I'm going to accelerate myself to 99.99999999999% of the speed of light so I can witness the end of the universe...

I'm going to accelerate myself to 99.99999999999% of the speed of light so I can witness the end of the universe, but I have a practical problem:
how do I not crash into any asteroids and shit? I know space is pretty empty and shit but still

Lasers. Big fucking lasers.

just make sure you look where you're going?

It's fine OP, just look right in front of you before you start up your engine.
is right
As long as you make sure there's no galaxy between you and the cosmological horizon, you're never gonna run into anything, no matter how long you go.

to destroy anything on my path? I like this one, since I'm going that fast it will be blueshifted as fuck as well for dem high energies

>using photons from lasers to clear your path
>while you're going at the speed of photons

How much shit is floating in space and how did it get there?

99.99999999% isn't quite the speed of photons if we're gonna be strict on the matter, there could still be a speed gap between the two bodies.

Then again, if we're talking about debris, I can't see it clearing out of the way fast enough.

when the laser starts 10 min before him

according to relativity, the photons will STILL be travelling ahead of him at the speed of light.

I have no idea how the fuck that is supposed to work but it just werks.

You wouldn't get to theend of the universe within the lifetime of the universe even if you went at the speed of light
The universe moves and expands faster than light

I'm pretty sure he meant the temporal end of the universe, not the spatial one.

Still wouldnt get there unless he was faster than light homie, would he?

im not sure

eyh? I assume he just means he wants to go fast so time goes fast in the rest universe and he gets to see all the stars dying an sheeeit

The average human life is 71 years. Going at 99.99999999999% the speed of light would "extend" that life to be approximately 158,760,826 years. That's not even as old as some dinosaurs.

Does this mean that light itself already met universe's end?

Yeah time itself only comes to an end when you go the speed of light. Humans have mass, we can never be going at exactly the sol.

just add some more 9s :^)

>that life to be approximately 158,760,826 years

Length contraction and time dilation.

>158,760,826 years


For how many hours are you going to build speed?

You want to know what's at the end of the universe? It's a bunch of separated alien civilisations desperately farming hawking radiation from black holes that have long since been drained of their rotational energy. Before this, the races were colliding brown dwarfs into black dwarfs to kickstart new stars.

After both the black holes and the usable brown dwarfs have been exhausted, each race will pool their last energy reserves into a computer that can sustain their consciousnesses and speed up their perception of time by as much as possible. They will make each second in real time last a 100 years for them, in a virtual landscape that mimics some kind of heaven for them. This is the end of biological life.

Memory space will run out before power does, so the aliens will implement mortality within the simulation to kill themselves off, or be forced to wipe their memories every now and then. It's essentially the same thing either way.

Then the computer eventually runs out of power and life ends completely. Close curtains. We had a good run. Lets hope there's a prize for being the race that lasts the longest.

It's a little too precise a number to be worthy of the term "approximate".

>not just making a very, very, very long term time capsule and waiting for the universe phase space to come back to a life permitting area
lmaoing at your matrioshka brain my lad
I'll be sure to unplug it when I stumble upon it, just to teach you for being a quitter.

My hours or your hours?

99.99999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999% then
who gives a shit m8

>who gives a shit m8
actually it's almost physically impossible to reach and maintain such speeds.
Can you reach like 99% or 99.999% of c?
Most likely. But we'll probably never reach 20 9's. I don't even know if it's possible.

Of course it's possible, neutrinos do it all the time.

Nice troll. I really believed that you thought time capsules traveled through time and prevented entropy increase for a second there.

>he actually thinks entropy always increases
you're only a century late lad, it's not too late to learn the recurrence theorem

Sure, but what are the odds of him living 71 years exactly? He mostly said it in a misleading fashion though, I'll admit.

Sure, sure. Why don't you explain how your time capsule works? You're not trolling (kek) so you must have an account that isn't dressed up with rotational velocidensity analogues.

>Why don't you explain how your time capsule works?
You get in it and you wait. I don't understand what you're asking. I know no more about how to do technologically an environment that won't degrade for a long time any more than you know how to upload minds to a computer.

Gravity clumping dust into big lumps and then smaller lumps get smashed off. Theres alot but they tend to be in similar areas in orbit around a sun

You'll have to consume massive amounts of Spice, in order to gain limited prescience.

>It is by will alone I set my mind in motion. It is by the juice of sapho that thoughts acquire speed, the lips acquire stains, the stains become a warning. It is by will alone I set my mind in motion.

If you start shooting the lasers while you're accelerating you should be fine. I assume you have to accelerate at a rate your body can handle.

That's retarded the guy put forth the computer after explaining how races soul survive on on the universes dwindling usable energy for billions of years. It was something that would happen after everything else was expended. You don't even explain how a race could get to that point with your bullshit, let alone how it would somehow live forever on nothing. The computer doesn't work forever, that was mentioned. You come across as a guy putting up a facade in the face of oblivion to avoid depression.

I don't think to understand what's being discussed here. Refer to that thread
To put it simply: your naive conception that the universe will just run out of useful energy and then nothing happens is only obvious in a classical framework.

How long would it take to safely do this, at a rate that g forces would not kill you?

If you're going 99.999...% the speed of light then you go -1/12 the speed of light

does this mean u travel back in time?
holy shit we just invented time travel

Just go in a small circle.

>Not just creating an artificial universum within a pocket dimension