Do you believe in God?

Do you believe in God?

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quyick delete this ur gunna get baned

No. Give me a single reason.

Give me one reason why He doesn't exist.

Of course I do.

I am a god. Kind of...

No. Fuck your -insert religion- god(s)!
Also you'll be banned in no time flat.

My reason is whatever reason you choose to believe that any other supernatural being doesn't exist.

nice sophism mate

If I created a super-intelligent globally distributed artificial intelligence program that was so powerful that it could create parallel universes and even answer your prayers, would you pray to it?

the universe is exactly such

Here, I'm making sure that your prayers for popcorn are being answered right now OP.

I don't know if God exists or not, I feel like religion was a concept that early civilizations made to explain the universe around us

I just find it fascinating how we contemplate mortality and still continue to live. Like, why should I live if I'm going to die eventually? Fuck leaving a legacy, whoever carries it is also gonna die someday.

I feel like we have a purpose, it just is one of those weird feelings you get.

But shit, I don't know for certain, so I prefer to just admit I don't know. Might as well be honest, be a good person, and man up and hope there's some reward at the end. And hopefully this reward, if there is one, is given to people who don't believe either, atheists shouldn't be held at fault if there is no way to tell for sure.

You first need to define "He" before we can answer you.




Agnosticism is the best.

>Agnosticism is the best
Are you sure about that?

Which one?


Don't care. Doesn't make a difference to me, and there is no way to really know, but I'm open to the idea of a higher being.

The only people who claim to know are pseudo-intellectual edgy atheists and extremely religious people.

Keeping your beliefs (or lack thereof) to yourself to make meaning of the world, is another matter completely. For me, I don't believe in a God, and I've never felt the need to have religion in my life to be happy, so I just let it go. Either way, keep it to yourself or don't be a fag about it.

The best single reason is that once you learn that big bang is an assumption at best and the world is more than likely flat, the only answer that remains is God creating the universe.

Of course. Do you believe in you?

Is that a joke? I'm uncertain

I Absolutely do.

Thats a creation of man. No. Thats all popsci anyway.

It's the most scientific approach.

Depends what your definition of god is? Is it a human sitting on a throne in some invisible dimension? Most likely not. God is the forces that hold our reality together.

The way i see it, it's 50/50.
Either god exists, or he doesn't.

Having doubt is scientific, using doubt as a decision making tool is not.

I believe god is more than that, but i think we can agree hes not some sky magician.

then it's 50/25/25...
Either God exists, or he doesn't, or she doesn't.

Oh it is so much more than that. It's just the only thing we could begin to perceive. Everything in the third dimension could be interpreted to be a god fart considering how many higher dimensions there are.

I agree, we dont know how many dimensions there are or if a conscious entity could exist in dimensions greater than the ones we can perceive.

Why would you believe a book written in a time before even the smallest bits of knowledge was collected on how the universe works. Think about the intelligence level of man 2000+ years ago and you are going to believe them over the scientific method? I get the need to believe in a reason for life that makes you feel worth something but in the end you are believe a lie because you are to scared of the alternative

Belief in God is blasphemy. God so created the earth to appear it is billions of years old, and evolved naturally over time.
To believe in God is to say "Aha! but I looked behind the curtain and saw your hand at work!".
God went to great lengths to disguise His influence, but you want to call Him out as a mere wizard.

Don't care but religious people trigger me or annoy me.

Men 2000 years ago were no less intelligent than men today, they were just less knowledgeable in the application of their intelligence.

I remain open to the idea but I have not yet been convinced.

If god made man in his image, then what are Gods nipples for? What are my hairy nipples for?

Why does God look like a monkey

Thinking about the quantum level gives me enough of a headache. Much less "time beings" or greater.

What about non-binary gendered deities user? Either god exists or he/she/they/ze/zimzam/flip flamitty wim wop doesn't.

Yes, He exists whether you like it or not.

That video is dumb. Flat earthers desire a conspiracy, that doesn't mean that the desire for something makes it true.

Is zues real too?


How do you know?

And His name is الله.

and yes, I take the flying spaghetti monster as my lord and saviour.

obviously no such thing as zues, maybe you meant Zeus

They probably actually were less intelligent due to poorer nutrition and less mental stimulation available

God says so.

You mean people today are less intelligent due to poorer nutrition and less mental stimulation available

>food research
>mandatory schooling
>extensive higher education

>"Health" foods
>Holistic/Homeopathic remedies
>American education

Well, obviously

Everywhere else is doing pretty good though

But America is the only first world nation, they said so on TV.