Anyone else excited about the new harry potter book...

Anyone else excited about the new harry potter book? It was one of the books that got me into reading and it's one of the few ya books that I can still read at my age without making ne want to put a bullet though my head.

What are your hopes for it?

Other urls found in this thread:

My hope is that everyone who wants to talk about this piece of shit fucks back off to rbooks or goodreads.


>Direct to book play script.


>Its mainstream so we are not interested

every fucking time Veeky Forums

The thing that gets me is that it's not even an official book by JK herself. It's a play turned book. And I'll probably still read it anyway, damn it.

Is there a leak for this? Or are all the leaks fake?

Veeky Forums is horrendously insecure sometimes.

I was excited about HP as a kid, I'll probably end up reading this as some comfy fluff.

Man, I just really enjoyed Harry Potter as a kid. Every new release was amazing. While this isn't a novel or written by Rowling technically, I still ended up pre-ordering the kindle version. Can't help but feel some childish excitement for this.

Holy fucking shit
So this woman can go from improvising as many CS Lewis, Tolkien and Siegfried references she could put within the same book as long as her editor was in on the joke to reboot her fucking fairy tales as YA lit?

Tons of people are gonna be pissed tomorrow when they find out they bought a script

>While this isn't a novel or written by Rowling technically,
The first press releases I saw were saying she started to write a novel, then decided to rope in this screenwriter guy to turn it into a play instead, so she seems to he distancing herself from the whole thing now. I think the original intention was to cash in on them theatre monies (not that there's much of them tho), then make another box office smash movie, and as she's running happy to the bank again drop an original 8th book out to make even mo money.

>I still ended up pre-ordering the kindle version. an't help but feel some childish excitement for this.
Seeing someone so happy about falling for really quite stupid marketting (to be fair they did get to you as a kid) I do find disturbing/makes me uncomfortable. It feels a bit like seeing the human version of Pavlov's dog.

>8th book
Please be true

Ding a ling a ling

Back to rbooks, my friend, this is a board about literature.

>le insecurity xDD
Yes, I am insecure. For every place that actually deals with literature, there are fifty for this kind of crap. Go take your Harry Potters and your Stephen Kings there rather than trying to claim yet another somewhat decent community.

What's happening is part of a phenomenon I wrote about a couple of years ago when I was asked to comment on Rowling. I went to the Yale University bookstore and bought and read a copy of "Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone." I suffered a great deal in the process. The writing was dreadful; the book was terrible. As I read, I noticed that every time a character went for a walk, the author wrote instead that the character "stretched his legs." I began marking on the back of an envelope every time that phrase was repeated. I stopped only after I had marked the envelope several dozen times. I was incredulous. Rowling's mind is so governed by cliches and dead metaphors that she has no other style of writing.

But when I wrote that in a newspaper, I was denounced. I was told that children would now read only J.K. Rowling, and I was asked whether that wasn't, after all, better than reading nothing at all? If Rowling was what it took to make them pick up a book, wasn't that a good thing?

It is not. "Harry Potter" will not lead our children on to Kipling's "Just So Stories" or his "Jungle Book." It will not lead them to Thurber's "Thirteen Clocks" or Kenneth Grahame's "Wind in the Willows" or Lewis Carroll's "Alice."

Later I read a lavish, loving review of Harry Potter by the same Stephen King. He wrote something to the effect of, "If these kids are reading Harry Potter at 11 or 12, then when they get older they will go on to read Stephen King." And he was quite right. He was not being ironic. When you read "Harry Potter" you are, in fact, trained to read Stephen King.

Our society and our literature and our culture are being dumbed down, and the causes are very complex. I'm 73 years old. In a lifetime of teaching English, I've seen the study of literature debased. There's very little authentic study of the humanities remaining. My research assistant came to me two years ago saying she'd been in a seminar in which the teacher spent two hours saying that Walt Whitman was a racist. This isn't even good nonsense. It's insufferable.

I saw this at the theater - cool special effects, n I never really got bored whilst watching, but the story was just bad. It didnt make sense, the magic 'rules' of the established universe were just fucked off n there were a few tropes that were just bollocks. Near enough 4 hours of theatre was getting to me by the end - they could have cut it down instead of having a 2 hour intermission or whatever. But it was watchable, my siblings are big HP fans n they loved it.

At least you're 73. That's interesting.

no, it's literature for 10 year olds so we are not interested. You shouldn't be either you arrested development autist

This is very true

As a child, I read the entire Harry Potter series twice, and nothing else of much. I was so close-minded towards any other sort of book. I read nothing but fantasy crap for a long time. Thankfully, I read Lord of the Rings in middle school, I think, which led me on to much better books in high school

some people need to confine themselves to their r/books safe space

It's a Bloom quote you dumbo

What do you think about the post-colonial discussion of Heart of Darkness?
As some 24 year old just fresh of a book I considered incredibly rich in allussions and motifs I was appalled I stumbled upon this utter nonsense about XIX century racism, I mean why is this in any way relevant to the literary nature of the fucking work?

We really need a version of the sarcastic "thick solid tight" meme of Veeky Forums's to post at these irrelevant comments. The important bit is easy in this case:

Please keep us updated user on your continued reading of comfy fluff.

>I can't enjoy popular things!
Dumb faggot

Its a more relevant comment than yours.

Which is why you should all keep us updated on your reading of fluff ;^)

Fuck off Rowling, you earned you shekels already

I'll buy it because my OCD won't let me alone since I already have the other books

>none of the newfags recognising this pasta

Holy fuck kys

This entire thread is cringeworthy, jesus christ. Worse than /pol/posters, seriously; what is wrong with people who just want to discuss a potential nostalgia trip?

No you may not discuss it. In a parallel to the DELETE THIS meme I say

because 'liberals' have no idea how to read a text historically and try to forcefully impose their contemporary ideology on the pantheon of art regardless of when it was created. Motherfuckers need to read some Heidegger

>Motherfuckers need to read some Heidegger
GET OUT (of Harvard)

the reddit brigade is at it again!

Thinking about it Yale fits better


Bloom is infamous in some circles for chasing a lot of Heidegger loving academics out of Yale, including the main man Derrida himself.

If you buy Harry Potter books you're part of the problem -- the decay of good, decent literature and the dumbing down and consumerism of culture.

At least pirate it if you insist on reading it.

Anyone else think 50 Shades of Grey is the pinnacle of literature?

Probably because Heidegger once taught ontology at Hogwarts. The late James Potter was actually his student for a while IIRC.

If you honestly believe this, you're a dumb elitist. Potter books are for kids and teens, and for that age they're great stuff. At least bitch about Stephen King, Tom Clancy, Janet Evanovich, etc if you have to bitch.

>If you honestly believe this, you're a dumb elitist.
Not true, and quite mean.

>Potter books are for kids and teens,

Which is fine, but kids would be better off reading better books IMO. Bloom has a point. The worst part is that plenty of adults read this sort of stuff, like Harry Potter, Stephen King, Twilight etc, and that's all they read. It's a shame. If people keep buying bad fiction, then it will be sanctioned and we'll see more and more and more of it, and fewer good books, because they don't sell.

>Stephen King, Tom Clancy

Harry potter is just as bad.

they aren't "for children and teens," they're for infantile minds irrespective of age. if in that light their popularity does not bother you, I am afraid we must count you among that category.

Oh shut up dumbass. Shitty genre fiction has existed for centuries and it has not brought the end of literature as of yet, because there's no reason why it would or could. Most of it will just be forgotten whereas great works can be remembered for millenia.

TPB has a legit torrent, I've been reading it for an hour now. For essentially fanfic, it is still entertaining and has a lot of feels.

People get so salty about HP.

I didn't say shitty genre fiction will bring the end of great literature. For every dollar spent on Harry Potter, a dollar is potentially taken away from a better book from a struggling literary author.

The plot sucks shit.

>throws a hissy fit because people want to discuss books they don't like
>says other need a "safe space" because they dared to argue back / say they'll read it

People who read Harry Potter and not much else are for the most part not concerned with obscure literary fiction unless they're forced into it. This has been the case for as long as widespread literacy. If harry potter did not exist those people would read other genre fiction, or not read at all. This is not a symptom of a decaying society, it is a symptom that everything is completely normal. The struggling literary author wouldn't get any more money.

In fact, a lot of things modern "fandoms" do had parallels in Sherlock Holmes fans literal centuries ago.

Do you seriously think those audiences overlap that much?

That's dumber than saying piracy is a 1:1 loss to content creators

No. You're understanding it too literally.

There's nothing else to your point, the difference is minuscule at best. No one is avoiding reading whatever you deem as proper because they're too engrossed in Harry Potter.

Jesus fuck
>people that are interested in Harry Potter would be amenable to classic and such if we could get them to stop reading fiction
You e/lit/ist are some fucking delusional scum.

>it is a symptom that everything is completely normal

Doesn't make it desirable.

No one is avoiding reading whatever you deem as proper because they're too engrossed in Harry Potter.

I don't think anything is 'proper'. You're being facile, and putting opinions in my mouth that aren't mine.

Do you people honestly think that demand in the supply in the book market doesn't have an overall effect on that market? What's popular and what sells influences the literary market place. You can read Bourdieu if you want.

You're all throwing strawmans left right and centre.

Not liking a certain kind of fiction, and thinking it's worse than another kind != elitism. I don't think people who read Harry Potter are worse or stupider than any other people. But Harry Potter's bad.


Honestly it's going to suck but I have to read it just because it's more in that universe and she at least helped think of it.

literally anywhere

>plot is about Harry's son and Draco's son going back in time with Cedric Diggory's niece to prevent his death
>steal a secret time turner even though they were all supposedly destroyed
>they go back and prevent Cedric from dying and uh oh the future got changed which directly goes against the rules of the HP universe where time travel is a closed causality loop and you can't create alternate universes by changing things in the past BUT WHATEVER LOL
>the world is now evil, Voldemort has taken over, and there's a grimdark Hogwarts
>everyone calls Scorpius (Draco's son) "The Scorpion King"
>lots of dumb shit happens
>eventually the kids and Harry himself go back all the way to the night Voldemort killed Harry's parents
>Harry goes totally out of character and tells his son that he's a failure which got a bunch of people on tumblr fuckin pissed
>turns out that the girl who said she was Cedric's niece was actually A SECRET LOVECHILD OF VOLDEMORT AND BELLATRIX LESTRANGE NO SERIOUSLY I'M NOT EVEN MAKING THIS UP
>they all fight, the good guys win and the day is saved
>the end

>could have gotten fun plot-thin slice of life in the Harry Potter world
>instead this

>the same lit quality as a Light novel
and people still try to defend harry potter...

bullshit i can't find any

Is Bloom a legitimate critic or a hack?

bibliotik, tpb

Why would I get the in-progress version when I can wait and get the Definitive Edition early next year?

pleb general?


>Theatre previews allow the creative team the chance to rehearse and explore scenes further before a production’s official opening night. Harry Potter and the Cursed Child opens for previews several weeks before its official first performance on Saturday 30 July and the Special Rehearsal Edition of the script book will later be replaced by a Definitive Collector’s Edition.

>the Special Rehearsal Edition of the script book will later be replaced by a Definitive Collector’s Edition.

Why would you buy this book at all, definitive or not, is what I want to know. It's like buying Shakespeare in text form except it's not good.

i am mildly horrified this is the actual story.. i thought it was a joke when i first read the summary.

>reading ebook now
>absolute rubbish
>childhood memories ruined

To a small few he's legitimate. Most academics disagree with him. Some are outright hostile toward him.

He reckons he's a pariah at his university, Yale.

Many of his views and opinions about the canon, about genre fiction, about other things, are hated.

Even those who disagree with him about many things, however, can appreciate some of his formal critiques though. His work on Shakespeare is okay. The anxiety of influence idea of his is underwhelming.

He's the most widely read literary academic critic. He's actually mainstream.

>and fewer good books, because they don't sell.
no one writes good books with the view of making good money

I heard it's out, anyone have spoilers?

>come to Veeky Forums
>can't read

oops haha

But publisher's publish books based on that.

And writer's are informed by what's popular to a certain degree.

Jesus Christ

Why is she still milking it? She's rich enough that there's no reason for her to write this shitty fan fiction level stuff.

>Amos Diggory (Cedrics father) hates harry and resents him for letting Cedric die
>In the end of Goblet of Fire Cedric's parents both forgive Harry and don't blame him for Cedrics death
>Voldermort can't feel love because he was conceived under a love potion
>Voldermort has a fucking love child
>Oh remember how time turners work? JK LOL they don't work like that anymore

How the fuck are normies defending this? It sounds like a really really bad fanfic

Really bad fanfics have massive followings

>love potions shown to be thoroughly evil things, even contributed to the creation of Voldemort
>Ron gifts Harry's son with a love potion in the play and it's treated like a cute joke
>Ron's character as a whole is gutted worse than in the movies, he's literally only an incompetent comic relief character
What the fuck

my thoughts exactly, this entire play reads like some horribly uninformed fanfic.

people keep forgetting that rowling did not write this, she merely said OK to it being written. with that in mind, it doesn't surprise me at all to see how out of place everything is.

Don't read this book.
I've never even been on this board, I mainly lurk /v/ and /mu/, but god damn I had to come here and say so myself after just having finished it.
It was so fucking stupid and poorly written. From the couple of replies I've read you guys clearly don't think Rowling's writing style is good but I can tell you this is much worse, and I'm not much of a reader. I thoroughly enjoyed reading HP while growing up but this just sucked. The plot was dumb, All the dialogue was dumb and cringey, everyone is completely out of character all the time, and a bunch of other small shit that adds up. Like Ron telling dad jokes and running the joke shop, the fuck is up with that? I remember at the end of Deathly Hallows, Harry and he are top aurors within the ministry or some shit.
Anyway, don't read this, it's not worth the four hours.

I just finished it and I regret staying up all night reading it before I have to go to work. However, it did have some nice moments even though there was a shit ton of exposition and parts that I'll never be able to forget when I re watch the movies or read the books. Although the plot sucked, this would have been much better as a novel.

Instead of releasing a definitive edition they should really just rewrite the damn thing. They obviously can't change the shit plot, but it would be much more digestible in the standard Harry Potter book format.



Are you going to be a snarky cunt because we aren't interested in discussing children's literature?

Get a grip you fucking manchild.

>finished it

the fuck? is the book really that short?

It's in script format, a pretty fast read.

182 pages of script.

user is a snobbish self-entitled elitist dettached from reality.

In my shitty third world country, children are mandated to read classics that they are not yet able to fully appreciate, thus they become frustrated and tell literature to fuck off.

Books like HP make children grab a book with joy. It's far more important that a child develops a love for literature, than the kind of books they're reading.

Why are you so intent on being the victim? No user can stop you actually posting a discussion or interesting points on HP. But you haven't done that, you've just whined about big mean user not sharing your views.

It seems a lot to me like you thank the Gods for giving you HP because otherwise you wouldn't feel so comfortable shit posting on a literature board.

Tbh I would welcome the day when there were enough of you to start shitting up the board since you'd end up with your own board where you could post shitty comments to your heart's content.

Actually in my country (Spain) at some point you have to read Cervantes. Guess how many people end up enjoying it. You cannot force patrician works to plebeians.

I haven't stated my personal regard for HP books. Simply argueing for the benefits such books can bring to society.

user certainly can make user feel ashamed of user's tastes. There are too many Anons enjoying only what they're allowed to. Veeky Forums is wonderful to discuss very good literature, but its shit-shaming is counter-productive.

You must read El Quijote, by all means. But it can't be your first book, or even your fifth.

People regarded as plebs can grow a love for literature, to dismiss them by default is a mistake, in my opinion. Wouldn't all of us benefit from people reading more? Don't most of us whine constantly about the stupid herd mentality that results in our governments and social morals?

Well explain that to the teenagers that end up hating the book, searching plot summaries on the internet. If you can't lift 10 kg you should not get forced to lift 50.

That's my point. I think teenagers end up hating the book, because they're forced into it. I think it would be more beneficial to ease them into literature. Make them read easy, albeit shitty stuff. Make them read the HPs and the Artemis Fowls. Focus on making them love literature and then, and only then, you can guide them towards Cervantes and Dostoyevsky and Borges and the wonders of good literature.

But reading Harry Potter won't ease them into literature. It will ease them into reading words off a page of paper, that's all.

I think you could start with children's literature in elementary, but good children's literature. Alice in wonderland, the hobbit, the little prince and so on

I disagree user, I've seen it myself. But mine is an argument from anecdote and yours from opinion: we won't get anywhere.

Have a good day, user.


Calling it now;

The Magic is gone.

Save your childhood memories from despoilment.

I would argue that children would have an easier time connecting to contemporary books. But your suggestions are very good.

it's based on an original story by JK rowling and written by jack thorne

tl;dr: this play is written by jack thorne

Amos was under the imperius curse by Delphi (Voldemort's child), and you don't need to "love" to have sex.

The time Turner thing is explained as these being new time turners with more abilities and so on, but it's still fucking dumb.

Worst part of the play is that you can see that they did the time travel thing merely, MERELY to shoehorn fanservice regarding ships and to further portray Snape and Dumbledore as tragic heroes.

Even then the worst part is that Delphi's characterization is all over the place. She just wants to meet her father (who at this point is feet away from her) and Harry, and orphan himself basically goes "WELL YOU NEVER WILL LOL OFF TO AZKABAN FOR LIVE WITH YOU".

Also has no one mentioned the "trolley witch" being a T-1000 yet?