really.

I mean, have someone follow any of those habits for as little as a couple years and you can get really fucking fat.

Cutting out 400 calories won't make much of a difference if a person is already going up to 4,000 or more a day.

Of course if you cut drinking it can be good for you. My point is that it's stupid to use that excuse for your weight problems when you're simultaneously unhealthy in every other aspect of your life as well.

oats are pretty calorie dense though.

Spinach or greens something you can generally fill up on guilt free.
Warm water works really well too.

>fat acceptance

Yeah this needs to go

>Spinach or greens something you can generally fill up on guilt free.
It's ideally got to be something you can just get out of bed and grab without any work. Preferably also something fairly bland.
>Warm water works really well too.
That's a good call actually. When people grab warm drinks before sleeping it's actually the warmth that helps, not the specific drink in question.
>substance abuse like alcoholism
Some substance abuse is likely to make you underweight rather than overweight.

I cant tell if you are retarded or just trolling.

If you cut out 10% of your maintenance calories you will lose a lot of weight. If you are eating 4k calories a day then cutting out 400 is absolutely not enough to get down to a healthy weight but look at this.
Drinking 400 calories less a day will make a 5'9'' male lose 70 lbs over a few years.

400 calories can absolutely make a difference. Humans are not meant to be morbidly obese and maintaining that weight requires massive amounts of calories. For a land whale 4000 cals could well be maintenance.

Eating the wrong food and not moving enough. Pretty simple. By wrong I mean calorie dense.


You're not wrong m8. You're completely missing the point though. If they ate 400 calories less it would be the same thing. If they exercised and burned an extra 400 calories a day it would be the same thing.

They just use alcohol as the excuse because they can't admit they're fat lazy fucks who over eat and don't get off their ass.

>why exercise or eat healthy
>i'll just drink a little less alcohol
>still shove burgers and cake down my throat

Le American way :)

>It's ideally got to be something you can just get out of bed and grab without any work. Preferably also something fairly bland.
How do greens not fit this description? Just fist them out of the bag.

Dude says he weighs 200lb.
I agree he could be exercising more or eating less in other areas but fact of the matter is that small things like two beers a day can really add up over time.