Is there any documented benefits to living without Facebook?

Is there any documented benefits to living without Facebook?

Jews won't sell your personal information

You won't know about parties that you aren't invited to so you avoid the butthurt

You won't be exposed to extreme levels of dumb

You won't see any pictures of those people you pretend to like and associate with.

Anyone who has complete control of the media you consume has control of what you think. AKA propaganda
Facebook has admitted to "experimenting" with trying to manipulate it's uses feelings by selectively choosing what to show them. The more you use Facebook the larger the psychological profile of you exists and the more open to manipulation you are.

But Veeky Forums controls what I think

>implying anyone cares what a bunch of stupid weeaboos think

Yes. I get to live my life exactly as I please. Which includes not using the Social Jew. This makes me feel very good about myself, and a subjective self-satisfaction and positive self-image certainly count as benefits in the general sense, regardless of whether another person views these self-perceptions in view of the choice of abstention as mistaken, absurd, quaint, irrelevant, or otherwise.

And I've written a post self-reporting these feelings. A written communication that stays. i.e., a document.

You're welcome.

More seriously, I've always been distrustful of how people 12 years ago (before the culture acclimated to the digital Avatar and the reality of online life) thought of the internet as a distinct universe, where they had the latent idea that they could not be uniquely identified with whatever stupidity they were posting, /despite the fact that they were documenting same with their RL names and faces attached/. Also, there's something mystical about writing as opposed to speech. When you write something, even as an online post, it is instantly taken far more seriously.

I reject the rebuttal that "people know how to manage their online lives now, they're much more savvy, and if you're so stupid that you can't do those things, you deserve what you get." I don't dispute the latter conceit, but the first is bogus. /People become too comfortable with these platforms/, comfy to the point that they actually write that stupid thing that one time, make that Freudian slip, make that joke in poor taste that was interpreted as a real threat and ended in a police call to their house. Tyrone getting caught not making his child support because he wrote about such is just an extreme example of this.

tl;dr there is both a contrarian self-satisfaction and a real guarding of privacy which I will more seriously suggest has the "scientific" benefits. About once a month there's a news story which vindicates me, confirms my bias for not using facebook.


Stupid people use social media and I am not a stupid person.

No post-regret.

You know, when you try to come up with something to post that expresses something about yourself, but which is appropriate for an audience of friends, parents, relatives, coworkers, classmates and that guy you sat next to on an airplane once. So you post something totally bland and inoffensive, then you realize it sounds like something your grandma writes on your birthday cards, and you want to delete it but someone already commented on it and if you delete it now it might look to them like you didn't like their comment and blocked them from being able to see the post, which of course is ridiculous, they probably won't even notice, or remember that they posted that comment in the first place, no sane person would. But then, you've noticed, in the past when it's happened to you, when you've posted a comment and an hour later the status was gone and you think you must have crossed some line, and at first you feel embarrassed but then it starts to bother you because why couldn't they have just manned up and sent you a message saying "I'm not comfortable with you saying that sort of thing on my posts, no big deal, I just don't want my grandmother/boss/physician getting the wrong idea about what you meant we can still be friends though", instead they just hid their status like a FUCKING COWARD and you figured you don't need that kind of passive aggressive bullshit in your life so you defriended that asshole without an explanation because that's what bitches deserve.

But now, now the tables have turned, and you don't know what to do besides set your post so that the guy who commented is the only one who can see it, but in the time it took you to think about it, it's gotten 3 likes and 4 other comments and that's a setback but holy shit your aunt just shared it why the fuck would she even do that, she must not know what sharing is, this is all spiraling out of control now, pretty soon the whole world is going to think OP's a faggot.

Just download facebook messenger app to your computer, there is a nice one on Windows. haven't opened facebook in ages

>post something that expresses something about yourself

Are you a teenager?

Most people who never had a Facebook account are now dead.

Out of that whole thing, that's the sentence you decide to bash.

I used to do the whole facebook thing, then I got tired of peple and set everything on my account to private. Eventually some SJW kids reported me because they thought I was a fake account, and I couldn't access it again. Honestly, I can't say I really missed it except for the convenience of being able to message people I know. A lot of people use WhatsApp or something for that, but in my opinion it's even more cancer (and I hate using my phone). Opened a new account on facebook to talk with close friends, and I keep everything private. Zuckercuck can sell all the personal information he has on me; it's not worth much.

> t. 'tismo

Yeah, over the years I documented that "seen but no reply" is having a realy bad impact on people and they go crazy about it... As a non-facebook user, I'm happy I don't need to care about this kind of crap

You should be asking ..."Is there any documented benefits to living WITH Facebook"

Yes. I cancelled facebook a year ago. Haven't missed the drama, political memes or normie rantings. Feels good man.


I never had a Facebook. In high school it kind of sucked but girls still liked and I would have never got invited to the popular kids' parties anyway. In college I still had friends and still got laid so I don't think anyone really needs it, it's just another thing people use to try to fill the voids in their lives.

I made all my friends understand that I do not approve of FB and now they are so nice to send me an SMS or call me if there is something fun going on. No need for FB at all

I recently (1-2 weeks ago) made a Facebook profile just because it makes coordinating group projects easier. Don't really use it for much else.

Oh man, are you that guy who Facebook friends his group partners?

There was a study that found that the more time someone spends on Facebook the more likely the person is unhappy with their own life.

So which is the cause and which is the effect?

You wouldn't be here if you didn't, normie



>Basket of Deplorable
>Dark Army
>White Nationalist Frog

Just the tip off my head. Surprisingly a lot of politicians and one particular Presidential nominee cares about Veeky Forums.

I'm really having a lot of anxiety due to this lately, when I was in highschool I did have a facebook and i was neither popular nor a loser but I didn't get enough likes and friends like the popular guys, I took a year off in between HS and college and I deleted facebook, I now have a good body because of working out, dress well and I even have some charisma.
So everyone in college now thinks I'm a chad but this girl I started dating started asking for social media, instagram, facebook snapchat etc. etc. and I got really anxious and shit.
How could I be a chad without at least 600 followers on ig?? I really need advice Veeky Forums and don't tell me shit like to don't give a fuck because I already know it does matter a lot for people in our age and that won't change soon, tell me instead how to make like 500 friends fast if I live in a big city and how to make it look like I was always cool (I need to have like at least 150 followers 2 days after opening my instagram and I don't know how to), tho any advice will be appreciated

you cant get headache from seeing how stupid are people

follow a bunch of randoms then unfollow them

Stupid old high school friends have a hard time finding you.

no you don't get it they have to be real people

is this satire?

no bro, I actually lose sleep over this but I know it sounds dumb as fuck

just start finding people in your area, ask them to friend you, and post stupid jokes on your wall a couple times a day.

A Facebook friend means something entirely different from a real life friend.

I don't use facebook at all but it is great for getting pussy and for college courses groups
I don't use facebook cuz of autismo reasons and I don't want people from my past laughing via facebook at me