Why don't you go out and get some fast food, user? I bet you're hungry

Why don't you go out and get some fast food, user? I bet you're hungry.

Fast food is not healthy and I'm trying to become a healthier person so no Mr. Soros, I will not.

There's always Subway, delivering fresh and healthy subs for under $5. Or the Premium Salad menu from Wendy's. Don't be so close minded, guy.

I'm stoned, binge watching one punch man, and all I have in my fridge are eggs and beer...
You're killing me georgie.

I eat to damn much as it is Georgie

What is soros favorite food again?

Human fetuses

It's fucking 2:30 am Fuck off

Crack open one of those beers! Good night for it. I bet there's a domino's or pizza hut nearby that will deliver to you.

I already cracked and am picking up jack innabox rn...

Get the large fry. You deserve it.

Beef teriyaki bowl with eggrolls...

There's no need to have your firearm out.

Sorry george, I have leftovers to eat up

some quality sorosposting

Thank you for buying our prepackaged garba... food. You deserve it! Have a fantastic day, goy, I meant guy.

Wait, so we can shoo away happy merchant with firearms?

Send me $500,000 mr. soros and i'll eat fast food everyday for the rest of my life.

I have shitty food here already Zionist overlord


Bump to show my appreciation for this thread

Thank you, comrade. Please fuck my wife