Religion involves doublethink and is orwellian

Religion involves doublethink and is orwellian.

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How so?

Turned away from religion when I read.the passage on how in Christ women, men, Jews, etc are the same

Pure SJW nonsense

Taught from birth that it's better to believe than have skepticism. Any religious person who's honest with themselves will tell you belief in god is not rational. It's simultaneously having two contradictory realities and accepting one because it suites the doctrines which you're supposed to.

Believing in God isn't contrary to any other beliefs I hold.

It would be if you think God is the source of any of the other beliefs you hold.

>Religion involves nothink
Fixed for you.

I don't agree

>people think they are smart for denying the existence of a deity
>they haven't even contemplated the existence of the metaphysical god

Uh-huh, and?

Religion is the main propulsor for our current ideas about representation and the arts. Our politics since 20th century totalitarianism are influenced by image in varying degrees ever since, therefore, representations.

Every aspect of political thinking is permeated by images, therefore, is only natural the phenomenons that arise in religious thought shall arise in politics as well.

>Religion is the main propulsor for our current ideas about representation and the arts
What the fuck? How?

All ideology is

I wish that all religious people would fall into a volcano.

The very notion we have about what "art" is comes from Vasari (and other renaissance artists and writers) and they were mainly evaluating religious works. I recommend you Belting's Likeness and Presece and Didi-Hubermann's Confronting Images, but rest assured, without the catholic church's influence, we wouldn't think of art as we do today.

>Not knowing the difference between classical theism and believing in sky fairies

Humanity involves doublethink and is Orwellian

Yeah, without the Catholic church, we wouldn't think of art as we do today, and we wouldn't have had nothing but religious paintings in the middle ages. We probably would be much more modern in our forms of art, perhaps we would have reached modernist art much earlier.

You're doublethinking religion and you're orwellian.

why not become a Jew or Muslim then?

t. Carl Schmitt

spiritual theory and practice are highly paradoxical. They cannot be thought out except in extremely superficial form and should be regarded as matters of experience only when evaluated practically as activities one may or may not wish to engage in.

if you think God is a cause of your beliefs then yet
I you regard God as acausal and prior to and transcending mere belief then no

I pretty much despise any religious or non religious person trying to tell the other guy why they believe in what they do.

there is probably more variety for reasons than one person has contemplated and it just shows me what a dense stupidass you are.

I will say there are plenty of good and bad reasons for either.