Who >LibreWriter masterrace here?

Who >LibreWriter masterrace here?

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why is this good

Its a free, opensource alternative to MS Word. For most users they are 100% interchangeable. Abiword, is another good alternative.

You know what's better?


I write in Libre ''it's almost a writing machine'' Office and it's great.
Poor win10 fags getting their works stolen from them

Google Docs is all you need.



>getting shanked by jewish docs
and you'll wonder why someone published your book

>alternative to Word
Are you unemployed?


I'm a freetard too but LibroOffice is just so hideous and slow that I can't stand using it. I do all my writing in vim.

I don't really get why "rich text" editing is even a thing. Like why not just write in plain text files until you actually distribute it?

>not using ed

>not using notepad

Get on my level, folks.


Director of an Ubuntu Library here. Libre Office rules!

I was actually pretty happy with emacs, right up until my damn virtual machine stopped loading up and I could retrieve no more data.

vim or nano, to be perfectly honest

FocusWriter because I'm not an autist nor am I normie.

Easier ime to use auTex and similar as well when you need pretty shit. Not only on longer works, but also because word fucks up regularly for all sorts of reasons, on any doc.

The only problem is collaboration because so many people are whiny shits who are also power hungry. They don't want to use the more fit for purpose editors and workflows because it's scary change that probably undermines authority they think they have, so they insist on the more problematic editors and insist that lackeys fix it when they inevitably go wrong.

Wordpad is objectively the right choice.
I can see the argument for Notepad as well, but sometimes a little formatting can be helpful.

LibreWriter takes years to fucking boot

I use Jarte.

>composing content in bloated rich text editors
have fun fucking with your fonts instead of writing

vim master race: I use github.com/junegunn/goyo.vim for fullscreen distraction-free writing and github.com/vimwiki/vimwiki to organise my chapters and notes.


Under bugs I believe Microsoft puts "Only features."

It has better integration for packages and usually better packages for what I like. I'm less keen on LISP, so apart from that I probs would have gone with VIM but w/e

Enjoying deprived of your work at any time.
> Sorry but Google isn't responding right now. We urge you to make local copies of your documents to prevent any damage.

>to organise my chapters and notes.
>not using vim-latex for prufeshunal typesetting

Who the fuck doesn't use Google drive, what are you, a farmer?

>all this complexity

>all these ignorant plebeians
LaTex with vim niggas

Emacs org mode desu senpai

I work for Microsoft Office ask me all your questions

I recently thought a bit about how I want to do my writing and organise my notes, and this is pretty exactly if not better than what I had in mind. Thanks.

Organisation and typesetting are different things user.