True or false: might is right

True or false: might is right.


so false?

Neither true or false

We didn't climb to the top of the food chain through might.

what then?

through what then

Neither, you dumb cunt.

It's not true that 'might is right' and nor is false.

Your "rights" are just someone else's obligations. Might can make obligations and enforce them and most guaranteed rights probably originated by some form of conflict but at this point they have been institutionalized and programmed into the psyche of individuals.

Intellect, dumbass.

how? why? explain

intellect is our might, so that makes the statement true

read rousseau's social contract or carlyle's theory of rights, depending on which way you swing

Neither applies for the powerful aka. rich.

That book is for satanists and skinhead degenerates. If you follow the principles outlined therein you will never found a government or make a scientific discovery. Stop trying to validate your shitty life choices by reducing what it means to be human into a ridiculous false dichotomy.

Isn't this book where LaVey plagiarized most of The Satanic Bible from?

>found a government
And this is a good thing because..?


Wish it wasn't so true, though.


To ensure you are protected, empowered, and free. user don't be such a angsty, whiny cunt.

How does it feel to live in fantasy land?

this book is very red pilled, what are you on about?

Might doesnt have have moral value. Might is might thats it, we decide whether its right or wrong

red pilled maxims from that book:

>If a man smite you on one cheek, smash him down; smite him hip and thigh, for self-preservation is the highest law.

>The natural world is a world of war; the natural man is a warrior; the natural law is tooth and claw. All else is error.

>Human rights and wrongs are not determined by Justice, but by Might. Disguise it as you may, the naked sword is still king-maker and king-breaker, as of yore. All other theories are lies and — lures.

>Women shed tears; Men shed blood. Cowards serve masters. Bold men make themselves Masters.

>Always think your own thought.
All other thoughts reject;
Learn to use your own brain
And boldly stand erect.

can't become anymore red pilled than that

The once and future king is good reading on this.

>Always think your own thought.
The ironing

Plato (or Socrates) proves this wrong in the first 15 pages of the Republic.

>Cowards serve masters. Bold men make themselves Masters.

>If a man smite you on one cheek, smash him down; smite him hip and thigh, for self-preservation is the highest law.

Then why is it that cowards and passive aggressive chicken hawks dominate and rule the strong, bold and violent?

Moving the goal posts. Also this admits (if honest) that weakness can in some cases lead to greater strength, which is anathema to your perspective.

>Might is the sovereign of the world, and not opinion.—But opinion makes use of might.—It is might that makes opinion. Gentleness is beautiful in our opinion. Why? Because he who will dance on a rope will be alone,[120] and I will gather a stronger mob of people who will say that it is unbecoming.


If you believe in The Forms (or some pertt version of The Forms like Jesus Christina): No

If you believe in any empirical evidence void of humanistic embellishment: Yes

right is might