Which field requires the highest level of brain power?

Which field requires the highest level of brain power?
Which field also contributes most to society in terms of research and development?

Physics to explain how things work
Philosophy to explain why things work
Mathematics to explain how things can work
Biology/Chemistry/Pharmacy to make you work
Engineering to allow you to work

Computer science/Computer engineering. Working with computers is the closest will ever get to magic in this world. So there's that.

nice meme

Philosophy and -creativity- especially.
It all starts with a thought or an idea.
Elon musk is not much more advanced in terms of brute force brainpower than other people with high IQ's and such. He's more gifted with a creative talent. And a soaring passion for what he does.

Physics requires the most brain power.

It also contributes the most to society, or at least did.

My bets:

probably Physics for both

>mfw people answer things other than pure mathematics


Art history


>Which field requires the highest level of brain power?

>Which field also contributes most to society in terms of research and development?

Anime analysis

>Which field also contributes most to society in terms of research and development?
Presently and also the last few decades probably pharmacy and medicine. In the next decade probably genetics which in turn will influence pharma and medicine and life quality for billions.

In the past Physics and Astronomy was important for society and the entry into age of enlightenment and the scientific method. Without this step we would be locked into an oppressive religious state system.

Gender studies

Autists like Hegel make philosophy a nightmare.


Hail Satan

I think you mean make things that work

Hegel was brilliant and his ideas are echoing through higher mathematics and theoretical physics more so today than ever before.

What about Geomatics for useful ?

biology feeds you

Take your pedophile cartoons back to .

Doesn't make him less of an autist

Of course not, the guy was definitely autismo maximo. But, just because he makes philosophy challenging does not mean his work is a bad thing for philosophy.

This. Recent and future medical and pharmaceutical research, namely genetics, are going to shape the future and thrust us further towards the plateau of biological perfection harder than any other field of science or mathematics

Physics is cool and all but aside from astro- theres not a lot of room for further research. I could be wrong, just my two cents

This is the correct answer.

>highest level of brain power
Hahaha well memed my friend

This tbqh

Your brain power determines your success within whatever field you go with.

And within each field there is a full spectrum of brain power levels.

Some fields attract higher brain power, so those field could be said to also require higher brain power, but just because the standard is higher, not because theres some hard limit.

So, the question really is, what fields ATTRACT brain power?

Maybe some people go where the money is, because they prioritize wealth and are smart about it.

Others will go toward whatever the stereotypes created by society claim smart people do.

And many will go where they find they can put their brain powers to use from hobbies or school (of course, their limited experience might not match the actual thing when done at professional level).

The depth and complexity of a field is determined by the composition of people who work in that field, not by what the field focuses on. You can always find more detail and do things in more complicated ways.


What is brain power?

If you mean abstract thinking the answer probably lies somewhere in the direction of advanced physics/math/philosophy.

Contribution to society is a lot harder to quantify.

bio physics + ai

>Gender studies
Funding into this cargo cult junk deprives real science for funding and is thus directly responsible for the death of millions that otherwise would be helped by new medicine and medical technology.

I wonder when those responsible for funding will realise this.

Get out.

Computer Science as a research field is awesome. Software Dev undergrads are brainlets, of course.

That is One.

You need the most brainpower for english literatur.


>balding science man


It just require autism desu.

You can't understand life until you've read the whole Meme Trilogy desu

Well, I think CS/EE contribute most. While the contribution is not direct, most modern problems being solved require computational methods which require the development of tools, hardware, algorithms, etc .. Even the non-science areas are starting to recognise the utility of things like machine learning to do things they would have never been able to do previously.


checking the dubs of truth

This is interesting because as far as I can tell from working as a TA all undergrads are brainlets.

>pineal gland meme

I'd have to say vision, creation, and newsun

Let you tell it.

This guy gets it.


>doesn't realise science is a mere subset of philosophy


Art. I cannot begin to understand how people come up with the pictures that they do and make them look as good as they do, practice be damned.

How about astrophysics?

Philosophy is fucking useless. Its just poeple talking about souls and magic lmao

Well, what about it, user?

Sure, it gave us the discovery of Helium which in turn is essential for deep sea diving which was important for deep sea oil exploration and thus has had an impact. Still, that is rather niche.

What else did you have in mind?