Uhh guys? Are you seeing what I'm seeing? Does Sergey not wear underwear?

Uhh guys? Are you seeing what I'm seeing? Does Sergey not wear underwear?

Attached: Screenshot_20180314-182424.jpg (1056x1614, 515K)

>Are you seeing what I'm seeing?

I'm seeing a struggle between those last two buttons hodl


I recognize that bulge.

Where my fellow commando bros at?


newfags wont rate this

checked 5 stars

I've been there, he's about 4 pounds away from realizing he's gotten to fat for his clothes. It's a terrible feeling when it hits you because you don't really notice it until it's too late.
Strap in Sergey, fatcamp starts tonight!

It also looks like he's packing heat -- compact autopistol in the right front pocket -- probably a S&W M&P Shield 9mm.

Attached: Shield-Black-Granulate.jpg (800x587, 197K)

Its never too late to kys

Question for you guys. Where did the 32m go? No way he got it.



Attached: 4012FC81-8C13-43B6-B50C-F1A45718DA31.jpg (242x257, 29K)

Chek&kek 8/8

He needs to buy some nice light colored chinos, long sleeve shirts and vests. Sneakers can be be ok but not fucking obnoxious running shoes like that

Attached: alleged dick.png (163x249, 64K)

Look at the head on that cock. My God.

i see a fat fuck

requesting x-ray to expose his micropenis