How do I write good stuff? No meme posts please I just want to stop procrastinating

How do I write good stuff? No meme posts please I just want to stop procrastinating

Practice and read.

Do it. Just do it. Don't let your dreams be dreams, yesterday you said tomorrow so just do it. Nothing is impossible. Just do it. If you're tired of starting over, stop giving up.


Practice as much as you can, read as much as you can, and set goals.

What's the right way to practice? Is there a method? Or is one born with the talent?

Just write a story and keep on going until it's finished. It doesn't matter if its the worst thing in the universe. Put it away for a while, come back to it, realize your mistakes. Rinse and repeat.

Seconding this. Editing is as important as writing. All first drafts are terrible, etc.

Read 10 million books then come back here.

Not OP, but I often read that it is better to write as much as you can, then go back and edit it afterwards. Is this true? I usually write a paragraph then scrutinize over every sentence, and it takes forever to finish a draft.

>I usually write a paragraph then scrutinize over every sentence, and it takes forever to finish a draft.
This is dumb as fuck. Why would you ever do this in a first draft? Yes, it's true. That paragraph might not even make any sense after you've written anything after it. Hell, entire scenes or chapters might need to be chopped out.

Read every critique by Dan Schneider at Cosmoetica

I was wondering if anyone had good links for learning the general ideas and theories behind good writing. Maybe some good writer quotes too. I pretty much know only "The Hero with 1000 Faces".

I especially respond well to critical writing on genre tropes and the like.

Read fairy tales and other such mythology.

I can't stress enough how IMPORTANT is finishing the story. Even if it sucks and you know it, finish the story. Finish it, write its ending.
Writing paragraphs is simply not enough to learn writing. Write, edit, finish, tie loose ends, find compelling endings, practice dialogue, find plot and character holes, edit.
Do it right now, not tomorrow, not later.

this is closest to the truth. but even then your improvement may be negligible. editing is essential for everyone, especially those of us who lack talent.

Why does everyone think they are a novelist?

The world needs people to work, eat, sleep, watch tv, and die ya know.

just hop in the booth and freestyle

>Why does everyone think they are a novelist?

they don't? the amount of people who even have pretensions of writing form a small amount of the world's population. I'd guess around five percent, at the most.

Remember that scene in The Stranger where he's analyzing each tiny component of his cell? You have to do the same thing with your paper. This is my paper you say to yourself each time before you write. Study every fiber. Know each hole. Your paper already has every book every written on it in one solid color and it's up to you to carve one out. Get a cup of water, put a slice of lemon over it. Write about the paper if you have to. If you can describe sell me a piece of paper then you should be able to sell me the same piece but with your writing on it.

you're not funny

y-you too