My high-school algebra teacher didn't lie to me, right?

my high-school algebra teacher didn't lie to me, right?

it's -17 isn't it?

all these faggots who keep adding the 2 to the 3 are retarded, right Veeky Forums?


Other urls found in this thread:

It's -17 if you use PEMDAS.

Not this retarded thread again.



Question: 3 – 3 x 6 + 2
Multiplication first: 3 – 18 + 2
Left to right: -15 + 2
Answer: -13

I mean -13. Was working with absolute values earlier and probably messed my thinking.

Okay, I guess I'm just fucking dull or something.

Can one of you explain to me why we start going left to right at 3-18+2?

Well, do you read math from right to left?
Of course not.

You should read from left to right with anything math related, including graphs

3(-3*6)+2= -52
Stupid as fack

Following order of operations, wouldn't I do addition first?

PEMDAS doesn't give me any reason to subtract 18 from 3
doesn't order of operations completely override "left to right"?

Which way read it it, has no effect on the out??
You can arrange it however you want: -18+2+3 or 2+3-18, no difference.

-17 is the anser

There isn't any order to multiplication/division and addition/subtraction, PEMDAS is just easy to remember. Division is just multiplication of a reciprocal and subtraction is addition of a negation.

It's good practice to read math as you would English or any other western languages

fuck off back to /b/ and stay there you retarded faggot

So why do they teach PEMDAS in the first place? My high-school teachers preached this stuff like the word of god. Does everybody just have to unlearn it in college or something?

PEMDAS or BODMAS are all bullshit, use parenthesis

PEMDAS is elementary school algebra

Where are you from?

PEMDAS is parenthesis, exponents, multiplication OR division, addition OR subtraction.

In order, is paren -> exp -> mult | div -> add | sub (reading the equation from left -> right)

Maybe they taught it because HS is the place where you actually need to build a solid foundation for basic mathematics?

I'm not american, what is PEMDAS? Also, -13

Nevermind what I said earlier, I'm thinking they just taught it wrong,

No one ever told me that it was "mult | div -> add | sub"

at least I learned something today

It was my fault for not explaining clearly.

Basically multiplication and division has precedence over addition and subtraction

Wut? It's 17. That literally isn't even debatable.

-13 unless you are superstitious in which case the answer is 4 million


It's -13.

Without following retarded left to right or right to left (or some other equally non-existent convention, that brainlets use to justify not actually knowing elementary math) then it's ambiguous. There isn't enough parentheses to know a single answer. Different calculators and different people will return different answers. This thread already happened recently, same shit with people claiming that their answer is right and that everyone who doesn't agree is retarded.

3 – 3 x 6 + 2 = 0 x 8 = 0

Fuck, the lord has spoken.

We all know humans needn't even bother with or argue about math when computers exist.

Why are these question so prevalent on this site?
Did nobody go to fucking school?
This shit was drilled into us at primary school when I was 8 years old.


You forgot PEMDAS.
Let me run you through this.
First we solve the parenthesis, P. There are none..
Then we solve the exponents E. There are none.
Then we solve multiplication M.
3 - 3 x 6 + 2=
3 - 18 +2 =??
After that we would solve division, D. There is no division problems.
Now we perform additions, A.
3 - 18 + 2 =
3- 20= ??
Finally we solve for subtraction, S.
3 - 20= -17

No, you do not do the addition before the subtraction, addition and subtraction have the SAME priority, so when you get to the A&S you just go left to right:

For all the guys getting -17 instead of -13, just read these.


kys idiot troll

lol I actually got negative thirteen first, then changed to negative seventeen later on not knowing what I did wrong. Thanks.

That 18 is negative. 2 plus negative 18 is -16.

-21 ?

I wrote a program in scala to calculate it with a foldRight, so dunno....

>all these memers ITT

It's a divergent series, so the value is -1/12.

I hate you all and its dumbo OP's fault