Let's see how smart Veeky Forums is

Let's see how smart Veeky Forums is.
A baseball bat and a ball together cost $1.10.The bat costs a dollar more than the ball.
What is the cost of the ball?


5 cents

50/50 it either costs a dollar or it doesn't

>It took 3 replies to get the correct answer

Veeky Forums confirmed retarded.

What? Its 5c.



is this correct? i'm too much of a brainlet to have confidence.

good meme honestly

X+y = 110
X+X+100= 110
x+x= 10
2x= 10

A dollar or not? Kek

The ball is free.

The bat is a $, and the tax is 10%.

Yes you got it

I like this approach too haha

>the ball is free*
>*included in the price of the bat

Then price of the baseball is $0

the goat is behind the third door, OP.

Daily reminder that you must be 18 years of age (or older) to post on Veeky Forums.

Have a blessed day.

Theoretical Mathemetician here
a = baseball bat, b = ball
a + b = 1.1
a = b + 1

(b + 1) + b = 1.1
2b = 1.1 - 1
2b = 0.1
b = 0.5

The ball is free but it's America so you have to tip the ball and bat salesman

Thank god you're just a theoretical mathematician

>muh fairytale

kill yourself


Hard mode: use only words, al-jabr style

Laron is 2 inch taller than Lavon when he was six years old, and Laran is 3 inch taller than Laron was when Lavon was 2 years younger than Laran. When Laran is twice as old as Lavon was when Lavon was taller than Lavan, how tall will Lavon be when Laron is half as old as Lavon when Lavon was three inches shorter than Lavan?


2 dollars

the answer is to kill whitey and get mo money fo dem programs

They asked me if I had a degree in theoretical physics.
I told them I had a theoretical degree in physics.

Ball is 5 cents

Next question

ball is 10 cents

$0.10 + $1.00 = $1.10

Top kek

are you legit retarded

What? It's a dollar more you fucking cuck

>Cuck meme
A dollar more than 10 cents is a dollar and 10 cents. Then they add together to make a dollar and 20 cents.

cuck currency that doesnt make sense.

Ball = 5c

Bat = $1.05

Why? Bat costs $1 more than the ball

therefore $0.05(Ball) + $1 = $1.05(Bat)

Thus $0.05(Ball) + $1.05(Bat) = $1.10

This thread is fucking retarded.

The shopkeeper owes you $1/12.


Commence the jigglin'

Why is this bullshit allowed on here? Where are the mods?
