Is it easier to be happy if you are a total normie brainlet?

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>implying you ain't one
>bought btc ath

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You should read the Power of Now you are miserable because you congratulate yourself on thinking about shit, thinking yourself into a stupor, mania, or depression you need to stop thinking so much and only do so when you are applying your thought to actual value

Mining ETH for the last two years, so money is not the problem.

Yes, normie brainlets are happier than you are. Most normies are actually both smarter and happier than you, but the ones who are stupider are still happier than you.

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yes, it's getting very tiring seeing jewish tricks that I would otherwise not recognize if I stayed out of Veeky Forums.

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Seems like self-help bullshit, can you tl;dr it for us?

normies can:
>have many friends
>get a job and be content with life
>raise kids and family
>talk to people on a constant basis
>don't have to worry and chase about frivolous things
>independent and survive on his/her own
>don't have to pretend to be psuedo-intellectuals and shitpost about how we are "smarter" and more "intelligent" than those "sheep"
Face it friends, maybe the brainlets are us.

I'd be tired too if I kept thinking Jews were behind all of my personal failures.

How's living your life in a scary fantasy movie? Are your failures any easier to bear when you blame them on a 19th century political scapegoat?

Social intuition and reasoning capacity are strongly positively correlated... it's definitely us

just being aware of the jewish tricks puts you ahead of the normies. that way you won't fall for the banking jew, the credit jew and the drug jew. that's why we're all in crypto, to get away from jewish tricks as much as possible.

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Tldr be a nigger

It's really moving to see the triumph of racial hatred over rational thought.

Enjoy your Dunning-Krueger existence never being able to figure out why all these "idiots" are happier and more stable than you are.

Nah, most of them are popping pills left and right while screaming at everything.
The only normies that are happy are young rural couples who just realized they want to start a family.

dude you are beyond retarded. you see some group of people who are consistently successful, but instead of learning from them or trying to emulate them you just get mad at them. you will never make it with that outlook

Easier than you, since you are autistic.
Self-loathing autists are fucking brainlets.


Enjoy your bucolic fantasy, just make sure to never travel to a rural area to figure out what a moron you are.

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i mean, I 10x'd from ripple during the last bull run, so I'm aware that if you can't beat them, you join them. it's pretty obvious that ripple has been conceived by (((them))) to eventually infiltrate the market. either way, I've made my money from their influence either way.

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There is no such thing as happiness, it's all relative and without miserable moments there would not be happy moments either.

However, normies die earlier, divorce at high rate, deadly alcohol drunk abuse etc., and struggle way more, in that sense low iq is correlated with unhappy life. Being a normie means life is just tougher.

Hoowever very high IQs which are almsot always result of autism gene might result of very high anxiety, ocd, social anxiety and so on which are very rare among normal people

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No idea what you're talking about. I'm assuming you replied to the wrong person.

He never said that he blamed the Jews for his personal failings. So glad you were here to read between the lines for me!

if only you knew how bad things really are

>if only people understood how horrible the boogeyman really is


What are the chances that Veeky Forums is the source of my misery?

why is /pol/ still on our board? the crash should be clearing them out. why are they staying?

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